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USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Science

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Provisional data, subject to review

Picture of historic flooding, Sept. 2009, in Atlanta, Georgia (Peachtree Creek)


Flood-Inundation Model of the Flint River at Albany, Georgia

Potential flow characteristics of future flooding along a 4.8-mile reach of the Flint River in Albany, Georgia, were simulated using recent digital-elevation-model data and the U.S. Geological Survey finite-element surface-water modeling system for two-dimensional flow in the horizontal plane (FESWMS-2DH). Simulated inundated areas, in 1-foot (ft) increments, were created for water-surface altitudes at the Flint River at Albany streamgage (02352500) from 192.5-ft altitude with a flow of 123,000 cubic feet per second (ft3/s) to 179.5-ft altitude with a flow of 52,500 ft3/s.

 The study is available as USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5107 (12 Mb PDF)

Flood-Inundation Model of the Flint River at Albany, Georgia

Use the links below to download flood-inundation images and geospatial data. For each stage, data is offered in two formats:

  • JPG: Low resolution images (250 Kb)
  • PDF: High resolution images (400 Kb)
 JPG Image
(low resolution)
Flood Inundation
Flood Hazard
Altitude of 179.5 feet NAVD88
Altitude of 180.5 feet NAVD88
Altitude of 181.5 feet NAVD88
Altitude of 182.5 feet NAVD88
Altitude of 183.5 feet NAVD88
Altitude of 184.5 feet NAVD88
Altitude of 185.5 feet NAVD88
Altitude of 186.5 feet NAVD88
Altitude of 187.5 feet NAVD88
Altitude of 188.5 feet NAVD88
Altitude of 189.5 feet NAVD88
Altitude of 190.5 feet NAVD88
Altitude of 191.5 feet NAVD88
Altitude of 192.5 feet NAVD88

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Page Contact Information: Marie Peppler
Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 25-Feb-2014 09:07:49 EST