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Title: 1970's Land use data refined with 1990 population data to indicate new residential development for the conterminous United States
Metadata: newlu90g
Preview Page: newlu90g
Title: 1970's Land use data refined with 2000 population data to indicate new residential development for the conterminous United States
Metadata: newlu00g
Preview Page: newlu00g
Title: 1980 point population coverage for the Conterminous United States
Metadata: uspop80
Preview Page: uspop80
Title: 1990 point population coverage for the Conterminous United States
Metadata: uspop90
Preview Page: uspop90
Title: 1990 population density by block group for the conterminous United States
Metadata: uspopd90x10g
Preview Page: uspopd90x10g
Title: 1992 County Pesticide Use Estimates for 200 Compounds
Metadata: pesticide_use92
Preview Page: pesticide_use92
Title: 1992 Water-Table Contours of the Mojave River Ground-Water Basin, San Bernardino County, California.
Metadata: cont1992
Preview Page: cont1992
Title: 1994 Water-Table Contours of the Morongo Ground-Water Basin, San Bernardino County, California
Metadata: cont1994
Preview Page: cont1994
Title: 1996 Water-Table Contours of the Mojave River, the Morongo, and the Fort Irwin Ground-Water Basins, San Bernardino County, California
Metadata: cont1996
Preview Page: cont1996
Title: 1997 County Pesticide Use Estimates for 220 Compounds
Metadata: pesticide_use97
Preview Page: pesticide_use97
Title: 1998 Water-Table Contours of the Mojave River and the Morongo Ground-Water Basins, San Bernardino County, California
Metadata: cont1998
Preview Page: cont1998
Title: 1:1,000,000-scale areas of evapotranspiration in the Great Basin
Metadata: ha694c_et1000gb_p
Preview Page: ha694c_et1000gb_p
Title: 1:1,000,000-scale estimated outer extent of areas of groundwater discharge as evapotranspiration for the Great Basin carbonate and alluvial aquifer system of Nevada, Utah, and parts of adjacent states
Metadata: sir2010_5193_GWdisch1000
Preview Page: sir2010_5193_GWdisch1000
Title: 1:1,000,000-scale hydrographic areas and flow systems for the Great Basin carbonate and alluvial aquifer system of Nevada, Utah, and parts of adjacent states
Metadata: sir2010_5193_ha1000
Preview Page: sir2010_5193_ha1000
Title: 1:1,000,000-scale Hydrographic Areas of the Great Basin
Metadata: ha694c_ha1000gb
Preview Page: ha694c_ha1000gb
Title: 1:1,000,000-scale large springs for the Great Basin
Metadata: ha694c_spg1000gb_x
Preview Page: ha694c_spg1000gb_x
Title: 1:1,000,000-scale potentiometric contours and control points for the Great Basin carbonate and alluvial aquifer system of Nevada, Utah, and parts of adjacent states
Metadata: sir2010_5193_potentiometric1000
Preview Page: sir2010_5193_potentiometric1000
Title: 1:100,000-scale Counties of the United States
Metadata: county100
Preview Page: county100
Title: 1:2,000,000-scale Counties of the United States
Metadata: county2m
Preview Page: county2m
Title: 1:2,000,000-scale Digital Line Graph files of streams
Metadata: stream
Preview Page: stream
Title: 1:2,000,000-scale Hydrologic Units of the United States (OLDER)
Metadata: huc2m_v112
Preview Page: huc2m_v112
Title: 1:2,000,000-scale Hydrologic Units of the United States (SUPERSEDED)
Metadata: huc2m
Preview Page: huc2m
Title: 1:2,000,000-scale state boundaries of the conterminous United States
Metadata: states2m
Preview Page: states2m
Title: 1:24,000-scale Hydrographic Areas for Humboldt River Basin, Nevada
Metadata: ha24_hum
Preview Page: ha24_hum
Title: 1:250,000-scale geology of the Carson River Basin, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir2004-5186_geol250
Preview Page: sir2004-5186_geol250
Title: 1:250,000-scale geology of the Dry Valley Hydrographic Area, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir2004-5155_geol250
Preview Page: sir2004-5155_geol250
Title: 1:250,000-scale Hydrologic Units of the United States
Metadata: huc250k
Preview Page: huc250k
Title: 1:500,000-scale dissolved solids in ground water in the Basin and Range Province of Nevada
Metadata: wrir84-4119c_ds500nv
Preview Page: wrir84-4119c_ds500nv
Title: 1:750,000-scale hydrographic areas and basin-wide pumpage, recharge and interbasin flow estimates of Nevada
Metadata: nv_ha750nv
Preview Page: nv_ha750nv
Title: 1:750,000-scale static ground-water levels of Nevada
Metadata: nv_dtw750nv_l
Preview Page: nv_dtw750nv_l
Title: 2000 population density by block group for the conterminous United States
Metadata: uspopd00x10g
Preview Page: uspopd00x10g
Title: 2000 Water-Table Contours of the Mojave River and the Morongo Ground-Water Basins, San Bernardino County, California
Metadata: cont2000
Preview Page: cont2000
Title: 2002 Water-Table Contours of the Mojave River and the Morongo Ground-Water Basins, San Bernardino County, California
Metadata: cont2002
Preview Page: cont2002
Title: 2010 Water-Table Contours of the Mojave River and the Morongo Groundwater Basins, San Bernardino County, California
Metadata: cont2010
Preview Page: cont2010
Title: 2011 Groundhog Reservoir Bathymetric Contours
Metadata: sim2012-3202GroundhogResContours
Preview Page: sim2012-3202GroundhogResContours
Title: 2011 Totten Reservoir Bathymetric Contours
Metadata: sim2012-3203TottenResContours
Preview Page: sim2012-3203TottenResContours
Title: 2012 Water Levels - Mojave River and the Morongo Groundwater Basins
Metadata: cont2012
Preview Page: cont2012
Title: 30-Meter-Resolution Grid of 1990 Counties, Conterminous United States
Metadata: sir2012-5207_co1990g
Preview Page: sir2012-5207_co1990g
Title: 30-Meter-Resolution Grid of 2001 Counties, Conterminous United States
Metadata: sir2012-5207_co2001g
Preview Page: sir2012-5207_co2001g
Title: A 30 meter Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the San Gorgonio Pass area, Riverside County, California.
Metadata: sgpwa_utm27m
Preview Page: sgpwa_utm27m
Title: A Digital Hydrologic Network Supporting NAWQA MRB SPARROW Modeling--MRB_E2RF1
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1
Title: A Digital Hydrologic Network Supporting NAWQA MRB SPARROW Modeling--MRB_E2RF1
Metadata: tmp0001
Preview Page: tmp0001
Title: A Digital Hydrologic Network Supporting NAWQA MRB SPARROW Modeling--MRB_E2RF1WS
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1ws
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1ws
Title: A finite-difference algorithm used to simulate one-dimensional diffusion and adsorption of trichloroethene in a rock matrix
Metadata: shapiro2018_JourContHydrol
Preview Page: shapiro2018_JourContHydrol
Title: A finite-difference algorithm used to simulate radial diffusion, adsorption, and reactions of chlorinated ethenes in porous media
Metadata: hsieh2022_GWMR
Preview Page: hsieh2022_GWMR
Title: A spatially explicit model of long-term mean annual streamflow for the conterminous United States
Metadata: alexander_2019_1
Preview Page: alexander_2019_1
Title: A spatially explicit model of long-term mean annual streamflow for the conterminous United States
Metadata: tmp0000
Preview Page: tmp0000
Title: A Surficial Hydrogeologic Framework for the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain
Metadata: pp1680_frmwrk
Preview Page: pp1680_frmwrk
Title: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling near Myrtle Bend, June 3, 2013, Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID
Metadata: ds889_KR_SEPP_ADCP_Myrtle_Bend
Preview Page: ds889_KR_SEPP_ADCP_Myrtle_Bend
Title: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling near Shorty's Island, June 1, 2012, Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID
Metadata: ds889_KR_SEPP_ADCP_Shortys_Island
Preview Page: ds889_KR_SEPP_ADCP_Shortys_Island
Title: Active Channel for Fanno Creek, Oregon
Metadata: fannoCk_active_chnl
Preview Page: fannoCk_active_chnl
Title: Ada-Vamoosa_aquifer
Metadata: ada-vamoosa_aquifer
Preview Page: ada-vamoosa_aquifer
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of Hunter Creek, Oregon in 1940
Metadata: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Photo_Mosaic_1940
Preview Page: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Photo_Mosaic_1940
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of Hunter Creek, Oregon in 1965
Metadata: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Photo_Mosaic_1965
Preview Page: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Photo_Mosaic_1965
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Applegate River repeat photo sites in 1967
Metadata: ofr2011_1280_Applegate_Photo_Mosaic_1967
Preview Page: ofr2011_1280_Applegate_Photo_Mosaic_1967
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Bandon Reach, Coquille River, Oregon in 1939
Metadata: ofr2012_1064_Bandon_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Preview Page: ofr2012_1064_Bandon_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Bridge Reach, Middle Fork Coquille River, Oregon in 1939
Metadata: ofr2012_1064_MiddleFork_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Preview Page: ofr2012_1064_MiddleFork_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Galice Reach repeat photo site in 1969
Metadata: ofr2011_1280_Galice_Photo_Mosaic_1969
Preview Page: ofr2011_1280_Galice_Photo_Mosaic_1969
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Grants Pass Reach repeat photo site in 1967
Metadata: ofr2011_1280_Grants_Pass_Photo_Mosaic_1967
Preview Page: ofr2011_1280_Grants_Pass_Photo_Mosaic_1967
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Gravelford Reach, North Fork Coquille River and Myrtle Point Reach, South Fork Coquille River, Oregon in 1939
Metadata: ofr2012_1064_NorthFork_and_MyrtlePoint_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Preview Page: ofr2012_1064_NorthFork_and_MyrtlePoint_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Illinois River repeat photo site in 1969
Metadata: ofr2011_1280_Illinois_Photo_Mosaic_1969
Preview Page: ofr2011_1280_Illinois_Photo_Mosaic_1969
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Lobster Creek Reach repeat photo sites in 1969
Metadata: ofr2011_1280_Lobster_Creek_Photo_Mosaic_1969
Preview Page: ofr2011_1280_Lobster_Creek_Photo_Mosaic_1969
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Merlin Reach repeat photo site in 1967
Metadata: ofr2011_1280_Merlin_Photo_Mosaic_1967
Preview Page: ofr2011_1280_Merlin_Photo_Mosaic_1967
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Miami River, Tillamook basin, Oregon in 1939
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Miami_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Miami_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Nehalem River, Oregon in 1939
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Nehalem River, Oregon in 1967
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Photo_Mosaic_1967
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Photo_Mosaic_1967
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Powers Reach and Broadbent Reach, South Fork Coquille River, Oregon in 1939
Metadata: ofr2012_1064_SouthFork_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Preview Page: ofr2012_1064_SouthFork_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the South Fork Coquille, Middle Fork Coquille, North Fork Coquille, and Coquille Rivers, Oregon in 1967
Metadata: ofr2012_1064_CoquilleRiver_Photo_Mosaic_1967
Preview Page: ofr2012_1064_CoquilleRiver_Photo_Mosaic_1967
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Tidal Reach repeat photo site in 1969
Metadata: ofr2011_1280_Tidal_Photo_Mosaic_1969
Preview Page: ofr2011_1280_Tidal_Photo_Mosaic_1969
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Tillamook and Trask Rivers, Tillamook basin, Oregon in 1939
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Trask_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Trask_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Tillamook basin, Oregon in 1967
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_TillamookBasin_Photo_Mosaic_1967
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_TillamookBasin_Photo_Mosaic_1967
Title: Aerial photo mosaic of the Wilson and Kilchis Rivers, Tillamook basin, Oregon in 1939
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Wilson_Kilchis_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Wilson_Kilchis_Photo_Mosaic_1939
Title: Agricultural Waste Management Systems on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice 312
Metadata: nri92_cp312
Preview Page: nri92_cp312
Title: Alaska unconsolidated-deposit aquifer
Metadata: alaska_unconsolidated-deposit_aquifer
Preview Page: alaska_unconsolidated-deposit_aquifer
Title: Algorithms for model parameter estimation and state estimation applied to a state-space model for one-dimensional vertical infiltration incorporating snowmelt rate as a system input
Metadata: shapiro2022_groundwater
Preview Page: shapiro2022_groundwater
Title: Algorithms for model parameter estimation, state estimation, and forecasting applied to a State-Space model coupled with the Kalman Filter for one-dimensional vertical infiltration to fractured rock aquifers
Metadata: shapiro2021_wrr
Preview Page: shapiro2021_wrr
Title: Alluvial and Glacial Aquifers
Metadata: alluvial_and_glacial_aquifers
Preview Page: alluvial_and_glacial_aquifers
Title: Alluvial basin statistics of the Southwest Principal Aquifers (SWPA) study.
Metadata: sir2008-5239_swpa_basin_stats
Preview Page: sir2008-5239_swpa_basin_stats
Title: Alluvial Boundary of California's Central Valley
Metadata: pp1766_Alluvial_Bnd
Preview Page: pp1766_Alluvial_Bnd
Title: Altitude of the bottom of the Trinidad Sandstone in the Raton Basin, Las Animas County, Colorado
Metadata: sir-06-5129_alt_bottom_trinidad_con
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_alt_bottom_trinidad_con
Title: Altitude of the top of the basal confining unit in the Powder River structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_basal_confining_unit_in_Powder_River_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_basal_confining_unit_in_Powder_River_basin
Title: Altitude of the top of the basal confining unit in the Williston structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_basal_confining_unit_in_Williston_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_basal_confining_unit_in_Williston_basin
Title: Altitude of the top of the combined Lower Hell Creek and Fox Hills aquifers in the Powder River structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_combined_Lower_Hell_Creek_and_Fox_Hills_aquifers_in_Powder_River_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_combined_Lower_Hell_Creek_and_Fox_Hills_aquifers_in_Powder_River_basin
Title: Altitude of the top of the Fox Hills aquifer in the Williston structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_Fox_Hills_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_Fox_Hills_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Title: Altitude of the top of the lower Fort Union aquifer in the Powder River structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_lower_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Powder_River_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_lower_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Powder_River_basin
Title: Altitude of the top of the lower Fort Union aquifer in the Williston structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_lower_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_lower_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Title: Altitude of the top of the Lower Hell Creek aquifer in the Williston structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_Lower_Hell_Creek_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_Lower_Hell_Creek_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Title: Altitude of the top of the middle Fort Union hydrogeologic unit in the Powder River structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_middle_Fort_Union_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Powder_River_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_middle_Fort_Union_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Powder_River_basin
Title: Altitude of the top of the middle Fort Union hydrogeologic unit in the Williston structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_middle_Fort_Union_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Williston_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_middle_Fort_Union_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Williston_basin
Title: Altitude of the top of the Raton Formation in the Raton Basin, Las Animas County, Colorado
Metadata: sir-06-5129_alt_top_raton_con
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_alt_top_raton_con
Title: Altitude of the top of the upper Fort Union aquifer in the Powder River structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_upper_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Powder_River_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_upper_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Powder_River_basin
Title: Altitude of the top of the upper Fort Union aquifer in the Williston structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_upper_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_upper_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Title: Altitude of the top of the Upper Hell Creek hydrogeologic unit in the Powder River structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_Upper_Hell_Creek_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Powder_River_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_Upper_Hell_Creek_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Powder_River_basin
Title: Altitude of the top of the Upper Hell Creek hydrogeologic unit in the Williston structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_Upper_Hell_Creek_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Williston_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_altitude_of_top_of_Upper_Hell_Creek_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Williston_basin
Title: Altitudes of the top of model layers for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_model_layers
Preview Page: pp1711_model_layers
Title: Altitudes of the top of model layers for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_model_layers
Preview Page: sir045205_model_layers
Title: Altitudes of the top of model layers in the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_DIS
Preview Page: pp1766_DIS
Title: Annual county atrazine use estimates for agriculture, 1992-2007
Metadata: sir2010-5034
Preview Page: sir2010-5034
Title: Annual Estimates of Water-Budget Components Based on Hydrograph Separation and PRISM Precipitation for Gaged Basins in the Appalachian Plateaus Region, 1900-2011
Metadata: ds944_pmas_Annual_WaterBudget
Preview Page: ds944_pmas_Annual_WaterBudget
Title: Anza-Terwilliger hydrogeologic structures in Riverside County, California
Metadata: anza_hydrogeologic_structures
Preview Page: anza_hydrogeologic_structures
Title: Anza-Terwilliger study wells in Riverside County, California
Metadata: anza_study_wells
Preview Page: anza_study_wells
Title: Application of fertilizer nitrogen to farm land in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_FertilizerDistribution_Farm_fert_n
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_FertilizerDistribution_Farm_fert_n
Title: Application of fertilizer nitrogen to nonfarm land in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_FertilizerDistribution_Nonfarm_nfert_n
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_FertilizerDistribution_Nonfarm_nfert_n
Title: Application of fertilizer phosphorus to farm land in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_FertilizerDistribution_Farm_fert_p
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_FertilizerDistribution_Farm_fert_p
Title: Application of fertilizer phosphorus to nonfarm land in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_FertilizerDistribution_Nonfarm_nfert_p
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_FertilizerDistribution_Nonfarm_nfert_p
Title: Application of hierarchical Bayesian methods to a spatially explicit model of long-term mean annual streamflow for the conterminous United States
Metadata: alexander_2019_2
Preview Page: alexander_2019_2
Title: Application of nitrogen generated by cattle at dairies and feedlots to farm land in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_ConfinedCattle_conf_n
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_ConfinedCattle_conf_n
Title: Application of nitrogen generated by grazing cattle to range land in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_Rangeland_range_n
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_Rangeland_range_n
Title: Application of nitrogen generated by non-cattle livestock to pasture land in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_Pasture_past_n
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_Pasture_past_n
Title: Application of phosphorus generated by cattle at dairies and feedlots to farm land in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_ConfinedCattle_conf_p
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_ConfinedCattle_conf_p
Title: Application of phosphorus generated by grazing cattle to range land in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_Rangeland_range_p
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_Rangeland_range_p
Title: Application of phosphorus generated by non-cattle livestock to pasture land in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_Pasture_past_p
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_Pasture_past_p
Title: Approximate western limit of glaciation within the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, Sioux County, North Dakota, and Corson County, South Dakota
Metadata: ds102_glac_limit
Preview Page: ds102_glac_limit
Title: Aquatic ecoregions of the conterminous United States
Metadata: ecoregion
Preview Page: ecoregion
Title: Aquifer Boundary of the Wood River Valley Aquifer System, South-Central Idaho
Metadata: sir12-5053_AqfExt
Preview Page: sir12-5053_AqfExt
Title: Aquifer vulnerability for Colorado and New Mexico
Metadata: ofr2014-1158_co_nm_drastic
Preview Page: ofr2014-1158_co_nm_drastic
Title: Arbuckle-Simpson aquifer
Metadata: arbuckle-simpson_aquifer
Preview Page: arbuckle-simpson_aquifer
Title: ArcHydro 8-digit HUC datasets for Hawaii StreamStats
Metadata: ds680_archydrohucs
Preview Page: ds680_archydrohucs
Title: ArcHydro 8-digit HUC datasets for Idaho StreamStats
Metadata: ds412_archydrohucs
Preview Page: ds412_archydrohucs
Title: ArcHydro global datasets for Hawaii StreamStats
Metadata: ds680_archydroglobal
Preview Page: ds680_archydroglobal
Title: ArcHydro global datasets for Idaho StreamStats
Metadata: ds412_archydroglobal
Preview Page: ds412_archydroglobal
Title: Arcs Representing Potential Streamflow-loss Zones in Lawrence County, SD
Metadata: sd_lcsens_lz
Preview Page: sd_lcsens_lz
Title: Area of aquifer contours enhanced with airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys of the principal aquifer for portions of the North Platte, South Platte, and Twin Platte Natural Resources Districts, western Nebraska
Metadata: sim3310_tpnrd_AEM_area_2014
Preview Page: sim3310_tpnrd_AEM_area_2014
Title: Area where the Arikaree aquifer is absent, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and Bennett County, South Dakota
Metadata: sim2993_arkr_abs
Preview Page: sim2993_arkr_abs
Title: Area- and Depth-Weighted Averages of Selected SSURGO Variables for the Conterminous United States and District of Columbia
Metadata: ds866_ssurgo_variables
Preview Page: ds866_ssurgo_variables
Title: Areas permitted for irrigation, storage, evaporation, and disposal of treated sewage effluent in the upper Carson River Basin, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir2004-5186_eff_p
Preview Page: sir2004-5186_eff_p
Title: Areas with access to municipal sewer service in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_SewageTreatment_Sewered_SeweredAreas
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_SewageTreatment_Sewered_SeweredAreas
Title: Arid land irrigation in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2001 summarized for NHDPlus v2 catchments
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_EastsideIrrigation_summary
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_EastsideIrrigation_summary
Title: Arid land irrigation in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2001
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_EastsideIrrigation_eastside_irr
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_EastsideIrrigation_eastside_irr
Title: Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002 summarized for NHDPlus v2 catchments
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_summary
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_summary
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Average Atmospheric (Wet) Deposition of Inorganic Nitrogen, 2002
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_atdep
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_atdep
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: 30-Year Average Annual Precipitation, 1971-2000
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_ppt30yr
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_ppt30yr
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: 30-Year Average Annual Precipitation, 1971-2000
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_tmax30yr
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_tmax30yr
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: 30-Year Average Daily Minimum Temperature, 1971-2000
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_tmin30yr
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_tmin30yr
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Artificial Drainage (1992) and Irrigation (1997)
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_adrain
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_adrain
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Average Daily Maximum Temperature, 2002
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_tmax02
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_tmax02
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Average Daily Minimum Temperature, 2002
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_tmin02
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_tmin02
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Average Saturation Excess-Overland Flow, 2002
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_satof
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_satof
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Base-Flow Index, 2002
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_bfi
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_bfi
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Basin Characteristics, 2002
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_bchar
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_bchar
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Bedrock Geology
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_bgeol
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_bgeol
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Estimated Mean Annual Natural Groundwater Recharge, 2002
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_recharge
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_recharge
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Hydrologic Landscape Regions
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_hlr
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_hlr
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Level 3 Ecoregions
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_eco3
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_eco3
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Level 3 Nutrient Ecoregions, 2002
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_neco
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_neco
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Mean Annual R-factor, 1971-2000
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_rfact30
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_rfact30
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Mean Infiltration-Excess Overland Flow, 2002
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_ieof
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_ieof
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: NLCD 2001 Imperviousness
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_imperv
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_imperv
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: NLCD 2001 Land Use and Land Cover
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_nlcd01
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_nlcd01
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: NLCD 2001 Tree Canopy
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_canopy
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_canopy
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Normalized Atmospheric Deposition for 2002, Ammonium (NH4)
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_nh4
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_nh4
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Normalized Atmospheric Deposition for 2002, Nitrate (NO3)
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_no3
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_no3
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Normalized Atmospheric Deposition for 2002, Total Inorganic Nitrogen
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_tin
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_tin
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Nutrient Application (Phosphorus and Nitrogen) for Fertilizer and Manure Applied to Crops (Cropsplit), 2002
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_cropsplit
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_cropsplit
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Nutrient Inputs from Fertilizer and Manure, Nitrogen and Phosphorus (N&P), 2002
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_nutrients
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_nutrients
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Physiographic Provinces
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_physio
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_physio
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: STATSGO Soil Characteristics
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_statsgo
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_statsgo
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States: Surficial Geology
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_sgeol
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_sgeol
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major Rivers Basins in the Conterminous United States: Total Precipitation, 2002
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_ppt02
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_ppt02
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments in Selected Major River Basins of the Conterminous United States: Contact Time, 2002
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_contact
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_contact
Title: Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments in Selected Major River Basins: Population Density, 2000
Metadata: mrb_e2rf1_popd00
Preview Page: mrb_e2rf1_popd00
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Estimated Mean Annual Natural Groundwater Recharge, 2002
Metadata: nhd_recharge
Preview Page: nhd_recharge
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: 30-Year Average Annual Maximum Temperature, 1971-2000
Metadata: nhd_tmax30yr
Preview Page: nhd_tmax30yr
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: 30-Year Average Annual Minimum Temperature, 1971-2000
Metadata: nhd_tmin30yr
Preview Page: nhd_tmin30yr
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: 30-Year Average Annual Precipitation, 1971-2000
Metadata: nhd_ppt30yr
Preview Page: nhd_ppt30yr
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Average Annual Daily Maximum Temperature, 2002
Metadata: nhd_tmax02
Preview Page: nhd_tmax02
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Average Annual Daily Minimum Temperature, 2002
Metadata: nhd_tmin02
Preview Page: nhd_tmin02
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Average Atmospheric (Wet) Deposition of Inorganic Nitrogen, 2002
Metadata: nhd_atdep
Preview Page: nhd_atdep
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Average Monthly Precipitation, 2002
Metadata: nhd_ppt02
Preview Page: nhd_ppt02
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Average Saturation Excess-Overland Flow, 2002
Metadata: nhd_satof
Preview Page: nhd_satof
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Base-Flow Index
Metadata: nhd_bfi
Preview Page: nhd_bfi
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Hydrologic Landscape Regions
Metadata: nhd_hlr
Preview Page: nhd_hlr
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Level 3 Ecoregions
Metadata: nhd_eco3
Preview Page: nhd_eco3
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Mean Annual R-factor, 1971-2000
Metadata: nhd_rfact30
Preview Page: nhd_rfact30
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Mean Infiltration-Excess Overland Flow, 2002
Metadata: nhd_ieof
Preview Page: nhd_ieof
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: NLCD 2001 Imperviousness
Metadata: nhd_imperv
Preview Page: nhd_imperv
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: NLCD 2001 Land Use and Land Cover
Metadata: nhd_nlcd01
Preview Page: nhd_nlcd01
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: NLCD 2001 Tree Canopy
Metadata: nhd_canopy
Preview Page: nhd_canopy
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Normalized Atmospheric Deposition for 2002, Ammonium (NH4)
Metadata: nhd_nh4
Preview Page: nhd_nh4
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Normalized Atmospheric Deposition for 2002, Nitrate (NO3)
Metadata: nhd_no3
Preview Page: nhd_no3
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Normalized Atmospheric Deposition for 2002, Total Inorganic Nitrogen
Metadata: nhd_tin02
Preview Page: nhd_tin02
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Nutrient Application (Phosphorus and Nitrogen ) for Fertilizer and Manure Applied to Crops (Cropsplit), 2002
Metadata: nhd_cropsplit02
Preview Page: nhd_cropsplit02
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Nutrient Inputs from Fertilizer and Manure, Nitrogen and Phosphorus (N&P), 2002
Metadata: nhd_nutrients
Preview Page: nhd_nutrients
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Physiographic Provinces
Metadata: nhd_physio
Preview Page: nhd_physio
Title: Attributes for NHDplus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Population Density, 2000
Metadata: nhd_popd00
Preview Page: nhd_popd00
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: STATSGO Soil Characteristics
Metadata: nhd_statsgo
Preview Page: nhd_statsgo
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) for the Conterminous United States: Surficial Geology
Metadata: nhd_sgeol
Preview Page: nhd_sgeol
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) in the Conterminous United States: Artificial Drainage (1992) and Irrigation Types (1997)
Metadata: nhd_adrain
Preview Page: nhd_adrain
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1) in the Conterminous United States: Bedrock Geology
Metadata: nhd_bgeol
Preview Page: nhd_bgeol
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1): Basin Characteristics, 2002
Metadata: nhd_bchar
Preview Page: nhd_bchar
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1): Level 3 Nutrient Ecoregions, 2002
Metadata: nhd_neco
Preview Page: nhd_neco
Title: Attributes for NHDPlus Catchments (Version 1.1)for the Conterminous United States: Contact Time, 2002
Metadata: nhd_contact
Preview Page: nhd_contact
Title: Availability of shallow ground-water resources within the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, Sioux County, North Dakota, and Corson County, South Dakota
Metadata: ds102_gw_resources
Preview Page: ds102_gw_resources
Title: Available Water Capacity for the Upper Colorado River Basin in Daymet Climate Data resolution (awc_UCRB_Daymet_resolution.txt)
Metadata: ofr_2015_1160_awc_daymet_resolution
Preview Page: ofr_2015_1160_awc_daymet_resolution
Title: Available Water Capacity for the Upper Colorado River Basin in Maurer et al. (2002) Climate Data resolution (awc_UCRB_Maurer_resolution.asc)
Metadata: ofr_2015_1160_awc_maurer_resolution
Preview Page: ofr_2015_1160_awc_maurer_resolution
Title: Average annual runoff in the United States, 1951-80
Metadata: runoff
Preview Page: runoff
Title: Average Estimates of Water-Budget Components Based on Hydrograph Separation and PRISM Precipitation for Gaged Basins in the Appalachian Plateaus Region, 1900-2011
Metadata: ds944_pmas_Average_WaterBudget
Preview Page: ds944_pmas_Average_WaterBudget
Title: Base Contours of the principal aquifer for portions of the North Platte, South Platte, and Twin Platte Natural Resources Districts, western Nebraska
Metadata: sim3310_NPNRD_AEM_aqbase_contour_2014
Preview Page: sim3310_NPNRD_AEM_aqbase_contour_2014
Title: Base Control Points enhanced with airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys of the principal aquifer for portions of the North Platte, South Platte, and Twin Platte Natural Resources Districts, western Nebraska
Metadata: sim3310_SPNRD_ALL_aqbase_control_points_2014
Preview Page: sim3310_SPNRD_ALL_aqbase_control_points_2014
Title: Base control points of the aquifer contours enhanced with airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys of the principal aquifer for portions of the North Platte, South Platte, and Twin Platte Natural Resources Districts, western Nebraska
Metadata: sim3310_NPNRD_ALL_aqbase_control_points_2014
Preview Page: sim3310_NPNRD_ALL_aqbase_control_points_2014
Title: Base of aquifer contour boundary of the principal aquifer for portions of the North Platte, South Platte, and Twin Platte Natural Resources Districts, western Nebraska
Metadata: sim3310_NPNRD_AEM_contour_bound_2014
Preview Page: sim3310_NPNRD_AEM_contour_bound_2014
Title: Base of aquifer contours enhanced with airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys of the principal aquifer for portions of the North Platte, South Platte, and Twin Platte Natural Resources Districts, western Nebraska
Metadata: sim3310_SPNRD_AEM_aqbase_contour_2014
Preview Page: sim3310_SPNRD_AEM_aqbase_contour_2014
Title: Base of aquifer contours for the Northern High Plains aquifer
Metadata: nhp_aquiferbase
Preview Page: nhp_aquiferbase
Title: Base of aquifer contours model enhanced with airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys of the principal aquifer for portions of the North Platte, South Platte, and Twin Platte Natural Resources Districts, western Nebraska
Metadata: sim3310_TPNRD_AEM_aqbase_contour_m_2014
Preview Page: sim3310_TPNRD_AEM_aqbase_contour_m_2014
Title: Base of principal aquifer boundary for portions of the North Platte, South Platte, and Twin Platte Natural Resources Districts, western Nebraska
Metadata: sim3310_AEM_SPNRD_boundary_2014
Preview Page: sim3310_AEM_SPNRD_boundary_2014
Title: Base-flow index grid for the conterminous United States
Metadata: bfi48grd
Preview Page: bfi48grd
Title: Basic (BAS) data file (model grid, active model cells, and hydraulic-head values) for the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_BAS6
Preview Page: pp1766_BAS6
Title: Basin and Range aquifers
Metadata: basin_and_range_aquifers
Preview Page: basin_and_range_aquifers
Title: Basin and Range carbonate-rock aquifers
Metadata: basin_and_range_carbonate-rock_aquifers
Preview Page: basin_and_range_carbonate-rock_aquifers
Title: Basin Centroid Points for Unregulated Streamgagages in and near West Virginia 1930-2011
Metadata: sir2014-5061_streamflow_correlation_points
Preview Page: sir2014-5061_streamflow_correlation_points
Title: Bathymetric Contours for Lake Darling, Washington County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949A_dar_bth_cont
Preview Page: sim06-2949A_dar_bth_cont
Title: Bathymetric Contours for Lake Minnewashta, Dickinson County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949C_min_bth_cont
Preview Page: sim06-2949C_min_bth_cont
Title: Bathymetric Contours for Littlefield Lake, Audubon County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949B_litt_bth_cont
Preview Page: sim06-2949B_litt_bth_cont
Title: Bathymetric Contours for Nine Eagles Lake, Decatur County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06_2949D_eag_bth_cont
Preview Page: sim06_2949D_eag_bth_cont
Title: Bathymetric Contours for Prairie Rose Lake, Shelby County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949E_pr_bth_cont
Preview Page: sim06-2949E_pr_bth_cont
Title: Bathymetric Contours for Upper Gar Lake, Dickinson County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949F_ugar_bth_cont
Preview Page: sim06-2949F_ugar_bth_cont
Title: Bathymetric Survey Data for the São Francisco River near Torrinha, Bahia, Brazil, 2014
Metadata: ds965_SFR_Bathymetry_2014
Preview Page: ds965_SFR_Bathymetry_2014
Title: Bathymetry Data for Portions of Lower Granite Reservoir and Vicinity, Washington and Idaho, 2009-10
Metadata: sir2012-5089
Preview Page: sir2012-5089
Title: Bathymetry data for the post-construction survey of the Emergent Sandbar Habitat project at river mile 761.4 downstream from Gavins Point dam on the Missouri River.
Metadata: ofr07-1056_dn_post_bathy.shp
Preview Page: ofr07-1056_dn_post_bathy.shp
Title: Bathymetry data for the post-construction survey of the Emergent Sandbar Habitat project at river mile 769.8 downstream from Gavins Point Dam on the Missouri River.
Metadata: ofr07-1056_up_post_bathy.shp
Preview Page: ofr07-1056_up_post_bathy.shp
Title: Bathymetry data for the pre-construction survey of the Emergent Sandbar Habitat project at river mile 761.4 downstream from Gavins Point dam on the Missouri River.
Metadata: ofr07-1056_dn_pre_bathy.shp
Preview Page: ofr07-1056_dn_pre_bathy.shp
Title: Bathymetry data for the pre-construction survey of the Emergent Sandbar Habitat project at river mile 769.8 downstream from Gavins Point Dam on the Missouri River.
Metadata: ofr07-1056_up_pre_bathy.shp
Preview Page: ofr07-1056_up_pre_bathy.shp
Title: Bedrock Geology of the turkey Creek Drainage Basin, Jefferson County, Colorado
Metadata: ofr00-265_geol
Preview Page: ofr00-265_geol
Title: Biscayne aquifer
Metadata: biscayne_aquifer
Preview Page: biscayne_aquifer
Title: Blaine aquifer
Metadata: blaine_aquifer
Preview Page: blaine_aquifer
Title: Borehole locations and top surface altitudes of each of the 16 hydrostratigraphic layers of the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina (pp1773_unit_alt_boreholes)
Metadata: pp1773_unit_alt_boreholes
Preview Page: pp1773_unit_alt_boreholes
Title: Boundary of the area contributing flow to the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_dvrfs_harrill_contarea
Preview Page: pp1711_dvrfs_harrill_contarea
Title: Boundary of the area contributing flow to the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_dvrfs_harrill_contarea
Preview Page: sir045205_dvrfs_harrill_contarea
Title: Boundary of the Death Valley region by Bedinger and others (1989), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_bnd_dv_pp1370f
Preview Page: pp1711_bnd_dv_pp1370f
Title: Boundary of the Death Valley region by Bedinger and others (1989), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_bnd_dv_pp1370f
Preview Page: sir045205_bnd_dv_pp1370f
Title: Boundary of the Eagle River Watershed Valley-Fill Aquifer, Eagle County, North-Central Colorado, 2006-2007
Metadata: sir095082_bnd
Preview Page: sir095082_bnd
Title: Boundary of the ground-water flow model by D'Agnese and others (1997), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_bnd_model_wri964300
Preview Page: pp1711_bnd_model_wri964300
Title: Boundary of the ground-water flow model by D'Agnese and others (1997), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_bnd_model_wri964300
Preview Page: sir045205_bnd_model_wri964300
Title: Boundary of the ground-water flow model by IT Corporation (1996), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_ugta_flow_bnd
Preview Page: pp1711_ugta_flow_bnd
Title: Boundary of the ground-water flow model by IT Corporation (1996), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_ugta_flow_bnd
Preview Page: sir045205_ugta_flow_bnd
Title: Boundary of the hydrogeologic framework model by IT Corporation (1996), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_ugta_hfm_bnd
Preview Page: pp1711_ugta_hfm_bnd
Title: Boundary of the hydrogeologic framework model by IT Corporation (1996), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_ugta_hfm_bnd
Preview Page: sir045205_ugta_hfm_bnd
Title: Boundary of the southwestern Nevada volcanic field from Laczniak and others (1996), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_swnvf
Preview Page: pp1711_swnvf
Title: Boundary of the southwestern Nevada volcanic field from Laczniak and others (1996), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_swnvf
Preview Page: sir045205_swnvf
Title: Braided Reach Cross-Section Monitoring Surveys, Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, Idaho, 2011
Metadata: ds694_braided_reach_2011
Preview Page: ds694_braided_reach_2011
Title: Buried valleys within the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, Sioux County, North Dakota, and Corson County, South Dakota
Metadata: ds102_bur_valleys
Preview Page: ds102_bur_valleys
Title: California Coastal Basin aquifers
Metadata: california_coastal_basin_aquifers
Preview Page: california_coastal_basin_aquifers
Title: Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer system
Metadata: cambrian-ordovician_aquifer_system
Preview Page: cambrian-ordovician_aquifer_system
Title: Capacitively coupled average resistivity of the Interstate and Tri-State Canals within Sioux and Scotts Bluff Counties in western Nebraska and Goshen County in eastern Wyoming
Metadata: sir20065032_averhoCC
Preview Page: sir20065032_averhoCC
Title: Castle Hayne aquifer
Metadata: castle_hayne_aquifer
Preview Page: castle_hayne_aquifer
Title: Categories used to classify the basin-fill deposits in the Central Valley
Metadata: pp1766_texture_class_coarse_fine
Preview Page: pp1766_texture_class_coarse_fine
Title: Central Oklahoma aquifer
Metadata: central_oklahoma_aquifer
Preview Page: central_oklahoma_aquifer
Title: Central Valley aquifer system
Metadata: central_valley_aquifer_system
Preview Page: central_valley_aquifer_system
Title: Changes in the potentiometric-surface altitude of the confined aquifer, Wood River Valley aquifer system, south-central Idaho, October 2006 to October 2012.
Metadata: sir2014-5151_conf2006-12
Preview Page: sir2014-5151_conf2006-12
Title: Changes in the water-table altitude of the unconfined aquifer, Wood River Valley aquifer system, south-central Idaho, October 2006 to October 2012.
Metadata: sir2014-5151_unconf2006-12
Preview Page: sir2014-5151_unconf2006-12
Title: Channel centerline for Hunter Creek, Oregon in 1940
Metadata: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Centerline_1940
Preview Page: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Centerline_1940
Title: Channel centerline for Hunter Creek, Oregon in 1965
Metadata: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Centerline_1965
Preview Page: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Centerline_1965
Title: Channel centerline for Hunter Creek, Oregon in 2005
Metadata: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Centerline_2005
Preview Page: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Centerline_2005
Title: Channel centerline for Hunter Creek, Oregon in 2009
Metadata: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Centerline_2009
Preview Page: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Centerline_2009
Title: Channel centerline for the Coquille River, Oregon in 1939
Metadata: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Centerline_1939
Preview Page: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Centerline_1939
Title: Channel centerline for the Coquille River, Oregon in 1967
Metadata: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Centerline_1967
Preview Page: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Centerline_1967
Title: Channel centerline for the Coquille River, Oregon in 2005
Metadata: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Centerline_2005
Preview Page: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Centerline_2005
Title: Channel centerline for the Coquille River, Oregon in 2009
Metadata: erosl1t_06162006_p44r31_l5_usgs_1_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_06162006_p44r31_l5_usgs_1_NAD83
Title: Channel centerline for the Coquille River, Oregon in 2009
Metadata: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Centerline_2009
Preview Page: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Centerline_2009
Title: Channel centerline for the Nehalem River, Oregon in 1939
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Centerline_1939
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Centerline_1939
Title: Channel centerline for the Nehalem River, Oregon in 1967
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Centerline_1967
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Centerline_1967
Title: Channel centerline for the Nehalem River, Oregon in 2005
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Centerline_2005
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Centerline_2005
Title: Channel centerline for the Nehalem River, Oregon in 2009
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Centerline_2009
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Centerline_2009
Title: Channel centerline for the Rogue River, Oregon in 1967 and 1969
Metadata: ofr2011_1280_Rogue_River_Centerline_1967_1969
Preview Page: ofr2011_1280_Rogue_River_Centerline_1967_1969
Title: Channel centerline for the Rogue River, Oregon in 2005
Metadata: ofr2011_1280_Rogue_River_Centerline_2005
Preview Page: ofr2011_1280_Rogue_River_Centerline_2005
Title: Channel centerline for the Rogue River, Oregon in 2009
Metadata: ofr2011_1280_Rogue_River_Centerline_2009
Preview Page: ofr2011_1280_Rogue_River_Centerline_2009
Title: Channel centerline for the Tillamook, Trask, Wilson, Kilchis, and Miami Rivers, Oregon in 1939
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Centerline_1939
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Centerline_1939
Title: Channel centerline for the Tillamook, Trask, Wilson, Kilchis, and Miami Rivers, Oregon in 1967
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Centerline_1967
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Centerline_1967
Title: Channel centerline for the Tillamook, Trask, Wilson, Kilchis, and Miami Rivers, Oregon in 2005
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Centerline_2005
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Centerline_2005
Title: Channel centerline for the Tillamook, Trask, Wilson, Kilchis, and Miami Rivers, Oregon in 2009
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Centerline_2009
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Centerline_2009
Title: City locations for all places in the TIGER files
Metadata: places
Preview Page: places
Title: Classes of land-surface form in the United States
Metadata: na70_landfrm
Preview Page: na70_landfrm
Title: Classification of evapotranspiration units in major discharge areas of Death Valley regional
Metadata: etunit
Preview Page: etunit
Title: Climate Divisions
Metadata: climate_div
Preview Page: climate_div
Title: Coastal lowlands aquifer system
Metadata: coastal_lowlands_aquifer_system
Preview Page: coastal_lowlands_aquifer_system
Title: Color-infrared composite of Landsat data for the Death Valley regional flow system
Metadata: cir92
Preview Page: cir92
Title: Color-infrared composite of Landsat data for the Sarcobatus Flat area of the Death Valley regional flow system
Metadata: cir89
Preview Page: cir89
Title: Colorado Plateaus aquifers
Metadata: colorado_plateau_aquifers
Preview Page: colorado_plateau_aquifers
Title: Columbia Plateau aquifer system
Metadata: columbia_plateau_aquifer_system
Preview Page: columbia_plateau_aquifer_system
Title: Columbia River Estuary Ecosystem Classification Cultural Features
Metadata: creec_cultural_features
Preview Page: creec_cultural_features
Title: Columbia River Estuary Ecosystem Classification Ecosystem Complex
Metadata: creec_ecosystem_complex
Preview Page: creec_ecosystem_complex
Title: Columbia River Estuary Ecosystem Classification Geomorphic Catena
Metadata: creec_geomorphic_catena
Preview Page: creec_geomorphic_catena
Title: Columbia River Estuary Ecosystem Classification Hydrogeomorphic Reach
Metadata: creec_hydrogeomorphic_reach
Preview Page: creec_hydrogeomorphic_reach
Title: Combined Thickness of the Modeled Saddle Mountains Basalt and Mabton Interbed Geomodel Units (smthk_f)
Metadata: sir2010-5246_smthk_f
Preview Page: sir2010-5246_smthk_f
Title: Combined Thickness of the Modeled Wanapum Basalt and Vantage-Latah Interbed Geomodel Units (wnthk_f)
Metadata: sir2010-5246_wnthk_f
Preview Page: sir2010-5246_wnthk_f
Title: Conservation Tillage Systems on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice 329
Metadata: nri92_cp329
Preview Page: nri92_cp329
Title: Contour Farming on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice 330
Metadata: nri92_cp330
Preview Page: nri92_cp330
Title: Contours of Corcoran Clay Depth in feet from Page (1986) for the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_corcoran_clay_depth_feet
Preview Page: pp1766_corcoran_clay_depth_feet
Title: Contours of Corcoran Clay Thickness in feet by Page (1986) for the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_corcoran_clay_thickness_feet
Preview Page: pp1766_corcoran_clay_thickness_feet
Title: Contours of regolith thickness for the Lost Creek Designated Ground Water Basin, Weld, Adams, and Arapahoe Counties, Colorado
Metadata: ds507_regthick_contours
Preview Page: ds507_regthick_contours
Title: County-based estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus content of animal manure in the United States for 1982, 1987, and 1992.
Metadata: manure
Preview Page: manure
Title: County-Level Estimates of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Animal Manure for the Conterminous United States, 2002
Metadata: ofr2013-1065_manure_2002
Preview Page: ofr2013-1065_manure_2002
Title: County-Level Estimates of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Commercial Fertilizer for the Conterminous United States, 1987-2006
Metadata: sir2012-5207_county_fertilizer
Preview Page: sir2012-5207_county_fertilizer
Title: Critical head, thickness of fine-grained deposit, and skeletal elastic storage arrays of the SUB package of the Central Valley Hydrologic Model
Metadata: pp1766_SUB
Preview Page: pp1766_SUB
Title: Daily Reference (RET) and Potential (PET) Evapotranspiration data over Florida, 2018
Metadata: ret_and_pet_over_Florida_2018
Preview Page: ret_and_pet_over_Florida_2018
Title: Data tables of well locations, perforated intervals, and time series of hydraulic-head observations for the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_cvhm_water_level_observations
Preview Page: pp1766_cvhm_water_level_observations
Title: Data to Accompany the Regional Potentiometric-Surface Map of the Great Basin Carbonate and Alluvial Aquifer System in Snake Valley and Surrounding Areas, Juab, Millard, and Beaver Counties, Utah and White Pine and Lincoln Counties, Nevada
Metadata: sim2011_3193_potentiometric
Preview Page: sim2011_3193_potentiometric
Title: Data-Collection Points Along Transects and Around Perimeter at Littlefield Lake, Audubon County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949B_litt_tinpts20
Preview Page: sim06-2949B_litt_tinpts20
Title: Data-Collection Points Along Transects and Around Perimeter at Prairie Rose Lake, Shelby County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949E_pr_tinpts30
Preview Page: sim06-2949E_pr_tinpts30
Title: Data-Collection Points Along Transects and Around Perimeter at Upper Gar Lake, Dickinson County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949F_ugar_tinpts
Preview Page: sim06-2949F_ugar_tinpts
Title: Data-Collection Points Along Transects and Around Perimeter for Lake Darling, Washington County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949A_dar_tinpts
Preview Page: sim06-2949A_dar_tinpts
Title: Data-Collection Points Along Transects and Around Perimeter of Lake Minnewashta, Dickinson County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949C_min_tinpts
Preview Page: sim06-2949C_min_tinpts
Title: Data-Collection Points Along Transects and Around Perimeter of Nine Eagles Lake, Decatur County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06_2949D_eag_tinpts20
Preview Page: sim06_2949D_eag_tinpts20
Title: Delineated Aquifer Boundaries of the Lake Tahoe Basin
Metadata: sim3063_Tahoe_Aquifer
Preview Page: sim3063_Tahoe_Aquifer
Title: Denver Basin aquifer system
Metadata: denver_basin_aquifer_system
Preview Page: denver_basin_aquifer_system
Title: Depth Averaged Streamflow Velocity Data for the São Francisco River near Torrinha, Bahia, Brazil, 2014
Metadata: ds965_SFR_Velocity_2014
Preview Page: ds965_SFR_Velocity_2014
Title: Depth to ground water contours of hydrographic area 153, Diamond Valley, Nevada
Metadata: sir2006-5100_dtwha153_l
Preview Page: sir2006-5100_dtwha153_l
Title: Depth to ground water of Nevada
Metadata: sir2006-5100_dtwnv_g
Preview Page: sir2006-5100_dtwnv_g
Title: Depth to top of the Deadwood Formation
Metadata: sd_ddwd_dep
Preview Page: sd_ddwd_dep
Title: Depth to top of the Inyan Kara Group
Metadata: sd_inkr_dep
Preview Page: sd_inkr_dep
Title: Depth to top of the Madison Limestone
Metadata: sd_mdsn_dep
Preview Page: sd_mdsn_dep
Title: Depth to top of the Minnekahta Limestone
Metadata: sd_mnkt_dep
Preview Page: sd_mnkt_dep
Title: Depth to top of the Minnelusa Formation
Metadata: sd_mnls_dep
Preview Page: sd_mnls_dep
Title: Depth to water in the High Plains Aquifer in Colorado, 2000.
Metadata: ds472_dtw
Preview Page: ds472_dtw
Title: Depth-to-water contours for Carson Valley, Nevada
Metadata: wrir99-4188_dtw
Preview Page: wrir99-4188_dtw
Title: Deserts of the southwestern United States, for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_deserts_sw
Preview Page: pp1711_deserts_sw
Title: Deserts of the southwestern United States, for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_deserts_sw
Preview Page: sir045205_deserts_sw
Title: Difference betweem postconstruction and preconstruction land surface elevation tins on the Missouri River Downstream from Gavins Point Dam near River Mile 761.4.
Metadata: ofr07-1056_dn_diff_tin
Preview Page: ofr07-1056_dn_diff_tin
Title: Difference betweem postconstruction and preconstruction land surface elevation tins on the Missouri River Downstream from Gavins Point Dam near River Mile 769.8.
Metadata: ofr07-1056_up_diff_tin
Preview Page: ofr07-1056_up_diff_tin
Title: Difference between the 2006 and partial-development ground-water conditions for the confined aquifer in the Wood River Valley, south-central Idaho.
Metadata: sir2007-5258confwldifference
Preview Page: sir2007-5258confwldifference
Title: Difference between the 2006 and partial-development ground-water conditions for the unconfined aquifer in the Wood River Valley, south-central Idaho.
Metadata: sir2007-5258wldifference
Preview Page: sir2007-5258wldifference
Title: Digital data set describing ground-water regions in the conterminous US
Metadata: ofr99-77_gwregion
Preview Page: ofr99-77_gwregion
Title: Digital data set describing ground-water regions with unconsolidated watercourses in the conterminous US
Metadata: ofr99-77_gwreguw
Preview Page: ofr99-77_gwreguw
Title: Digital data set describing principal aquifers in the conterminous US
Metadata: ofr99-77_aquif75m
Preview Page: ofr99-77_aquif75m
Title: Digital data set describing surficial geology in the conterminous US
Metadata: ofr99-77_geol75m
Preview Page: ofr99-77_geol75m
Title: Digital data set of water-level changes in the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming, 1980 to 1994
Metadata: ofr99-96_wlc80_94
Preview Page: ofr99-96_wlc80_94
Title: Digital data set of water-level changes in the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming, 1980 to 1995
Metadata: ofr99-197_wlc80_95
Preview Page: ofr99-197_wlc80_95
Title: Digital data set of water-level changes in the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming, 1980 to 1996
Metadata: ofr99-198_wlc80_96
Preview Page: ofr99-198_wlc80_96
Title: Digital data sets describing county water use for 1995 in the conterminous US
Metadata: ofr99-78_cowu95
Preview Page: ofr99-78_cowu95
Title: Digital data sets describing metropolitan areas in the conterminous US
Metadata: ofr99-78_metropop
Preview Page: ofr99-78_metropop
Title: Digital data sets describing population density in the conterminous US
Metadata: ofr99-78_popdeng
Preview Page: ofr99-78_popdeng
Title: Digital data sets describing Toxics Release Inventory locations with 1995 VOC releases in the conterminous US
Metadata: ofr99-78_eftri
Preview Page: ofr99-78_eftri
Title: Digital Data Sets of Depth-Duration Frequency of Precipitation for Oklahoma, USGS OFR 99-463.
Metadata: ofr99-463_contours
Preview Page: ofr99-463_contours
Title: Digital Data Sets of Depth-Duration Frequency of Precipitation for Oklahoma, USGS OFR 99-463.
Metadata: ofr99-463_county
Preview Page: ofr99-463_county
Title: Digital Data Sets of Depth-Duration Frequency of Precipitation for Oklahoma, USGS OFR 99-463.
Metadata: ofr99-463_sites
Preview Page: ofr99-463_sites
Title: Digital Data Sets of Depth-Duration Frequency of Precipitation for Oklahoma, USGS OFR 99-463.
Metadata: ofr99-463_surfaces
Preview Page: ofr99-463_surfaces
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the Beaver-North Canadian River from the panhandle to Canton Lake in northwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-446_aqbound
Preview Page: ofr96-446_aqbound
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the Beaver-North Canadian River from the panhandle to Canton Lake in northwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-446_cond
Preview Page: ofr96-446_cond
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the Beaver-North Canadian River from the panhandle to Canton Lake in northwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-446_recharg
Preview Page: ofr96-446_recharg
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the Beaver-North Canadian River from the panhandle to Canton Lake in northwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-446_wlelev
Preview Page: ofr96-446_wlelev
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the Cimarron River from Freedom to Guthrie in northwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-445_aqbound
Preview Page: ofr96-445_aqbound
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the Cimarron River from Freedom to Guthrie in northwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-445_cond
Preview Page: ofr96-445_cond
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the Cimarron River from Freedom to Guthrie in northwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-445_recharg
Preview Page: ofr96-445_recharg
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the Cimarron River from Freedom to Guthrie in northwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-445_wlelev
Preview Page: ofr96-445_wlelev
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Canton Lake to Lake Overholser in central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-447_aqbound
Preview Page: ofr96-447_aqbound
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Canton Lake to Lake Overholser in central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-447_cond
Preview Page: ofr96-447_cond
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Canton Lake to Lake Overholser in central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-447_recharg
Preview Page: ofr96-447_recharg
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Canton Lake to Lake Overholser in central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-447_wlelev
Preview Page: ofr96-447_wlelev
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Oklahoma City to Eufaula Lake in east-central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-448_aqbound
Preview Page: ofr96-448_aqbound
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Oklahoma City to Eufaula Lake in east-central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-448_cond
Preview Page: ofr96-448_cond
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Oklahoma City to Eufaula Lake in east-central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-448_recharg
Preview Page: ofr96-448_recharg
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Oklahoma City to Eufaula Lake in east-central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-448_wlelev
Preview Page: ofr96-448_wlelev
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Antlers aquifer in southeastern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-443_aqbound
Preview Page: ofr96-443_aqbound
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Antlers aquifer in southeastern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-443_cond
Preview Page: ofr96-443_cond
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Antlers aquifer in southeastern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-443_recharg
Preview Page: ofr96-443_recharg
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Antlers aquifer in southeastern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-443_wlelev
Preview Page: ofr96-443_wlelev
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Central Oklahoma aquifer in central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-454_aqbound
Preview Page: ofr96-454_aqbound
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Central Oklahoma aquifer in central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-454_cond
Preview Page: ofr96-454_cond
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Central Oklahoma aquifer in central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-454_recharg
Preview Page: ofr96-454_recharg
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Central Oklahoma aquifer in central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-454_wlelev
Preview Page: ofr96-454_wlelev
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Elk City aquifer in western Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-449_aqbound
Preview Page: ofr96-449_aqbound
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Elk City aquifer in western Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-449_cond
Preview Page: ofr96-449_cond
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Elk City aquifer in western Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-449_recharg
Preview Page: ofr96-449_recharg
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Elk City aquifer in western Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-449_wlelev
Preview Page: ofr96-449_wlelev
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Enid isolated terrace aquifer in northwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-450_aqbound
Preview Page: ofr96-450_aqbound
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Enid isolated terrace aquifer in northwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-450_cond
Preview Page: ofr96-450_cond
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Enid isolated terrace aquifer in northwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-450_recharg
Preview Page: ofr96-450_recharg
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Enid isolated terrace aquifer in northwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-450_wlelev
Preview Page: ofr96-450_wlelev
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the High Plains aquifer in western Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-451_aqbound
Preview Page: ofr96-451_aqbound
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the High Plains aquifer in western Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-451_cond
Preview Page: ofr96-451_cond
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the High Plains aquifer in western Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-451_recharg
Preview Page: ofr96-451_recharg
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the High Plains aquifer in western Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-451_wlelev
Preview Page: ofr96-451_wlelev
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Rush Springs aquifer in western Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-453_aqbound
Preview Page: ofr96-453_aqbound
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Rush Springs aquifer in western Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-453_cond
Preview Page: ofr96-453_cond
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Rush Springs aquifer in western Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-453_recharg
Preview Page: ofr96-453_recharg
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Rush Springs aquifer in western Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-453_wlelev
Preview Page: ofr96-453_wlelev
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Tillman terrace and alluvial aquifer in southwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-452_aqbound
Preview Page: ofr96-452_aqbound
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Tillman terrace and alluvial aquifer in southwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-452_cond
Preview Page: ofr96-452_cond
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Tillman terrace and alluvial aquifer in southwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-452_recharg
Preview Page: ofr96-452_recharg
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Tillman terrace and alluvial aquifer in southwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-452_wlelev
Preview Page: ofr96-452_wlelev
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Vamoosa-Ada aquifer in east-central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-444_aqbound
Preview Page: ofr96-444_aqbound
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Vamoosa-Ada aquifer in east-central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-444_cond
Preview Page: ofr96-444_cond
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Vamoosa-Ada aquifer in east-central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-444_recharg
Preview Page: ofr96-444_recharg
Title: Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Vamoosa-Ada aquifer in east-central Oklahoma
Metadata: ofr96-444_wlelev
Preview Page: ofr96-444_wlelev
Title: Digital Elevation Model of the San Gorgonio Pass area, elevation values in feet, Riverside County, California.
Metadata: sgpwa_utm27f
Preview Page: sgpwa_utm27f
Title: Digital elevation model of Walker Lake, West-Central Nevada
Metadata: sir2007-5012_bathymetry
Preview Page: sir2007-5012_bathymetry
Title: Digital Geologic Faults of Sherman Quadrangle, North-Central Texas
Metadata: faults
Preview Page: faults
Title: Digital Geologic Map of Sherman Quadrangle, North-Central Texas
Metadata: geology
Preview Page: geology
Title: Digital geospatial datasets in support of hydrologic investigations of the Colorado Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project
Metadata: ofr02-338_bedrock
Preview Page: ofr02-338_bedrock
Title: Digital geospatial datasets in support of hydrologic investigations of the Colorado Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project
Metadata: ofr02-338_depth2wt
Preview Page: ofr02-338_depth2wt
Title: Digital geospatial datasets in support of hydrologic investigations of the Colorado Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project
Metadata: ofr02-338_outcrop
Preview Page: ofr02-338_outcrop
Title: Digital geospatial datasets in support of hydrologic investigations of the Colorado Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project
Metadata: ofr02-338_satzone
Preview Page: ofr02-338_satzone
Title: Digital geospatial datasets in support of hydrologic investigations of the Colorado Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project
Metadata: ofr02-338_sedthick
Preview Page: ofr02-338_sedthick
Title: Digital geospatial datasets in support of hydrologic investigations of the Colorado Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project
Metadata: ofr02-338_stdyarea
Preview Page: ofr02-338_stdyarea
Title: Digital geospatial datasets in support of hydrologic investigations of the Colorado Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project
Metadata: ofr02-338_watertbl
Preview Page: ofr02-338_watertbl
Title: Digital Hydrologic Cataloging-Unit Boundaries for the Powder River, Wyoming, at 1:24,000 Scale
Metadata: powder_hub
Preview Page: powder_hub
Title: Digital map of aquifer boundary for the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds543
Preview Page: ds543
Title: Digital map of aquifer boundary for the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ofr99-267
Preview Page: ofr99-267
Title: Digital map of areas of little or no saturated thickness for the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ofr99-266
Preview Page: ofr99-266
Title: Digital Map Of Base of Aquifer for High Plains Aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ofr98-393_aqbase
Preview Page: ofr98-393_aqbase
Title: Digital map of changes in water levels from predevelopment to 1980 for the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ofr99-265
Preview Page: ofr99-265
Title: Digital map of geologic faults for the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ofr99-261
Preview Page: ofr99-261
Title: Digital map of hydraulic conductivity for the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ofr98-548
Preview Page: ofr98-548
Title: Digital map of predevelopment water levels for the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ofr99-264
Preview Page: ofr99-264
Title: Digital map of saturated thickness in 1980 for the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ofr99-262
Preview Page: ofr99-262
Title: Digital map of specific yield for High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ofr98-414
Preview Page: ofr98-414
Title: Digital map of test-hole, registered-water well, and surface-geophysical log sites used to estimate elevation of base of the upper layer of the phase-three Elkhorn-Loup Model, north-central Nebraska
Metadata: sim2013-3259_sites
Preview Page: sim2013-3259_sites
Title: Digital map of the configuration of the base of the principal aquifer in the Elkhorn-Loup Model area, north-central Nebraska
Metadata: sim3042_ab
Preview Page: sim3042_ab
Title: Digital map of the elevation of base of the upper layer of the phase-three Elkhorn-Loup Model, north-central Nebraska
Metadata: sim2013-3259_contours
Preview Page: sim2013-3259_contours
Title: Digital map of the elevation of the base of the High Plains Aquifer in the Republican River Basin upstream of Hardy, Nebraska, in parts of Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado
Metadata: ofr0264_aqbase
Preview Page: ofr0264_aqbase
Title: Digital map of the saturated thickness of the High Plains aquifer in parts of Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming, 1996-97
Metadata: ofr00-300_sattk9697
Preview Page: ofr00-300_sattk9697
Title: Digital map of the state (political) boundaries of Mexico
Metadata: mex_stateboundaries
Preview Page: mex_stateboundaries
Title: Digital map of the test-hole and well data used to estimate the configuration of the base of the principal aquifer and the geologic units underlying the principal aquifer in the Elkhorn-Loup model area, north-central Nebraska
Metadata: sim3042_tw
Preview Page: sim3042_tw
Title: Digital map of water levels in 1980 for the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ofr99-263
Preview Page: ofr99-263
Title: Digital map of water-level changes in the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming, 1980 to 1997
Metadata: ofr00-96_wlc80_97
Preview Page: ofr00-96_wlc80_97
Title: Digital map of water-level changes in the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming, predevelopment (about 1950) to 2007
Metadata: sir09-5019_hpwlcpd07
Preview Page: sir09-5019_hpwlcpd07
Title: Digital map of water-level changes in the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming, predevelopment (about 1950) to 2011
Metadata: sir12-5291_hp_wlcpd11
Preview Page: sir12-5291_hp_wlcpd11
Title: Digital map of water-level changes in the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming, predevelopment (about 1950) to 2013
Metadata: sir2014-5218_hp_wlcpd13
Preview Page: sir2014-5218_hp_wlcpd13
Title: Digital map of water-level changes in the High Plains aquifer, Republican River Basin in Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska, 2002 to 2015
Metadata: sim3373_hprepriv_wlc0215
Preview Page: sim3373_hprepriv_wlc0215
Title: Digital Polygon Model Grid of the Hydrogeologic Framework of Bedrock Units for a Simulation of Groundwater Flow for the Lake Michigan Basin
Metadata: sir2009-5060_unit_alt_grid
Preview Page: sir2009-5060_unit_alt_grid
Title: Digitial map of geologic units forming the base of the principal aquifer and areas where the base of aquifer is not well defined, Elkhorn-Loup Model area, north-central Nebraska
Metadata: sim3042_gu
Preview Page: sim3042_gu
Title: Digitized generalized areas where surface-water resources likely or potentially are susceptible to groundwater withdrawals in adjacent valleys, Great Basin National Park area, Nevada
Metadata: ds583_gb_sw_areas
Preview Page: ds583_gb_sw_areas
Title: Dikes of the Lake Tahoe Basin
Metadata: sim3063_Tahoe_Dike
Preview Page: sim3063_Tahoe_Dike
Title: Direct-current average resistivity of the Tri-State Canal within Scotts Bluff County in western Nebraska
Metadata: sir20065032_averhoDC
Preview Page: sir20065032_averhoDC
Title: Discharge areas for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_drains
Preview Page: pp1711_drains
Title: Discharge areas for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_drains
Preview Page: sir045205_drains
Title: Districts for 104th Congress
Metadata: cd104
Preview Page: cd104
Title: Drainage areas for selected stream-sampling stations, Missouri River Basin
Metadata: ne-3071
Preview Page: ne-3071
Title: Drainage basin delineations for selected USGS streamflow-gaging stations in Virginia (Drainage_Basin)
Metadata: ofr2006-1308_Drainage_Basin
Preview Page: ofr2006-1308_Drainage_Basin
Title: Drainage Basins Used for Assessing Trends in Concentration of Pesticides in Streams of the United States, 1992-2010
Metadata: ds655_basins
Preview Page: ds655_basins
Title: Drainage Basins used for Development of the Watershed Regressions for Pesticides (WARP) Model, 2012
Metadata: warpbas2012
Preview Page: warpbas2012
Title: Drainage Basins used for Development of the Watershed Regressions for Pesticides (WARP) Model
Metadata: warpbas2010
Preview Page: warpbas2010
Title: Drainage-area boundaries for selected sampling stations, scale 1:100,000, Yellowstone River Basin, Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: wshed_yell
Preview Page: wshed_yell
Title: Drainage-area boundaries for selected sampling stations, scale 1:100,000, Yellowstone River Basin, Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: yell_drarea
Preview Page: yell_drarea
Title: Dry deposition of oxidized nitrogen in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_dd_oxn
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_dd_oxn
Title: Dry deposition of reduced nitrogen in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_dd_rdn
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_dd_rdn
Title: DS 827, Vegetation Database for Land-Cover Mapping in Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada
Metadata: ds827
Preview Page: ds827
Title: DS-777 Annual Model-Backcasted Land-Use/Land-Cover Rasters from 1949 to 2008 for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_historical_land_use
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_historical_land_use
Title: DS-777 Annual Model-Forecasted Land-Use/Land-Cover Rasters from 2009 to 2050 for the A2 Climate Scenario for the High Plains Aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_predicted_land_use_a2
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_predicted_land_use_a2
Title: DS-777 Annual Model-Forecasted Land-Use/Land-Cover Rasters from 2009 to 2050 for the B2 Climate Scenario for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_predicted_land_use_b2
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_predicted_land_use_b2
Title: DS-777 Average Annual Actual Evapotranspiration, 1940 to 1949, in inches estimated from the Soil Water Balance (SWB) Model for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-swb_aet_avein_4049
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-swb_aet_avein_4049
Title: DS-777 Average Annual Actual Evapotranspiration, 2000 to 2009, in inches estimated from the National Weather Service (NWS) Snow Accumulation and Ablation (SNOW-17) Model for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-nws_aet_avein_0009
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-nws_aet_avein_0009
Title: DS-777 Average Annual Actual Evapotranspiration, 2000 to 2009, in inches estimated from the Simplified-Surface-Energy-Balance (SSEB) Model for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-sseb_aet_avein_0009
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-sseb_aet_avein_0009
Title: DS-777 Average Annual Actual Evapotranspiration, 2000 to 2009, in inches estimated from the Soil Water Balance (SWB) Model for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-swb_aet_avein_0009
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-swb_aet_avein_0009
Title: DS-777 Average Annual Irrigation Withdrawals, 2000 to 2009, in inches estimated from the Soil Water Balance (SWB) Model for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-swb_irr_avein_0009
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-swb_irr_avein_0009
Title: DS-777 Average Annual Irrigation Withdrawals, 2000 to 2009, in inches, estimated from the Soil WATer (SOWAT) Balance Model for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-sowat_irr_avein_0009
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-sowat_irr_avein_0009
Title: DS-777 Average Annual Potential Evapotranspiration, 2000 to 2009, in inches estimated from the National Weather Service (NWS) Snow Accumulation and Ablation (SNOW-17) Model for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-nws_pet_avein_0009
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-nws_pet_avein_0009
Title: DS-777 Average Annual Precipitation Data, 1940 to 1949, in inches estimated from an Inverse-Distance-Weighted (IDW) interpolation for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-idw_precip_avein_4049
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-idw_precip_avein_4049
Title: DS-777 Average Annual Precipitation data, 1940 to 1949, in inches estimated from the Parameter-Elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-prism_precip_avein_4049
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-prism_precip_avein_4049
Title: DS-777 Average Annual Precipitation Data, 2000 to 2009, in inches estimated from an Inverse-Distance-Weighted (IDW) interpolation, for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-idw_precip_avein_0009
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-idw_precip_avein_0009
Title: DS-777 Average Annual Precipitation Data, 2000 to 2009, in inches estimated from the National Weather Service (NWS) Snow Accumulation and Ablation (SNOW-17) Model for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-nws_precip_avein_0009
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-nws_precip_avein_0009
Title: DS-777 Average Annual Precipitation Data, 2000 to 2009, in inches estimated from the Parameter-Elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-prism_precip_avein_0009
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-prism_precip_avein_0009
Title: DS-777 Average Annual Recharge, 1940 to 1949, in inches estimated from the Soil Water Balance (SWB) Model for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-swb_rch_avein_4049
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-swb_rch_avein_4049
Title: DS-777 Average Annual Recharge, 2000 to 2009, in inches estimated from the SOil WATer (SOWAT) Balance Model for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_plains_water_budget_components-sowat_rch_avein_0009
Preview Page: ds777_High_plains_water_budget_components-sowat_rch_avein_0009
Title: DS-777 Average Annual Recharge, 2000 to 2009, in inches estimated from the Soil Water Balance (SWB) Model for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-swb_rch_avein_0009
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_water_budget_components-swb_rch_avein_0009
Title: DS-777 Locations of Wells and Well Log Records used to Develop the Base of the Northern High Plains Aquifer underlying Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_northern_High_Plains_hydrogeologic_data_and_hydraulic_properties-pts_depth2bedrock
Preview Page: ds777_northern_High_Plains_hydrogeologic_data_and_hydraulic_properties-pts_depth2bedrock
Title: DS-777 Monthly Actual Evapotranspiration Rasters calculated using the Simplified-Surface-Energy-Balance (SSEB) Model from April 2000 to December 2009 for the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_High_Plains_actual_evapotranspiration
Preview Page: ds777_High_Plains_actual_evapotranspiration
Title: DS-777 Spatial Location of Gages with Total Flow and estimated Base Flow, for the Predevelopment Simulation Period for the Northern High Plains Groundwater-Flow Model in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_northern_High_plains_groundwater_flow_model_calibration_targets-pts_BaseFlow_predevelopment
Preview Page: ds777_northern_High_plains_groundwater_flow_model_calibration_targets-pts_BaseFlow_predevelopment
Title: DS-777 Spatial Location of Gages with Total Flow and estimated Base Flow, organized by Seasonal Stress Periods for the Development Simulation Period for the Northern High Plains Groundwater-Flow Model in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_northern_High_plains_groundwater_flow_model_calibration_targets-pts_BaseFlow_development
Preview Page: ds777_northern_High_plains_groundwater_flow_model_calibration_targets-pts_BaseFlow_development
Title: DS-777 Spatial Location of Stream Elevations for the Northern High Plains Groundwater-Flow Model in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_northern_High_Plains_groundwater_flow_model_base_data-pts_StreamElevations
Preview Page: ds777_northern_High_Plains_groundwater_flow_model_base_data-pts_StreamElevations
Title: DS-777 Spatial Location of the Active and Inactive areas of the Model Boundary for the Northern High Plains Groundwater-Flow Model in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_northern_High_Plains_groundwater_flow_model_base_data-ply_NHP_ModelBoundary
Preview Page: ds777_northern_High_Plains_groundwater_flow_model_base_data-ply_NHP_ModelBoundary
Title: DS-777 Spatial Location of the Model Cell Centroids for the Northern High Plains Groundwater-Flow Model in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_northern_High_Plains_groundwater_flow_model_base_data-ply_NHP_ModelCellCentroid
Preview Page: ds777_northern_High_Plains_groundwater_flow_model_base_data-ply_NHP_ModelCellCentroid
Title: DS-777 Spatial Location of Wells with Water-Level Measurements taken in the Spring and Fall from September 1940 to April 2009 for the Northern High Plains Groundwater-Flow Model in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_northern_High_plains_groundwater_flow_model_calibration_targets-pts_WaterLevel_development
Preview Page: ds777_northern_High_plains_groundwater_flow_model_calibration_targets-pts_WaterLevel_development
Title: DS-777 Spatial Location the Model Cell Boundaries for the Northern High Plains Groundwater-Flow Model in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_northern_High_Plains_groundwater_flow_model_base_data-ply_NHP_ModelCells
Preview Page: ds777_northern_High_Plains_groundwater_flow_model_base_data-ply_NHP_ModelCells
Title: DS-777 Spatial Locations of Wells with Water-Level Measurements for the First Occurrence of a Water-Level Measurement Recorded at a Well for the Northern High Plains Groundwater-Flow Model in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_northern_High_plains_groundwater_flow_model_calibration_targets-pts_WaterLevel_predevelopment
Preview Page: ds777_northern_High_plains_groundwater_flow_model_calibration_targets-pts_WaterLevel_predevelopment
Title: DS-777 Thickness-Weighted Average of Hydraulic Conductivity and Specific Yield for the Northern High Plains Groundwater-Flow Model in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds777_northern_High_Plains_hydrogeologic_data_and_hydraulic_properties-pts_K_Sy_twa
Preview Page: ds777_northern_High_Plains_hydrogeologic_data_and_hydraulic_properties-pts_K_Sy_twa
Title: DS796 California Groundwater Units
Metadata: ds796
Preview Page: ds796
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina - Alluvium_major_streams_buffer
Metadata: ds926_alluvium_major_streams_buffer
Preview Page: ds926_alluvium_major_streams_buffer
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina - Floridan Geology Outcrops
Metadata: ds926_fig05_Floridan_Geology_Outcrops
Preview Page: ds926_fig05_Floridan_Geology_Outcrops
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina - Positive structural features within the study area
Metadata: ds926_fig06_Positive_structural_elements
Preview Page: ds926_fig06_Positive_structural_elements
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina - Structural features in the study area
Metadata: ds926_fig06_Structural_features
Preview Page: ds926_fig06_Structural_features
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Area where upper confining unit is thin or absent beneath the surficial aquifer
Metadata: ds926_plate3_hawthorn_absent
Preview Page: ds926_plate3_hawthorn_absent
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Boundary line for the OCAPLPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig28_top_OCAPLPZ_extent_line
Preview Page: ds926_fig28_top_OCAPLPZ_extent_line
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Clipped Updip extent line of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fas_extent_line_clipped
Preview Page: ds926_fas_extent_line_clipped
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Clipping boundary extent for the Bucatunna clay confining unit
Metadata: ds926_fig43_top_Bucatunna_extent
Preview Page: ds926_fig43_top_Bucatunna_extent
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Clipping boundary extent for the Bucatunna clay confining unit
Metadata: ds926_fig43_top_Bucatunna_regions
Preview Page: ds926_fig43_top_Bucatunna_regions
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Clipping boundary extent for the first permeable zone below the LISAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig45_top_LF_below_LISAPCU_extent
Preview Page: ds926_fig45_top_LF_below_LISAPCU_extent
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Clipping boundary extent for the glauconite marker unit
Metadata: ds926_fig48_top_GlaucUnit_extent
Preview Page: ds926_fig48_top_GlaucUnit_extent
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Clipping boundary extent for the LAPPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig46_top_LAPPZ_extent
Preview Page: ds926_fig46_top_LAPPZ_extent
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Clipping boundary extent for the LISAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig33_top_LISAPCU_extent
Preview Page: ds926_fig33_top_LISAPCU_extent
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Clipping boundary extent for the MAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig38_top_MAPCU_extent
Preview Page: ds926_fig38_top_MAPCU_extent
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Clipping boundary extent for the OCAPLPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig28_top_OCAPLPZ_extent
Preview Page: ds926_fig28_top_OCAPLPZ_extent
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Clipping boundary extent for the Oldsmar permeable zone
Metadata: ds926_fig49_top_OLDSPZ_extent
Preview Page: ds926_fig49_top_OLDSPZ_extent
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Clipping boundary extent of the APPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig30_top_aggregated_APPZ_extent
Preview Page: ds926_fig30_top_aggregated_APPZ_extent
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the "freshwater" thickness of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig55_thickness_FWZ_FAS_contours
Preview Page: ds926_fig55_thickness_FWZ_FAS_contours
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the base of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig23_base_FAS_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig23_base_FAS_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the base of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_plate5_Base_FAS_contours
Preview Page: ds926_plate5_Base_FAS_contours
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the thickness of the Upper Floridan aquifer
Metadata: ds926_fig32_thickness_UF_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig32_thickness_UF_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the top of the APPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig30_top_aggregated_APPZ_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig30_top_aggregated_APPZ_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the top of the Bucatunna clay confining unit
Metadata: ds926_fig43_top_Bucatunna_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig43_top_Bucatunna_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the top of the first permeable zone below the LISAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig45_top_LF_below_LISAPCU_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig45_top_LF_below_LISAPCU_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the top of the glauconite marker horizon
Metadata: ds926_fig19_top_GlaucMarkerHorizon_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig19_top_GlaucMarkerHorizon_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the top of the LAPPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig46_top_LAPPZ_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig46_top_LAPPZ_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the top of the LISAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig33_top_LISAPCU_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig33_top_LISAPCU_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the top of the low-resistivity interval below the Oldsmar permeable zone
Metadata: ds926_fig24_LowResZone_below_OLDSPZ_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig24_LowResZone_below_OLDSPZ_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the top of the Lower Floridan aquifer
Metadata: ds926_fig44_top_LF_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig44_top_LF_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the top of the MAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig38_top_MAPCU_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig38_top_MAPCU_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the top of the OCAPLPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig28_top_OCAPLPZ_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig28_top_OCAPLPZ_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the top of the Oldsmar permeable zone
Metadata: ds926_fig49_top_OLDSPZ_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig49_top_OLDSPZ_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for thickness of the Floridan aquifer system aquifer
Metadata: ds926_plate6_thickness_FAS_contours
Preview Page: ds926_plate6_thickness_FAS_contours
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for thickness of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig25_thickness_FAS_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig25_thickness_FAS_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for thickness of the Lower Floridan aquifer
Metadata: ds926_fig50_thickness_LF_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig50_thickness_LF_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for thickness of the upper confining unit of the Floridan aquifer system aquifer
Metadata: ds926_plate3_thickness_UCU_contours
Preview Page: ds926_plate3_thickness_UCU_contours
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for top of the middle confining unit of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_mcu_regional_contour
Preview Page: ds926_mcu_regional_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours of the top of the glauconite marker unit
Metadata: ds926_fig48_top_GlaucUnit_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig48_top_GlaucUnit_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- County boundaries for states represented in the study area
Metadata: ds926_countybnd_2m
Preview Page: ds926_countybnd_2m
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Cross-section lines used in study
Metadata: ds926_plate1_XSection_Lines
Preview Page: ds926_plate1_XSection_Lines
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Cross-section lines
Metadata: ds926_fig02_Xsection_Lines
Preview Page: ds926_fig02_Xsection_Lines
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Cross-section well locations
Metadata: ds926_fig02_Xsection_wells
Preview Page: ds926_fig02_Xsection_wells
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Estimated altitude of the 10,000 mg/l total dissolved solids boundary
Metadata: ds926_fig54_top_est_10000_TDS_boundary_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig54_top_est_10000_TDS_boundary_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Estimated transmissivity of the Upper Floridan aquifer
Metadata: ds926_fig51_Transmissivity_wells
Preview Page: ds926_fig51_Transmissivity_wells
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Extent lines for permeable zones of the intermediate aquifer system and Brunswick aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig21_IAS_ICU_permeable_zone_extent
Preview Page: ds926_fig21_IAS_ICU_permeable_zone_extent
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Extent of the Apalachicola salinity feature
Metadata: ds926_fig54_Apalachicola_salinity_feature
Preview Page: ds926_fig54_Apalachicola_salinity_feature
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Extent of the Biscayne aquifer of the surficial aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig20_Biscayne_aquifer
Preview Page: ds926_fig20_Biscayne_aquifer
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Extent of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fas_extent_poly
Preview Page: ds926_fas_extent_poly
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Extent of the FPZ region of the Oldsmar permeable zone
Metadata: ds926_fig49_top_OLDSPZ_FPZ_area_Miller
Preview Page: ds926_fig49_top_OLDSPZ_FPZ_area_Miller
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Extent of the low-permeable areas of the Floridan aquifer system in the Gulf Trough
Metadata: ds926_fas_low_perm_areas_gulf_trough
Preview Page: ds926_fas_low_perm_areas_gulf_trough
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Extent of the sand-and-gravel aquifer of the surficial aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig20_Sand_and_gravel_aquifer
Preview Page: ds926_fig20_Sand_and_gravel_aquifer
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- General area of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fas_general_area_poly
Preview Page: ds926_fas_general_area_poly
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Generalized contours for the top of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig22_top_FAS_generalized_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig22_top_FAS_generalized_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Geologic units forming base of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig23_base_FAS_geologic_units
Preview Page: ds926_fig23_base_FAS_geologic_units
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Geologic units forming the base of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_plate5_base_FAS_geo_units
Preview Page: ds926_plate5_base_FAS_geo_units
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Geologic units forming the top of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_plate4_Top_FAS_geo_units
Preview Page: ds926_plate4_Top_FAS_geo_units
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Geologic units forming top of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig22_top_FAS_geologic_units
Preview Page: ds926_fig22_top_FAS_geologic_units
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Head gradient regions (up or down) for the OCAPLPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig28_Head_gradient_areas
Preview Page: ds926_fig28_Head_gradient_areas
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Hydrography represented in the study area
Metadata: ds926_hydro_2m
Preview Page: ds926_hydro_2m
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Key well sites
Metadata: ds926_plate1_key_wells
Preview Page: ds926_plate1_key_wells
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Lake Okeechobee outline
Metadata: ds926_lake_okeechobee
Preview Page: ds926_lake_okeechobee
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Lakes represented in study area
Metadata: ds926_lakes_2m
Preview Page: ds926_lakes_2m
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Limestone boundary for the APPZ (Reese and Richardson, 2008)
Metadata: ds926_fig30_Limestone_line
Preview Page: ds926_fig30_Limestone_line
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Line showing approximate updip limit of the upper confining unit of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_plate3_Updip_limit_confining_unit
Preview Page: ds926_plate3_Updip_limit_confining_unit
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Line showing the approximate updip limit of permeable rocks forming the Upper Floridan aquifer
Metadata: ds926_uf_permeable_extent_line
Preview Page: ds926_uf_permeable_extent_line
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Line showing the updip limit of the permeable upper Floridan aquifer system in a local area
Metadata: ds926_plate3_Updip_limit_upper_Floridan
Preview Page: ds926_plate3_Updip_limit_upper_Floridan
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Major groundwater divides of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig53_Major_GW_divides
Preview Page: ds926_fig53_Major_GW_divides
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Outcropping areas of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fas_outcrops_poly
Preview Page: ds926_fas_outcrops_poly
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Point features for the thickness of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_plate6_thickness_FAS_pts
Preview Page: ds926_plate6_thickness_FAS_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Point features for the thickness of the upper confining unit
Metadata: ds926_plate3_thickness_UCU_pts
Preview Page: ds926_plate3_thickness_UCU_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Point features used for the base of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_plate5_base_FAS_pts
Preview Page: ds926_plate5_base_FAS_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Point features used for the top of the regional middle confining unit (base of Upper Floridan aquifer), constrained
Metadata: ds926_mcu_regional_pts_constrained
Preview Page: ds926_mcu_regional_pts_constrained
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Point features used for the top of the regional middle confining unit (base of Upper Floridan aquifer)
Metadata: ds926_mcu_regional_pts
Preview Page: ds926_mcu_regional_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points and control points for the top of the 10,000 mg/L total dissolved solids boundary
Metadata: ds926_fig54_top_est_10000_TDS_boundary_pts_Control
Preview Page: ds926_fig54_top_est_10000_TDS_boundary_pts_Control
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points depicting the thickness of the upper confining unit or limestone residuum
Metadata: ds926_thickness_UCU_residuum_pts
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_UCU_residuum_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the "freshwater" thickness of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig55_thickness_FWZ_FAS_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig55_thickness_FWZ_FAS_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the base of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig23_base_FAS_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig23_base_FAS_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the thickness of the APPZ
Metadata: ds926_thickness_aggregated_APPZ_pts
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_aggregated_APPZ_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the thickness of the Bucatunna clay confining unit
Metadata: ds926_thickness_Bucatunna_pts
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_Bucatunna_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the thickness of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig25_thickness_FAS_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig25_thickness_FAS_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the thickness of the glauconite marker unit
Metadata: ds926_thickness_GlaucUnit_pts
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_GlaucUnit_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the thickness of the LAPPZ
Metadata: ds926_thickness_LAPPZ_pts
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_LAPPZ_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the thickness of the LISAPCU
Metadata: ds926_thickness_LISAPCU_MCUI_pts
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_LISAPCU_MCUI_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the thickness of the Lower Floridan aquifer
Metadata: ds926_fig50_thickness_LF_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig50_thickness_LF_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the thickness of the MAPCU
Metadata: ds926_thickness_MAPCU_MCUII_IB_III_pts
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_MAPCU_MCUII_IB_III_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the thickness of the OCAPLPZ
Metadata: ds926_thickness_OCAPLPZ_pts
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_OCAPLPZ_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the thickness of the Oldsmar permeable zone
Metadata: ds926_thickness_OLDSPZ_pts
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_OLDSPZ_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the thickness of the regional middle confining unit
Metadata: ds926_thickness_MCU_REGIONAL_pts
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_MCU_REGIONAL_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the thickness of the Upper Floridan aquifer
Metadata: ds926_fig32_thickness_UF_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig32_thickness_UF_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the thickness of the UPZ
Metadata: ds926_thickness_UPZ_pts
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_UPZ_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the 10,000 mg/L total dissolved solids boundary
Metadata: ds926_fig54_top_est_10000_TDS_boundary_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig54_top_est_10000_TDS_boundary_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the APPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig30_top_aggregated_APPZ_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig30_top_aggregated_APPZ_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the Avon Park dolostone
Metadata: ds926_fig17_top_UpperDolostoneUnit_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig17_top_UpperDolostoneUnit_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the Bucatunna clay confining unit
Metadata: ds926_fig43_top_Bucatunna_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig43_top_Bucatunna_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_plate4_top_FAS_pts
Preview Page: ds926_plate4_top_FAS_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the glauconite marker horizon
Metadata: ds926_fig19_top_GlaucMarkerHorizon_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig19_top_GlaucMarkerHorizon_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the glauconite marker unit
Metadata: ds926_fig48_top_GlaucUnit_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig48_top_GlaucUnit_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the LAPPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig46_top_LAPPZ_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig46_top_LAPPZ_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the Lower Floridan aquifer below the LISAPCU, constrained
Metadata: ds926_fig45_top_LF_BELOW_LISAPCU_pts_constrained
Preview Page: ds926_fig45_top_LF_BELOW_LISAPCU_pts_constrained
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the Lower Floridan aquifer below the LISAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig45_top_LF_BELOW_LISAPCU_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig45_top_LF_BELOW_LISAPCU_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the Lower Floridan aquifer
Metadata: ds926_fig44_top_LF_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig44_top_LF_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the MAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig38_top_MAPCU_MCUII_IB_III_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig38_top_MAPCU_MCUII_IB_III_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the OCAPLPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig28_top_OCAPLPZ_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig28_top_OCAPLPZ_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the Oldsmar permeable zone
Metadata: ds926_fig24_LowResZone_below_OLDSPZ_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig24_LowResZone_below_OLDSPZ_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the Oldsmar permeable zone
Metadata: ds926_fig49_top_OLDSPZ_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig49_top_OLDSPZ_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top the Floridan aquifer system, constrained
Metadata: ds926_plate4_top_FAS_pts_constrained
Preview Page: ds926_plate4_top_FAS_pts_constrained
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for top of the LISAPCU, constrained
Metadata: ds926_fig33_top_LISAPCU_pts_constrained
Preview Page: ds926_fig33_top_LISAPCU_pts_constrained
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for top of the LISAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig33_top_LISAPCU_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig33_top_LISAPCU_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points where head differences were calculated across the MAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig38_top_MAPCU_head_diff_wells
Preview Page: ds926_fig38_top_MAPCU_head_diff_wells
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points where head differences were calculated across the OCAPLPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig28_Head_difference_wells
Preview Page: ds926_fig28_Head_difference_wells
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon extent of the BZ region of the Oldsmar permeable zone
Metadata: ds926_fig49_top_OLDSPZ_BZ_area_Miller
Preview Page: ds926_fig49_top_OLDSPZ_BZ_area_Miller
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon region depicting the weathered limestone residuum of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_residuum_extent_poly
Preview Page: ds926_residuum_extent_poly
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon region of the surficial thickness greater than 10 feet
Metadata: ds926_surficial_generalized_extent
Preview Page: ds926_surficial_generalized_extent
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas for the APPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig30_top_aggregated_APPZ_saline_areas
Preview Page: ds926_fig30_top_aggregated_APPZ_saline_areas
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas of the LAPPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig46_top_LAPPZ_saline_areas
Preview Page: ds926_fig46_top_LAPPZ_saline_areas
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas of the Lower Floridan aquifer
Metadata: ds926_fig50_thickness_LF_saline_areas
Preview Page: ds926_fig50_thickness_LF_saline_areas
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas of the Oldsmar permeable zone
Metadata: ds926_fig49_top_OLDSPZ_saline_areas
Preview Page: ds926_fig49_top_OLDSPZ_saline_areas
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas within low-permeability rocks near base of the Oldsmar permeable zone
Metadata: ds926_fig24_LowResZone_below_OLDSPZ_saline_areas
Preview Page: ds926_fig24_LowResZone_below_OLDSPZ_saline_areas
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas within the first permeable zone below the LISAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig45_top_LF_below_LISAPCU_saline_areas
Preview Page: ds926_fig45_top_LF_below_LISAPCU_saline_areas
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas within the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig25_thickness_FAS_saline_areas
Preview Page: ds926_fig25_thickness_FAS_saline_areas
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas within the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_plate6_thickness_FAS_saline_areas
Preview Page: ds926_plate6_thickness_FAS_saline_areas
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting the low-permeability units that overlie the Lower Floridan aquifer
Metadata: ds926_fig44_top_LF_MCU_regions
Preview Page: ds926_fig44_top_LF_MCU_regions
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions for the 10,000 mg/l total dissolved solids boundary feature
Metadata: ds926_fig54_top_est_10000_TDS_areas
Preview Page: ds926_fig54_top_est_10000_TDS_areas
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions of low permeability units forming the base of the Upper Floridan aquifer
Metadata: ds926_fig32_thickness_UF_lowPerm_units
Preview Page: ds926_fig32_thickness_UF_lowPerm_units
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions of low-permeability units forming the LISAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig33_top_LISAPCU_MCUI_dolostone
Preview Page: ds926_fig33_top_LISAPCU_MCUI_dolostone
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions of low-permeability units forming the LISAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig33_top_LISAPCU_regions
Preview Page: ds926_fig33_top_LISAPCU_regions
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions of low-permeability units forming the MAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig38_top_MAPCU_regions
Preview Page: ds926_fig38_top_MAPCU_regions
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions of the glauconite marker unit
Metadata: ds926_fig48_top_GlaucUnit_regions
Preview Page: ds926_fig48_top_GlaucUnit_regions
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions of the upper confining unit of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_ucu_extent_poly
Preview Page: ds926_ucu_extent_poly
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygons representing thickness of the upper confining unit of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig21_thickness_UCU_units
Preview Page: ds926_fig21_thickness_UCU_units
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Potentiometric surface contours for the top of the Floridan aquifer system - 20 foot interval
Metadata: ds926_plate4_Top_FAS_contours_20
Preview Page: ds926_plate4_Top_FAS_contours_20
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Potentiometric surface contours for the top of the Floridan aquifer system - 50 foot interval
Metadata: ds926_plate4_top_FAS_contours_50
Preview Page: ds926_plate4_top_FAS_contours_50
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Potentiometric surface contours of the Upper Floridan aquifer in May 2010
Metadata: ds926_fig53_May2010_Potentiometric_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig53_May2010_Potentiometric_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the altitude of the top of the OCAPLPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig28_top_OCAPLPZ_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig28_top_OCAPLPZ_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the base of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig23_base_FAS_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig23_base_FAS_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the base of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_plate5_base_FAS_raster
Preview Page: ds926_plate5_base_FAS_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the bottom of the Bucatunna clay confining unit
Metadata: ds926_fig43_bot_Bucatunna_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig43_bot_Bucatunna_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the glauconite marker horizon
Metadata: ds926_fig19_top_GlaucMarkerHorizon_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig19_top_GlaucMarkerHorizon_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of residuum in southwestern Georgia and southeastern Alabama
Metadata: ds926_thickness_residuum_ss
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_residuum_ss
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of the aggregated APPZ
Metadata: ds926_thickness_aggregated_APPZ_raster_ss
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_aggregated_APPZ_raster_ss
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of the Bucatunna clay confining unit
Metadata: ds926_thickness_Bucatunna_raster_ss
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_Bucatunna_raster_ss
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig25_thickness_FAS_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig25_thickness_FAS_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_plate6_thickness_FAS_raster
Preview Page: ds926_plate6_thickness_FAS_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of the glauconite marker unit
Metadata: ds926_thickness_GlaucUnit_raster_ss
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_GlaucUnit_raster_ss
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of the LAPPZ
Metadata: ds926_thickness_LAPPZ_raster_ss
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_LAPPZ_raster_ss
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of the LISAPCU
Metadata: ds926_thickness_LISAPCU_raster_ss
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_LISAPCU_raster_ss
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of the Lower Floridan aquifer
Metadata: ds926_fig50_thickness_LF_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig50_thickness_LF_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of the MAPCU
Metadata: ds926_thickness_MAPCU_raster_ss
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_MAPCU_raster_ss
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of the middle confining unit
Metadata: ds926_thickness_MCU_REGIONAL_raster_ss
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_MCU_REGIONAL_raster_ss
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of the OCAPLPZ
Metadata: ds926_thickness_OCAPLPZ_raster_ss
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_OCAPLPZ_raster_ss
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of the Oldsmar permeable zone
Metadata: ds926_thickness_OLDSPZ_raster_ss
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_OLDSPZ_raster_ss
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of the upper confining unit
Metadata: ds926_plate3_thickness_UCU_raster
Preview Page: ds926_plate3_thickness_UCU_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of the Upper Floridan aquifer
Metadata: ds926_fig32_thickness_UF_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig32_thickness_UF_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the thickness of the UPZ
Metadata: ds926_thickness_UPZ_raster_ss
Preview Page: ds926_thickness_UPZ_raster_ss
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the top of the APPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig30_top_aggregated_APPZ_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig30_top_aggregated_APPZ_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the top of the Bucatunna clay confining unit
Metadata: ds926_fig43_top_Bucatunna_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig43_top_Bucatunna_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the top of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_plate4_Top_FAS_raster
Preview Page: ds926_plate4_Top_FAS_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the top of the LAPPZ
Metadata: ds926_fig46_top_LAPPZ_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig46_top_LAPPZ_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the top of the LISAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig33_top_LISAPCU_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig33_top_LISAPCU_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the top of the low-resistivity interval below the Oldsmar permeable zone
Metadata: ds926_fig24_LowResZone_below_OLDSPZ_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig24_LowResZone_below_OLDSPZ_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the top of the MAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig38_top_MAPCU_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig38_top_MAPCU_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the top of the Oldsmar permeable zone
Metadata: ds926_fig49_top_OLDSPZ_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig49_top_OLDSPZ_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting the top of the regional middle confining unit (base of Upper Floridan aquifer)
Metadata: ds926_mcu_regional_raster
Preview Page: ds926_mcu_regional_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting top of the glauconite marker unit
Metadata: ds926_fig48_top_GlaucUnit_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig48_top_GlaucUnit_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting top of the Lower Floridan aquifer below the LISAPCU
Metadata: ds926_fig45_top_LF_below_LISAPCU_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig45_top_LF_below_LISAPCU_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface depicting top of the Lower Floridan aquifer
Metadata: ds926_fig44_top_LF_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig44_top_LF_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface for transmissivity of the Upper Floridan aquifer
Metadata: ds926_fig51_Transmissivity
Preview Page: ds926_fig51_Transmissivity
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface generated for the "freshwater" thickness of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig55_Thickness_FWZ_FAS_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig55_Thickness_FWZ_FAS_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Raster surface generated for the 10,000 mg/L total dissolved solids boundary across the study area
Metadata: ds926_fig54_top_est_10000_TDS_boundary_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig54_top_est_10000_TDS_boundary_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Region of four states spanning the study area
Metadata: ds926_fourstates2m
Preview Page: ds926_fourstates2m
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Revised Hydrogeologic Framework of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and Parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1807
Metadata: ds926_faults_Miller
Preview Page: ds926_faults_Miller
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Spring locations used in the transmissivity map
Metadata: ds926_fig51_Springs
Preview Page: ds926_fig51_Springs
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Streams represented in study area
Metadata: ds926_streams_2m
Preview Page: ds926_streams_2m
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Thickness contours for surficial deposits of the surficial aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fig20_thickness_Surficial_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig20_thickness_Surficial_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Thickness data points for surficial deposits
Metadata: ds926_fig20_thickness_Surficial_pts
Preview Page: ds926_fig20_thickness_Surficial_pts
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Thickness raster surface for surficial deposits, clipped
Metadata: ds926_fig20_thickness_Surficial_raster_clipped
Preview Page: ds926_fig20_thickness_Surficial_raster_clipped
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Thickness raster surface for surficial deposits
Metadata: ds926_fig20_thickness_Surficial_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig20_thickness_Surficial_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Thickness regions of the upper confining unit
Metadata: ds926_plate3_thickness_UCU_regions
Preview Page: ds926_plate3_thickness_UCU_regions
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Updip extent line of the Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: ds926_fas_extent_line
Preview Page: ds926_fas_extent_line
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Well cluster sites
Metadata: ds926_plate1_WellClusterSites
Preview Page: ds926_plate1_WellClusterSites
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Well locations used in the development of the potentiometric surface map for the Upper Floridan aquifer in May 2010
Metadata: ds926_fig53_May2010_Potentiometric_wells
Preview Page: ds926_fig53_May2010_Potentiometric_wells
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Wells used in cross-sections
Metadata: ds926_plate1_xsection_wells
Preview Page: ds926_plate1_xsection_wells
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, Contours for the top of the upper Avon Park dolostone unit
Metadata: ds926_fig17_top_UpperDolostoneUnit_contour
Preview Page: ds926_fig17_top_UpperDolostoneUnit_contour
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, Extent of the Woodville Karst Plain
Metadata: ds926_fig12_Woodville_karst
Preview Page: ds926_fig12_Woodville_karst
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, Frequency of closed depressions in relation to major springs in study area
Metadata: ds926_fig12_ClosedDepressions_density_poly
Preview Page: ds926_fig12_ClosedDepressions_density_poly
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, Raster surface depicting the bottom of the Avon Park Formation upper dolostone unit
Metadata: ds926_fig17_bot_UpperDolostoneUnit_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig17_bot_UpperDolostoneUnit_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, Raster surface depicting the top of the upper dolostone unit of the Avon Park Formation
Metadata: ds926_fig17_top_UpperDolostoneUnit_raster
Preview Page: ds926_fig17_top_UpperDolostoneUnit_raster
Title: DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, Spring locations in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama
Metadata: ds926_fig12_Springs_all
Preview Page: ds926_fig12_Springs_all
Title: Early Mesozoic basin aquifers
Metadata: early_mesozoic_basin_aquifers
Preview Page: early_mesozoic_basin_aquifers
Title: Edwards-Trinity aquifer system
Metadata: edwards-trinity_aquifer_system
Preview Page: edwards-trinity_aquifer_system
Title: Elevation contour lines for Lake McConaughy, Nebraska
Metadata: sir2005-5040_Lake_McConaughy_Nebraska_Contours
Preview Page: sir2005-5040_Lake_McConaughy_Nebraska_Contours
Title: Elevation Contours of the Bathymetry near Shorty's Island and Myrtle Bend, Koootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID, 2010
Metadata: ds889_KR_SEPP_Contours_Myrtle_Bend_and_Shortys_Island
Preview Page: ds889_KR_SEPP_Contours_Myrtle_Bend_and_Shortys_Island
Title: Elevation Control Points to reinterpret the base of aquifer contours after airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys of the principal aquifer for portions of the North Platte, South Platte, and Twin Platte Natural Resources Districts, western Nebraska
Metadata: sim3310_TPNRD_ALL_aqbase_control_points_2014
Preview Page: sim3310_TPNRD_ALL_aqbase_control_points_2014
Title: Elevation point file for Lake McConaughy, Nebraska
Metadata: sir2005-5040_Lake_McConaughy_Nebraska_Elevation_Points
Preview Page: sir2005-5040_Lake_McConaughy_Nebraska_Elevation_Points
Title: Enhanced Historical Land-Use and Land-Cover Data Sets of the U.S. Geological Survey: Data Source Index Polygons
Metadata: ds240_landuse_src_poly
Preview Page: ds240_landuse_src_poly
Title: Enhanced Historical Land-Use and Land-Cover Data Sets of the U.S. Geological Survey: polygon format files
Metadata: ds240_landuse_poly
Preview Page: ds240_landuse_poly
Title: Enhanced Historical Land-Use and Land-Cover Data Sets of the U.S. Geological Survey: raster format files
Metadata: ds240_landuse_raster
Preview Page: ds240_landuse_raster
Title: Enhanced Historical Land-Use and Land-Cover Data Sets of the U.S. Geological Survey: Tile Index Polygons
Metadata: ds240_landuse_tilepoly
Preview Page: ds240_landuse_tilepoly
Title: Enhanced National Land Cover Data 1992 (NLCDe 92)
Metadata: nlcde92
Preview Page: nlcde92
Title: Enhanced National Land Cover Data 1992 revised with 1990 and 2000 population data to indicate urban development between 1992 and 2000 (NLCDep0306)
Metadata: nlcdep0306
Preview Page: nlcdep0306
Title: Enhanced National Land Cover Data 1992 revised with 2000 population data to indicate urban development between 1992 and 2000 (NLCDep0905)
Metadata: nlcdep0905
Preview Page: nlcdep0905
Title: Equal-area polygons used in design and installation of a well network for long-term monitoring of agricultural chemicals in the High Plains Aquifer, Colorado
Metadata: ds472_equalareas
Preview Page: ds472_equalareas
Title: ERF1 -- Enhanced River Reach File 1.2
Metadata: erf1
Preview Page: erf1
Title: ERF1_2 -- Enhanced River Reach File 2.0
Metadata: erf1_2
Preview Page: erf1_2
Title: Erosion and deposition for Fanno Creek, Oregon 2012
Metadata: fannoCk_erosion_deposition_2012
Preview Page: fannoCk_erosion_deposition_2012
Title: Estimated Altitude of the Consolidated Rock Surface Underlying Quaternary Sediments of the Wood River Valley aquifer system, South-Central Idaho
Metadata: sir12-5053_BRsurf
Preview Page: sir12-5053_BRsurf
Title: Estimated Altitude of the Top of the Uppermost Unit of Fine-Grained Sediment within the Wood River Valley aquifer system, South-Central Idaho
Metadata: sir12-5053_FineGrn
Preview Page: sir12-5053_FineGrn
Title: Estimated Irrigated Agricultural Water Use In 2000
Metadata: sir2008-5239_swpa_agir_wu_2000
Preview Page: sir2008-5239_swpa_agir_wu_2000
Title: Estimated mean annual natural ground-water recharge in the conterminous United States
Metadata: rech48grd
Preview Page: rech48grd
Title: Estimated Perennial Streams in Idaho, indexed to the NHDPlus
Metadata: ds412_perennialstreamsevents
Preview Page: ds412_perennialstreamsevents
Title: Estimated Perennial Streams in Idaho
Metadata: ds412_syntheticperennialstreams
Preview Page: ds412_syntheticperennialstreams
Title: Estimated potentiometric surface by D'Agnese and others (1998), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_pot_wri974052
Preview Page: pp1711_pot_wri974052
Title: Estimated potentiometric surface by D'Agnese and others (1998), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_pot_wri974052
Preview Page: sir045205_pot_wri974052
Title: Estimated Public Supply Water Use of the Southwest Principal Aquifers (SWPA) study in 2005
Metadata: sir2008-5239_swpa_public_supply_wu_2005
Preview Page: sir2008-5239_swpa_public_supply_wu_2005
Title: Estimated Thickness of Quaternary Sediment in the Wood River Valley aquifer system, South-Central Idaho
Metadata: sir12-5053_SedThick
Preview Page: sir12-5053_SedThick
Title: Estimates of agricultural cropping-practices in counties in the conterminous United States as reported in the 1987 Census of Agriculture
Metadata: ag_crop1
Preview Page: ag_crop1
Title: Estimates of agricultural cropping-practices in counties in the conterminous United States as reported in the 1987 Census of Agriculture
Metadata: ag_crop2
Preview Page: ag_crop2
Title: Estimates of agricultural expenses in counties in the conterminous United States as reported in the 1987 Census of Agriculture
Metadata: ag_expn
Preview Page: ag_expn
Title: Estimates of agricultural-chemical use in counties in the conterminous United States as reported in the 1987 Census of Agriculture
Metadata: ag_chem
Preview Page: ag_chem
Title: Estimates of herbicide use for the 20 most-used herbicides in the conterminous United States
Metadata: herbicide1
Preview Page: herbicide1
Title: Estimates of herbicide use for the eighty-first through the ninety-sixth most-used herbicides in the conterminous United States
Metadata: herbicide5
Preview Page: herbicide5
Title: Estimates of herbicide use for the forty-first through the sixtieth most-used herbicides in the conterminous United States
Metadata: herbicide3
Preview Page: herbicide3
Title: Estimates of herbicide use for the sixty-first through the eightieth most-use herbicides in the conterminous United States
Metadata: herbicide4
Preview Page: herbicide4
Title: Estimates of herbicide use for the twenty-first through the fortieth most-used herbicides in the conterminous United States
Metadata: herbicide2
Preview Page: herbicide2
Title: Estimates of land in agricultural production in counties in the conterminous United States as reported in the 1987 Census of Agriculture
Metadata: ag_land
Preview Page: ag_land
Title: Estimates of livestock holdings in counties in the conterminous United States as reported in the 1987 Census of Agriculture
Metadata: ag_stock
Preview Page: ag_stock
Title: Estimates of nitrogen-fertilizer sales for the conterminous United States in 1985
Metadata: nit85
Preview Page: nit85
Title: Estimates of nitrogen-fertilizer sales for the conterminous United States in 1986
Metadata: nit86
Preview Page: nit86
Title: Estimates of nitrogen-fertilizer sales for the conterminous United States in 1987
Metadata: nit87
Preview Page: nit87
Title: Estimates of nitrogen-fertilizer sales for the conterminous United States in 1988
Metadata: nit88
Preview Page: nit88
Title: Estimates of nitrogen-fertilizer sales for the conterminous United States in 1989
Metadata: nit89
Preview Page: nit89
Title: Estimates of nitrogen-fertilizer sales for the conterminous United States in 1990
Metadata: nit90
Preview Page: nit90
Title: Estimates of nitrogen-fertilizer sales for the conterminous United States in 1991
Metadata: nit91
Preview Page: nit91
Title: Estimates of the Soil Restrictive Layer in the Upper 25,35,45, and 55 centimeters of agricultural land in the conterminous United States
Metadata: ssurgo_srlag
Preview Page: ssurgo_srlag
Title: Estimating Domestic Self-Supply Water Use for the Delaware River Basin, 1990 U.S. Census Block Groups
Metadata: block_groups_1990
Preview Page: block_groups_1990
Title: Estimating Domestic Self-Supply Water Use for the Delaware River Basin, 1990 U.S. Census Blocks
Metadata: blocks_1990
Preview Page: blocks_1990
Title: Estimating Domestic Self-Supply Water Use for the Delaware River Basin, 2000 U.S. Census Block Groups
Metadata: block_groups_2000
Preview Page: block_groups_2000
Title: Estimating Domestic Self-Supply Water Use for the Delaware River Basin, 2000 U.S. Census Blocks
Metadata: blocks_2000
Preview Page: blocks_2000
Title: Estimating Domestic Self-Supply Water Use for the Delaware River Basin, 2010 U.S. Census Block Groups
Metadata: block_groups_2010
Preview Page: block_groups_2010
Title: Estimating Domestic Self-Supply Water Use for the Delaware River Basin, 2010 U.S. Census Blocks
Metadata: blocks_2010
Preview Page: blocks_2010
Title: Evapotranspiration Input Data for the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_eth_prism2k_sample
Preview Page: pp1766_eth_prism2k_sample
Title: Evapotranspiration sites within the Ash Meadows and Oasis Valley discharge areas, Nevada
Metadata: etsite
Preview Page: etsite
Title: Evapotranspiration units for Dixie Valley, Churchill County, Nevada
Metadata: pp1805_ETunits
Preview Page: pp1805_ETunits
Title: Evapotranspiration Units for the Diamond Valley Flow System Groundwater Discharge Area, Central Nevada, 2010
Metadata: sir2016-5055_ETUnits
Preview Page: sir2016-5055_ETUnits
Title: Evapotranspiration units in the Basin and Range carbonate-rock aquifer system, White Pine County, Nevada, and adjacent parts of Nevada and Utah
Metadata: sir2007-5087_etunit
Preview Page: sir2007-5087_etunit
Title: Extent of Corcoran Clay modified from Page (1986) for the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_corcoran_clay_extent
Preview Page: pp1766_corcoran_clay_extent
Title: Extent of soil with high phosphorus retention potential in the United States Pacific Northwest
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_Soil_P_RetentionPotential_p_ret_high
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_Soil_P_RetentionPotential_p_ret_high
Title: Extent of soil with low phosphorus retention potential in the United States Pacific Northwest
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_Soil_P_RetentionPotential_p_ret_low
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_Soil_P_RetentionPotential_p_ret_low
Title: Extent of soil with moderate phosphorus retention potential in the United States Pacific Northwest
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_Soil_P_RetentionPotential_p_ret_mod
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_Soil_P_RetentionPotential_p_ret_mod
Title: Extent of soil with very high phosphorus retention potential in the United States Pacific Northwest
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_Soil_P_RetentionPotential_p_ret_vhigh
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_Soil_P_RetentionPotential_p_ret_vhigh
Title: Extent of the Fox Hills aquifer in the Powder River and Williston structural basins
Metadata: sir2014-5047_extent_of_Fox_Hills_aquifer_in_Powder_River_and_Williston_basins
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_extent_of_Fox_Hills_aquifer_in_Powder_River_and_Williston_basins
Title: Extent of the lower Fort Union aquifer in the Powder River and Williston structural basins
Metadata: sir2014-5047_extent_of_lower_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Powder_River_and_Williston_basins
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_extent_of_lower_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Powder_River_and_Williston_basins
Title: Extent of the Lower Hell Creek aquifer in the Powder River and Williston structural basins
Metadata: sir2014-5047_extent_of_Lower_Hell_Creek_aquifer_in_Powder_River_and_Williston_basins
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_extent_of_Lower_Hell_Creek_aquifer_in_Powder_River_and_Williston_basins
Title: Extent of the middle Fort Union hydrogeologic unit in the Powder River and Williston structural basins
Metadata: sir2014-5047_extent_of_middle_Fort_Union_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Powder_River_and_Williston_basins
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_extent_of_middle_Fort_Union_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Powder_River_and_Williston_basins
Title: Extent of the upper Fort Union aquifer in the Powder River and Williston structural basins
Metadata: sir2014-5047_extent_of_upper_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Powder_River_and_Williston_basins
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_extent_of_upper_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Powder_River_and_Williston_basins
Title: Extent of the Upper Hell Creek hydrogeologic unit in the Powder River and Williston structural basins
Metadata: sir2014-5047_extent_of_Upper_Hell_Creek_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Powder_River_and_Williston_basins
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_extent_of_Upper_Hell_Creek_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Powder_River_and_Williston_basins
Title: Extents of the aquifer and confining units of the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina aquifer system (pp1773_extents)
Metadata: pp1773_extents
Preview Page: pp1773_extents
Title: Extents of the hydrogeologic units of the uppermost principal aquifer systems in the Powder River and Williston structural basins
Metadata: sir2014-5047_extents_of_hydrogeologic_units_of_upper_principal_aquifers_in_Powder_River_and_Williston_basins
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_extents_of_hydrogeologic_units_of_upper_principal_aquifers_in_Powder_River_and_Williston_basins
Title: False-color composite of Landsat data for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system project, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_dv_mosaic
Preview Page: pp1711_dv_mosaic
Title: False-color composite of Landsat data for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system project, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_dv_mosaic
Preview Page: sir045205_dv_mosaic
Title: Farm Process (FMP) Parameters used in the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_fmp_parameters
Preview Page: pp1766_fmp_parameters
Title: Faults of the Lake Tahoe Basin
Metadata: sim3063_Tahoe_Fault
Preview Page: sim3063_Tahoe_Fault
Title: Fertilizer nutrients applied to farm and nonfarm land in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002 summarized for NHDPlus v2 catchments
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_FertilizerDistribution_summary
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_FertilizerDistribution_summary
Title: Floridan aquifer system
Metadata: floridan_aquifer_system
Preview Page: floridan_aquifer_system
Title: Flow characteristics at U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in the conterminous United States.
Metadata: qsitesdd
Preview Page: qsitesdd
Title: Flow system boundary by D'Agnese and others (1997) for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_bnd_wri964300
Preview Page: pp1711_bnd_wri964300
Title: Flow system boundary by D'Agnese and others (1997) for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_bnd_wri964300
Preview Page: sir045205_bnd_wri964300
Title: FTLOADDS (combined SWIFT2D surface-water model and SEAWAT groundwater model) simulator used to assess proposed sea-level rise response and water-resource management plans for the hydrologic system of the South Florida Peninsula for the Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport (BISECT) Model
Metadata: sir2019-5045
Preview Page: sir2019-5045
Title: FTLOADDS (combined SWIFT2D surface-water model and SEAWAT groundwater model) simulator used to Repurpose a Hindcast Simulation of the 1926 Great Miami Hurricane using the South Florida Peninsula for the Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport (BISECT) Model
Metadata: ofr2020-1010
Preview Page: ofr2020-1010
Title: GAGES-II: Geospatial Attributes of Gages for Evaluating Streamflow
Metadata: gagesII_Sept2011
Preview Page: gagesII_Sept2011
Title: Generalized average annual yield efficiency (in percent of annual precipitation) for the Black Hills area, South Dakota, water years 1950-98
Metadata: sd_re5098
Preview Page: sd_re5098
Title: Generalized boundaries of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Study-Unit Investigations in the conterminous United States 1991-2001
Metadata: nawqagencyc1
Preview Page: nawqagencyc1
Title: Generalized boundaries of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Study-Unit Investigations in the conterminous United States 2001-2012
Metadata: nawqagencyc2
Preview Page: nawqagencyc2
Title: Generalized peak skew coefficients for Oklahoma, 1961-1990 base period.
Metadata: ofr97-574_ok_skew
Preview Page: ofr97-574_ok_skew
Title: Generalized thickness of the Madison Limestone and Englewood Formation, Black Hills, South Dakota.
Metadata: sd_mdsn_thk
Preview Page: sd_mdsn_thk
Title: Generalized thickness of the Minnelusa Formation, Black Hills, South Dakota.
Metadata: sd_mnls_thk
Preview Page: sd_mnls_thk
Title: Geodatabase of Groundwater Discharge Estimates to Streams in the Upper Colorado River Basin
Metadata: ds851_UCRBBaseflow
Preview Page: ds851_UCRBBaseflow
Title: Geodatabase of the available top and bottom surface datasets that represent the Basin and Range basin-fill aquifers, Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, and Utah
Metadata: ds01bsnrgb_a10
Preview Page: ds01bsnrgb_a10
Title: Geodatabase of the available top and bottom surface datasets that represent the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas
Metadata: ds38edrtrn_a10
Preview Page: ds38edrtrn_a10
Title: Geodatabase of the available top and bottom surface datasets that represent the Mississippian aquifer, Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia
Metadata: ds40mssppi_a10
Preview Page: ds40mssppi_a10
Title: Geodatabase of the datasets that represent the five vertical subunits of the Coastal Lowlands aquifer system, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas
Metadata: ds18csllwd_a10
Preview Page: ds18csllwd_a10
Title: Geodatabase of the datasets that represent the three subareas of the Silurian-Devonian aquifer, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, and Wisconsin
Metadata: ds47slrdvn_a10
Preview Page: ds47slrdvn_a10
Title: Geodatabase of the datasets used to represent the 4 subareas of the Lower Cretaceous aquifer, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds25lcrtcs_a10
Preview Page: ds25lcrtcs_a10
Title: Geodatabase of the datasets used to represent the four aquifer subunits of the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer system, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin
Metadata: ds33camord_a10
Preview Page: ds33camord_a10
Title: Geodatabase of the datasets used to represent the four subunits of the Southeastern Coastal Plain aquifer system, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee
Metadata: ds21secslp_a10
Preview Page: ds21secslp_a10
Title: Geodatabase of the datasets used to represent the High Plains aquifer, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
Metadata: ds11hghpln_a10
Preview Page: ds11hghpln_a10
Title: Geodatabase of the datasets used to represent the six subunits of the Texas Coastal Uplands and Mississippi Embayment aquifer system, Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas
Metadata: ds19txclup_20msembm_a10
Preview Page: ds19txclup_20msembm_a10
Title: Geodatabase of the datasets used to represent the two subunits of the Central Valley aquifer system, California
Metadata: ds10cnrlvl_a10
Preview Page: ds10cnrlvl_a10
Title: Geodatabase of the datasets used to represent the two subunits of the Pennsylvanian aquifer in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan
Metadata: ds31pnslvn_a10
Preview Page: ds31pnslvn_a10
Title: Geohydrologic unit boundaries along the Colorado Front Range
Metadata: co_geo_ha742
Preview Page: co_geo_ha742
Title: Geologic structure-contours for the top of the Deadwood Formation in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_ddwdscon
Preview Page: ofr00471_ddwdscon
Title: Geologic structure-contours for the top of the Inyan Kara Formation in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_inkrscon
Preview Page: ofr00471_inkrscon
Title: Geologic structure-contours for the top of the Madison Limestone in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_mdsnscon
Preview Page: ofr00471_mdsnscon
Title: Geologic structure-contours for the top of the Minnekahta Limestone in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_mnktscon
Preview Page: ofr00471_mnktscon
Title: Geologic structure-contours for the top of the Minnelusa Formation in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_mnlsscon
Preview Page: ofr00471_mnlsscon
Title: Geomorphic Floodplain with Organic Matter (Biomass) Estimates for Fanno Creek, Oregon
Metadata: fannoCk_fldpln
Preview Page: fannoCk_fldpln
Title: Geomorphic, basin-characteristic, and peak-streamflow data for 50 streams in Ohio
Metadata: sir2005-5153_ohio_bankfull_data
Preview Page: sir2005-5153_ohio_bankfull_data
Title: Geospatial Data Used in Water-Level and Land-Subsidence Studies in the Mojave River and Morongo Groundwater Basins for 2004
Metadata: cont2004
Preview Page: cont2004
Title: Geospatial Data Used in Water-Level and Land-Subsidence Studies in the Mojave River and Morongo Groundwater Basins for 2006
Metadata: cont2006
Preview Page: cont2006
Title: Geospatial Data Used in Water-Level and Land-Subsidence Studies in the Mojave River and Morongo Groundwater Basins for 2008
Metadata: cont2008
Preview Page: cont2008
Title: Geospatial database of ground-water altitude and depth-to-ground-water data for Utah, 1971-2000
Metadata: ds302
Preview Page: ds302
Title: Geospatial Database of Hydroclimate Variables, Spring Mountains and Sheep Range, Clark County, Nevada
Metadata: sir2014-5142_App1
Preview Page: sir2014-5142_App1
Title: Geospatial Dataset of Agricultural Lands in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 2007 - 10
Metadata: sir2014_5039_UCRBAgriculture
Preview Page: sir2014_5039_UCRBAgriculture
Title: GFLOW groundwater flow model for the northern part of the Nicolet Unit of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin
Metadata: leaf2019_WGNHS_Nicolet_north
Preview Page: leaf2019_WGNHS_Nicolet_north
Title: GFLOW groundwater flow model for the Park Falls Unit of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin
Metadata: wgnhs2019_parkfalls
Preview Page: wgnhs2019_parkfalls
Title: GFLOW groundwater flow model for the southern part of the Nicolet Unit of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin
Metadata: leaf2019_WGNHS_Nicolet_south
Preview Page: leaf2019_WGNHS_Nicolet_south
Title: GFLOW groundwater flow model of the St. Louis River Basin, Minnesota
Metadata: sir2019-5033
Preview Page: sir2019-5033
Title: GFLOW model files used to generate probabilistic waste-water plume extents and contributing areas to supply wells for a proposed waste-water infiltration lagoon scenario, Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin.
Metadata: ofr2020-1032
Preview Page: ofr2020-1032
Title: GFLOW model used to characterize the groundwater resources of the Great Divide Unit of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin
Metadata: leaf2019_WGNHS_GreatDivide
Preview Page: leaf2019_WGNHS_GreatDivide
Title: GFLOW model used to characterize the groundwater resources of the Medford Unit of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin
Metadata: leaf2019_WGNHS_Medford
Preview Page: leaf2019_WGNHS_Medford
Title: GFLOW model used to characterize the groundwater resources of the Washburn Unit of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin
Metadata: leaf2019_WGNHS_Washburn
Preview Page: leaf2019_WGNHS_Washburn
Title: GPS data collected for postconstruction hydrographic surveys of Missouri River downstream from Gavins Point Dam near river mile 761.4
Metadata: ofr07-1056_dn_post_gps.shp
Preview Page: ofr07-1056_dn_post_gps.shp
Title: GPS data collected for preconstruction hydrographic surveys of Missouri River downstream from Gavins Point Dam near river mile 761.4
Metadata: ofr07-1056_dn_pre_gps.shp
Preview Page: ofr07-1056_dn_pre_gps.shp
Title: GPS data collected for transects as part of the post-construction survey at Emergent Sandbar Habitat site on the Missouri River near river mile 769.8
Metadata: ofr07-1056_up_post_gps.shp
Preview Page: ofr07-1056_up_post_gps.shp
Title: GPS data collected for transects as part of the pre-construction survey at Emergent Sandbar Habitat site on the Missouri River near river mile 769.8
Metadata: ofr07-1056_up_pre_gps.shp
Preview Page: ofr07-1056_up_pre_gps.shp
Title: Gravity and Pressure Irrigation on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice IT03
Metadata: nri92_it03
Preview Page: nri92_it03
Title: Grid cells used for Surface-Water Network for the Central Valley Hydrologic Model
Metadata: pp1766_sfr2_grd_polyc
Preview Page: pp1766_sfr2_grd_polyc
Title: Grid of mean annual precipitation for Oklahoma, 1961-1990 base period.
Metadata: ofr97-574_ok_maprecip
Preview Page: ofr97-574_ok_maprecip
Title: Grid of streamflow variability index for Ohio
Metadata: varindexgrid
Preview Page: varindexgrid
Title: Grids of Agricultural Pesticide Use in the Conterminous United States, 1992
Metadata: agpest92grd
Preview Page: agpest92grd
Title: Grids of Agricultural Pesticide Use in the Conterminous United States, 1997
Metadata: agpest97grd
Preview Page: agpest97grd
Title: Ground-water flow lines used in the generalized potentiometric surface of the Arikaree aquifer, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and Bennett County, South Dakota
Metadata: sim2993_gwflow
Preview Page: sim2993_gwflow
Title: Ground-water level contours for the confined aquifer in the Wood River Valley, south-central Idaho, representing conditions during October 2006.
Metadata: sir2007-5258_oct2006confinedwl
Preview Page: sir2007-5258_oct2006confinedwl
Title: Ground-water level contours for the confined aquifer in the Wood River Valley, south-central Idaho, representing the partial-development conditions.
Metadata: sir2007-5258_partdevconfined
Preview Page: sir2007-5258_partdevconfined
Title: Ground-water level contours for the unconfined aquifer in the Wood River Valley, south-central Idaho, representing conditions during October 2006.
Metadata: sir2007-5258_oct2006wl
Preview Page: sir2007-5258_oct2006wl
Title: Ground-water level contours for the unconfined aquifer in the Wood River Valley, south-central Idaho, representing partial-development conditions.
Metadata: sir2007-5258_partdev
Preview Page: sir2007-5258_partdev
Title: Ground-water monitoring sites for Carson Valley, Nevada
Metadata: wrir99-4188_cv_x
Preview Page: wrir99-4188_cv_x
Title: Ground-water-level contours for Carson Valley, Nevada
Metadata: wrir99-4188_wla
Preview Page: wrir99-4188_wla
Title: Groundwater contributing areas for Cape Cod and the Plymouth-Carver Regions of Massachusetts
Metadata: ds451_gwcontrib_areas
Preview Page: ds451_gwcontrib_areas
Title: Groundwater depletion in the United States (1900-2008)
Metadata: sir2013-5079_Groundwater_Depletion
Preview Page: sir2013-5079_Groundwater_Depletion
Title: Groundwater discharge area for Diamond Valley, Central Nevada, 1968
Metadata: nv_WRB35_GDA
Preview Page: nv_WRB35_GDA
Title: Groundwater Discharge Area for Dixie Valley, Churchill County, Nevada
Metadata: pp1805_GDA
Preview Page: pp1805_GDA
Title: Groundwater Discharge Area for the Diamond Valley Flow System, Central Nevada
Metadata: sir2016-5055_GDA
Preview Page: sir2016-5055_GDA
Title: Groundwater discharge areas for Antelope, Kobeh, and Monitor Valleys, Central Nevada, 1964
Metadata: nv_RR30_GDA
Preview Page: nv_RR30_GDA
Title: Groundwater Site Identification Indexes for Washington D.C., Baltimore City, and the Counties of Maryland
Metadata: mddc_indexes
Preview Page: mddc_indexes
Title: GSFLOW and MODSIM-GSFLOW model used to evaluate the potential effects of increased temperature on the Carson Valley watershed and agricultural system in eastern California and western Nevada
Metadata: kitlasten2020-wrr
Preview Page: kitlasten2020-wrr
Title: GSFLOW groundwater-surface-water model 2016 update for the Trout Lake Watershed
Metadata: hunt2017_LandO_model
Preview Page: hunt2017_LandO_model
Title: GSFLOW model of the upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Metadata: sir2017-5097
Preview Page: sir2017-5097
Title: GSFLOW model simulations used to evaluate the impact of irrigated agriculture on surface water - groundwater interaction
Metadata: essaid2017_StotEn
Preview Page: essaid2017_StotEn
Title: GSFLOW model to evaluate the effect of groundwater pumpage and climate stresses on the integrated hydrologic system of the Yucaipa subbasin, Yucaipa Valley watershed, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California.
Metadata: sir2021-5118
Preview Page: sir2021-5118
Title: GSFLOW model used to simulate the groundwater and surface-water resources of the San Antonio Creek Valley watershed, Santa Barbara County, California
Metadata: sir2021-5139
Preview Page: sir2021-5139
Title: GWM-2005, MODFLOW-2005, MODFLOW-NWT, and SEAWAT-2000 groundwater flow models of the Bedrock Aquifers at the Kettle Moraine Springs State Fish Hatchery, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin
Metadata: sir2017-5074
Preview Page: sir2017-5074
Title: Head Scarp Boundary for the Landslides in the Little North Santiam River Basin, Oregon
Metadata: insantiam_LandslideInventory_HeadScarp
Preview Page: insantiam_LandslideInventory_HeadScarp
Title: HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS models used to analyze dam failure for the Lago El Guineo Dam, Orocovis, Puerto Rico
Metadata: sir2016-5070_Lago_El_Guineo_Dam
Preview Page: sir2016-5070_Lago_El_Guineo_Dam
Title: Heuristic MODFLOW models used to evaluate the effects of pumping groundwater from confined aquifers overlain by till confining units
Metadata: sir2020-5127
Preview Page: sir2020-5127
Title: High Plains aquifer (SUPERCEDED)
Metadata: high_plains_aquifer
Preview Page: high_plains_aquifer
Title: Hillshade of the San Gorgonio Pass area, Riverside County, California.
Metadata: sgpwa_hill27_image
Preview Page: sgpwa_hill27_image
Title: Historic and projected streamflow for the southwestern United States (1975-2099)
Metadata: historic_and_projected_streamflow_for_southwestern_United_States_1975-2099
Preview Page: historic_and_projected_streamflow_for_southwestern_United_States_1975-2099
Title: Historical boundary of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system by Harrill and Prudic (1998), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_bnd_pp1409a
Preview Page: pp1711_bnd_pp1409a
Title: Historical boundary of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system by Harrill and Prudic (1998), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_bnd_pp1409a
Preview Page: sir045205_bnd_pp1409a
Title: Horizontal flow barriers for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_hfbs
Preview Page: pp1711_hfbs
Title: Horizontal flow barriers for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_hfbs
Preview Page: sir045205_hfbs
Title: Humboldt River main stem, Nevada
Metadata: hydmain_hum
Preview Page: hydmain_hum
Title: Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN) -- A USGS Streamflow Data Set for the U.S. for the Study of Climate Fluctuations
Metadata: hcdn
Preview Page: hcdn
Title: Hydrogeologic Areas of the Southwest Principal Aquifer (SWPA) study
Metadata: sir2008-5239_swpa_hga
Preview Page: sir2008-5239_swpa_hga
Title: Hydrogeologic framework bottom elevations and thicknesses of Permian, Upper Pennsylvanian, Lower Pennsylvanian, and Mississippian units in the Appalachian Plateaus Physiographic Province
Metadata: app_plats_framework
Preview Page: app_plats_framework
Title: Hydrogeologic Groupings of the Lake Tahoe Basin
Metadata: sim3063_Tahoe_Hydrogeology_Grp
Preview Page: sim3063_Tahoe_Hydrogeology_Grp
Title: Hydrogeologic map of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_hydro_geo
Preview Page: pp1711_hydro_geo
Title: Hydrogeologic map of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_hydro_geo
Preview Page: sir045205_hydro_geo
Title: Hydrogeologic Provinces for California based upon established groundwater basins and watershed polygons.
Metadata: ca_provinces
Preview Page: ca_provinces
Title: Hydrogeologic unit map coverage for the Black Hills of South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_hydrogeo
Preview Page: ofr00471_hydrogeo
Title: Hydrogeology of Nevada
Metadata: nv_hydgeolnv_p
Preview Page: nv_hydgeolnv_p
Title: Hydrogeology of the Lake Tahoe Basin Study Area Boundary
Metadata: sim3063_Tahoe_Study_Area
Preview Page: sim3063_Tahoe_Study_Area
Title: Hydrogeomorphic Regions in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
Metadata: hgmr
Preview Page: hgmr
Title: Hydrographic Areas Within the Basin and Range Carbonate-Rock Aquifer System, White Pine County, Nevada and Adjacent Areas in Nevada and Utah
Metadata: ds273_HA_StudyArea
Preview Page: ds273_HA_StudyArea
Title: Hydrographic Surveys at Plattsmouth chute, 2011-13
Metadata: ds909_Plattsmouth_chute
Preview Page: ds909_Plattsmouth_chute
Title: Hydrographic Surveys of the Missouri River at Council chute, 2011-13
Metadata: ds909_Council_chute
Preview Page: ds909_Council_chute
Title: Hydrographic Surveys of the Missouri River at Deroin chute, 2011-13
Metadata: ds909_Deroin_chute
Preview Page: ds909_Deroin_chute
Title: Hydrographic Surveys of the Missouri River at Kansas chute, 2011-13
Metadata: ds909_Kansas_chute
Preview Page: ds909_Kansas_chute
Title: Hydrographic Surveys of the Missouri River at Langdon backwater, 2011-13
Metadata: ds909_Langdon_backwater
Preview Page: ds909_Langdon_backwater
Title: Hydrographic Surveys of the Missouri River at Lower Hamburg chute, 2011-13
Metadata: ds909_Lower_Hamburg_chute
Preview Page: ds909_Lower_Hamburg_chute
Title: Hydrographic Surveys of the Missouri River at Plattsmouth backwater, 2011-13
Metadata: ds909_Plattsmouth_backwater
Preview Page: ds909_Plattsmouth_backwater
Title: Hydrographic Surveys of the Missouri River at Ponca backwater, 2011-13
Metadata: ds909_Ponca_backwater
Preview Page: ds909_Ponca_backwater
Title: Hydrographic Surveys of the Missouri River at Tobacco chute, 2011-13
Metadata: ds909_Tobacco_chute
Preview Page: ds909_Tobacco_chute
Title: Hydrographic Surveys of the Missouri River at Upper Hamburg chute, 2011-13
Metadata: ds909_Upper_Hamburg_chute
Preview Page: ds909_Upper_Hamburg_chute
Title: Hydrography for the Little North Santiam River Basin, Oregon
Metadata: insantiam_Hydrography
Preview Page: insantiam_Hydrography
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Beaver County, Utah
Metadata: ut_beaver
Preview Page: ut_beaver
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Boxelder County, Utah
Metadata: ut_boxelder
Preview Page: ut_boxelder
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Cache County, Utah
Metadata: ut_cache
Preview Page: ut_cache
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Carbon County, Utah
Metadata: ut_carbon
Preview Page: ut_carbon
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Daggett County, Utah
Metadata: ut_daggett
Preview Page: ut_daggett
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Davis County, Utah
Metadata: ut_davis
Preview Page: ut_davis
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Duchesne County, Utah
Metadata: ut_duchesne
Preview Page: ut_duchesne
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Emery County, Utah
Metadata: ut_emery
Preview Page: ut_emery
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Garfield County, Utah
Metadata: ut_garfield
Preview Page: ut_garfield
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Grand County, Utah
Metadata: ut_grand
Preview Page: ut_grand
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Iron County, Utah
Metadata: ut_iron
Preview Page: ut_iron
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Juab County, Utah
Metadata: ut_juab
Preview Page: ut_juab
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Kane County, Utah
Metadata: ut_kane
Preview Page: ut_kane
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Millard County, Utah
Metadata: ut_millard
Preview Page: ut_millard
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Morgan County, Utah
Metadata: ut_morgan
Preview Page: ut_morgan
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Piute County, Utah
Metadata: ut_piute
Preview Page: ut_piute
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Rich County, Utah
Metadata: ut_rich
Preview Page: ut_rich
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Saltlake County, Utah
Metadata: ut_saltlake
Preview Page: ut_saltlake
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Sanjuan County, Utah
Metadata: ut_sanjuan
Preview Page: ut_sanjuan
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Sanpete County, Utah
Metadata: ut_sanpete
Preview Page: ut_sanpete
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Sevier County, Utah
Metadata: ut_sevier
Preview Page: ut_sevier
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Summit County, Utah
Metadata: ut_summit
Preview Page: ut_summit
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Tooele County, Utah
Metadata: ut_tooele
Preview Page: ut_tooele
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Uintah County, Utah
Metadata: ut_uintah
Preview Page: ut_uintah
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Utah County, Utah
Metadata: ut_utah
Preview Page: ut_utah
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Wasatch County, Utah
Metadata: ut_wasatch
Preview Page: ut_wasatch
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Washington County, Utah
Metadata: ut_washington
Preview Page: ut_washington
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Wayne County, Utah
Metadata: ut_wayne
Preview Page: ut_wayne
Title: Hydrologic Data Sites for Weber County, Utah
Metadata: ut_weber
Preview Page: ut_weber
Title: Hydrologic landscape regions of Nevada
Metadata: nv_hlrnv_g
Preview Page: nv_hlrnv_g
Title: Hydrologic landscape regions of the United States
Metadata: hlrus
Preview Page: hlrus
Title: Hydrologic Soil Group for the Upper Colorado River Basin in Daymet Climate Data resolution (hsg_UCRB_Daymet_resolution.txt)
Metadata: ofr_2015_1160_hsg_daymet_resolution
Preview Page: ofr_2015_1160_hsg_daymet_resolution
Title: Hydrologic Soil Group for the Upper Colorado River Basin in Maurer et al. (2002) Climate Data resolution (hsg_UCRB_Maurer_resolution.asc)
Metadata: ofr_2015_1160_hsg_maurer_resolution
Preview Page: ofr_2015_1160_hsg_maurer_resolution
Title: Individual Target Data-Collection Points for Lake Darling, Washington County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949A_dar_targpts
Preview Page: sim06-2949A_dar_targpts
Title: Individual Target Data-Collection Points for Lake Minnewashta, Dickinson County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949C_min_targpts
Preview Page: sim06-2949C_min_targpts
Title: Individual Target Data-Collection Points for Littlefield Lake, Audubon County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949B_litt_targpts
Preview Page: sim06-2949B_litt_targpts
Title: Individual Target Data-Collection Points for Nine Eagles Lake, Decatur County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06_2949D_eag_targpts
Preview Page: sim06_2949D_eag_targpts
Title: Individual Target Data-Collection Points for the Main Portion of Prairie Rose Lake, Shelby County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949E_pr_targpts
Preview Page: sim06-2949E_pr_targpts
Title: Individual Target Data-Collection Points for Upper Gar Lake, Dickinson County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949F_ugar_targpts
Preview Page: sim06-2949F_ugar_targpts
Title: Individual Target Data-Collection Points Upstream of the Siltation Dam at Prairie Rose Lake, Shelby County, Iowa
Metadata: sim06-2949E_pr_targsdam
Preview Page: sim06-2949E_pr_targsdam
Title: Infiltration-excess overland flow estimated by TOPMODEL for the conterminous United States
Metadata: ieof48
Preview Page: ieof48
Title: Inflow Locations and Magnitude Input Files to the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_inflow_loc_id
Preview Page: pp1766_inflow_loc_id
Title: Initial hydraulic heads for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_start_heads
Preview Page: pp1711_start_heads
Title: Initial hydraulic heads for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_start_heads
Preview Page: sir045205_start_heads
Title: Inorganic Nitrogen Wet Deposition for the Conterminous United States, 1961
Metadata: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1961
Preview Page: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1961
Title: Inorganic Nitrogen Wet Deposition for the Conterminous United States, 1962
Metadata: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1962
Preview Page: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1962
Title: Inorganic Nitrogen Wet Deposition for the Conterminous United States, 1963
Metadata: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1963
Preview Page: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1963
Title: Inorganic Nitrogen Wet Deposition for the Conterminous United States, 1964
Metadata: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1964
Preview Page: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1964
Title: Inorganic Nitrogen Wet Deposition for the Conterminous United States, 1965
Metadata: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1965
Preview Page: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1965
Title: Inorganic Nitrogen Wet Deposition for the Conterminous United States, 1981
Metadata: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1981
Preview Page: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1981
Title: Inorganic Nitrogen Wet Deposition for the Conterminous United States, 1982
Metadata: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1982
Preview Page: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1982
Title: Inorganic Nitrogen Wet Deposition for the Conterminous United States, 1983
Metadata: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1983
Preview Page: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1983
Title: Inorganic Nitrogen Wet Deposition for the Conterminous United States, 1984
Metadata: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1984
Preview Page: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1984
Title: Inorganic Nitrogen Wet Deposition for the Conterminous United States, July 1955-June 1956
Metadata: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1955
Preview Page: sir2014-5067_atm_ndep_1955
Title: Input Digital Datasets for the Soil-Water Balance Groundwater Recharge Model of the Upper Colorado River Basin
Metadata: ofr_2015_1160_soil-water_balance
Preview Page: ofr_2015_1160_soil-water_balance
Title: Interpretations from resistivity and lithologic logs in selected wells in the Williston basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_App2_resist_litho_log_interpret
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_App2_resist_litho_log_interpret
Title: Irrigated Acreage Geodatabase Within the Basin and Range Carbonate-Rock Aquifer System, White Pine County, Nevada, and Adjacent Areas in Nevada and Utah
Metadata: ds273_DelineatedIrrigatedAcreage_Geodatabase
Preview Page: ds273_DelineatedIrrigatedAcreage_Geodatabase
Title: Irrigated Acreage Within the Basin and Range Carbonate-Rock Aquifer System, White Pine County, Nevada and Adjacent Areas in Nevada and Utah Field Verification Global Position System (GPS) Waypoints
Metadata: ds273_IrrigationFieldCheck
Preview Page: ds273_IrrigationFieldCheck
Title: Irrigated Acreage Within the Basin and Range Carbonate-Rock Aquifer System, White Pine County, Nevada and Adjacent Areas in Nevada and Utah
Metadata: ds273_Ag_Irrigation
Preview Page: ds273_Ag_Irrigation
Title: Irrigated Agricultural Lands and Other Anthropogenic Land Disturbance in the Diamond Valley Flow System, Central Nevada, 2011
Metadata: sir2016-5055_AGLands
Preview Page: sir2016-5055_AGLands
Title: Irrigation Canals or Laterals on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice 320
Metadata: nri92_cp320
Preview Page: nri92_cp320
Title: Irrigation Land Leveling on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice 464
Metadata: nri92_cp464
Preview Page: nri92_cp464
Title: Irrigation System by Tailwater Recovery on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice 447
Metadata: nri92_cp447
Preview Page: nri92_cp447
Title: Irrigation Water Conveyance by Ditch and Canal on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice 428
Metadata: nri92_cp428
Preview Page: nri92_cp428
Title: Irrigation Water Conveyance by Pipelines on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice 430
Metadata: nri92_cp430
Preview Page: nri92_cp430
Title: Irrigation Water Management Recovery on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice 449
Metadata: nri92_cp449
Preview Page: nri92_cp449
Title: Irrigation Wells from the Nevada Division of Water Resources Well Log Database
Metadata: ds273_NV_StateWellLog
Preview Page: ds273_NV_StateWellLog
Title: Irrigation Wells from the Utah Division of Water Rights Point of Diversion Database
Metadata: ds273_Utah_POD
Preview Page: ds273_Utah_POD
Title: Isohyetal map showing distribution of average annual precipitation for the Black Hills area, South Dakota, water years 1950-98
Metadata: sd_pr5098
Preview Page: sd_pr5098
Title: Isohyetal map showing distribution of average annual precipitation for the Black Hills area, South Dakota, water years 1961-90
Metadata: sd_pr6190
Preview Page: sd_pr6190
Title: iTOUGH2-EOS7C model used to analyze multiphase flow and hydromechanical coupling in underpressured shale at the Bruce Nuclear Site, Ontario, Canada
Metadata: plampin2019_GRL
Preview Page: plampin2019_GRL
Title: iTOUGH2-EOS7C model used to analyze multiphase flow and underpressured shale at the Bruce Nuclear Site, Ontario, Canada
Metadata: plampin2018_GSL
Preview Page: plampin2018_GSL
Title: Jacobsville aquifer
Metadata: jacobsville_aquifer
Preview Page: jacobsville_aquifer
Title: KBRA OPWP Soil Depth to Water
Metadata: kbra_opwp_soil_depth_to_water_v2
Preview Page: kbra_opwp_soil_depth_to_water_v2
Title: KBRA OPWP Soil Rooting Depth
Metadata: kbra_opwp_soil_rooting_depth
Preview Page: kbra_opwp_soil_rooting_depth
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Distance to Gaining Streams and Lakes
Metadata: kbra_opwp_distance_to_gaining_streams_and_lakes
Preview Page: kbra_opwp_distance_to_gaining_streams_and_lakes
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Distance to Perennial Streams and Lakes
Metadata: kbra_opwp_distance_to_perennial_streams_and_lakes
Preview Page: kbra_opwp_distance_to_perennial_streams_and_lakes
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Evapotranspiration Map for April 2004
Metadata: mosaic_et_april2004_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaic_et_april2004_kl_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Evapotranspiration Map for April 2006
Metadata: mosaic_et_april2006_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaic_et_april2006_kl_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Evapotranspiration Map for August 2004
Metadata: mosaic_et_august2004_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaic_et_august2004_kl_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Evapotranspiration Map for August 2006
Metadata: mosaic_et_august2006_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaic_et_august2006_kl_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Evapotranspiration Map for July 2004
Metadata: mosaic_et_july2004_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaic_et_july2004_kl_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Evapotranspiration Map for July 2006
Metadata: mosaic_et_july2006_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaic_et_july2006_kl_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Evapotranspiration Map for June 2004
Metadata: mosaic_et_june2004_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaic_et_june2004_kl_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Evapotranspiration Map for June 2006
Metadata: mosaic_et_june2006_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaic_et_june2006_kl_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Evapotranspiration Map for May 2004
Metadata: mosaic_et_may2004_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaic_et_may2004_kl_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Evapotranspiration Map for May 2006
Metadata: mosaic_et_may2006_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaic_et_may2006_kl_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Evapotranspiration Map for October 2004
Metadata: mosaic_et_october2004_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaic_et_october2004_kl_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Evapotranspiration Map for October 2006
Metadata: mosaic_et_october2006_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaic_et_october2006_kl_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Evapotranspiration Map for September 2004
Metadata: mosaic_et_september2004_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaic_et_september2004_kl_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Evapotranspiration Map for September 2006
Metadata: mosaic_et_september2006_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaic_et_september2006_kl_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Sub-basin Analysis Flow Statistics
Metadata: kbra_opwp_subbasin_analysis_v3
Preview Page: kbra_opwp_subbasin_analysis_v3
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Sub-basin Analysis Flow Statistics
Metadata: kbra_opws_subbasin_analysis_v3
Preview Page: kbra_opws_subbasin_analysis_v3
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Sub-basin Analysis Pour Points v3
Metadata: kbra_opwp_subbasin_analysis_pour_points_v3
Preview Page: kbra_opwp_subbasin_analysis_pour_points_v3
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Total Evapotranspiration Map for April to October 2004
Metadata: mosaiced_total_et_april_october_2004_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaiced_total_et_april_october_2004_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Off-Project Water Program Total Evapotranspiration Map for April to October 2006
Metadata: mosaiced_total_et_april_october_2006_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: mosaiced_total_et_april_october_2006_kl_NAD83
Title: Klamath Basin Water Rights Place of Use
Metadata: kbra_opwp_water_rights_pou_20110909
Preview Page: kbra_opwp_water_rights_pou_20110909
Title: Klamath Basin Water Rights Points of Diversion
Metadata: kbra_opwp_water_rights_pod_20110909
Preview Page: kbra_opwp_water_rights_pod_20110909
Title: Lake Darling Boundary (polygon) - Edge of water at lake-surface elevation, 656.1 ft above NAVD 88.
Metadata: sim06-2949A_dar_bndry
Preview Page: sim06-2949A_dar_bndry
Title: Lake Darling Islands (polygon) - Edge of water at lake-surface elevation, 656.1 ft above NAVD 88.
Metadata: sim06-2949A_dar_islands
Preview Page: sim06-2949A_dar_islands
Title: Lake Minnewashta Boundary (polygon) - Edge of water at lake-surface elevation, 1394.5 ft above NGVD 29
Metadata: sim06-2949C_min_bndry
Preview Page: sim06-2949C_min_bndry
Title: Lake Tahoe Basin Geophysical Data
Metadata: sim3063_Tahoe_Geophysical
Preview Page: sim3063_Tahoe_Geophysical
Title: Lake Tahoe Generalized California Department of Water Resources Well Locations
Metadata: sim3063_Tahoe_CDWR_Well_Generalized
Preview Page: sim3063_Tahoe_CDWR_Well_Generalized
Title: Lake Tahoe National Water Information System (NWIS) Wells
Metadata: sim3063_Tahoe_USGS_Wells
Preview Page: sim3063_Tahoe_USGS_Wells
Title: Lake Tahoe Nevada Division of Water Resources State Well Log Database Wells
Metadata: sim3063_Tahoe_NDWR_Wells
Preview Page: sim3063_Tahoe_NDWR_Wells
Title: Land Cover Classification for Fanno Creek, Oregon
Metadata: fannoCk_lndcvr_09
Preview Page: fannoCk_lndcvr_09
Title: Land Cover Information for the Upper Colorado River Basin in Daymet Climate Data resolution (nlcd_UCRB_daymet_resolution.txt)
Metadata: ofr_2015_1160_nlcd_daymet_resolution
Preview Page: ofr_2015_1160_nlcd_daymet_resolution
Title: Land Cover Information for the Upper Colorado River Basin in Maurer et al. (2002) Climate Data resolution (nlcd_UCRB_Maurer_resolution.asc)
Metadata: ofr_2015_1160_nlcd_maurer_resolution
Preview Page: ofr_2015_1160_nlcd_maurer_resolution
Title: Land Use for the Island of Maui, Hawaii, circa 2010
Metadata: maui_land_use_circa_2010
Preview Page: maui_land_use_circa_2010
Title: Land Use on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, 1998
Metadata: oahu_lu98
Preview Page: oahu_lu98
Title: LandSat7 image of the San Gorgonio Pass area, Riverside County, California.
Metadata: sgpwa_lsat27_image
Preview Page: sgpwa_lsat27_image
Title: Landslide Deposit Boundaries for the Little North Santiam River Basin, Oregon
Metadata: insantiam_LandslideInventory_Deposits
Preview Page: insantiam_LandslideInventory_Deposits
Title: Landslide Inventory for the Little North Santiam River Basin, Oregon
Metadata: insantiam_LandslideInventory
Preview Page: insantiam_LandslideInventory
Title: Lateral boundary of the steady-state ground-water flow model by D'Agnese and others (2002), Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_bnd_wri024102
Preview Page: pp1711_bnd_wri024102
Title: Lateral boundary of the steady-state ground-water flow model by D'Agnese and others (2002), Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_bnd_wri024102
Preview Page: sir045205_bnd_wri024102
Title: Lateral boundary of the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_bnd
Preview Page: pp1711_bnd
Title: Lateral boundary of the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_bnd
Preview Page: sir045205_bnd
Title: Lines used to illustrate the general direction of groundwater flow of Dixie Valley, west-central Nevada
Metadata: sir2014_5152_GWFlow
Preview Page: sir2014_5152_GWFlow
Title: Lines used to illustrate the general direction of groundwater flow of Dixie Valley, west-central Nevada
Metadata: sir2014_5152_GWFlow.xml~RF42e220f4.TMP
Preview Page: sir2014_5152_GWFlow.xml~RF42e220f4.TMP
Title: Lithogeochemical Character of Near-Surface Bedrock in the Connecticut, Housatonic and Thames River Basins
Metadata: wri99-4000_lithogeo
Preview Page: wri99-4000_lithogeo
Title: Lithogeochemical Character of Near-Surface Bedrock in the New England Coastal Basins
Metadata: ofr02-007_lithogeo
Preview Page: ofr02-007_lithogeo
Title: Littlefield Lake Boundary (polygon) - Edge of water at lake-surface elevations, 1293.6 ft above NAVD 88 for main lake and 1296.9 ft above NAVD88 upstream of siltation dam
Metadata: sim06-2949B_litt_bndry
Preview Page: sim06-2949B_litt_bndry
Title: Location of 24 extensometers used to measure compaction in the Central Valley
Metadata: pp1766_subsidence_locations
Preview Page: pp1766_subsidence_locations
Title: Location of diversions from the surface-water network of the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_div_del_loc
Preview Page: pp1766_div_del_loc
Title: Location of General Head Boundaries (GHB) in the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_GHB
Preview Page: pp1766_GHB
Title: Location of Photographs Showing Landslide Features in the Little North Santiam River Basin, Oregon
Metadata: insantiam_LandslideInventory_Photos
Preview Page: insantiam_LandslideInventory_Photos
Title: Location of Septic Sewer Systems in the Pacific Northwest
Metadata: septicSystems_MRB7
Preview Page: septicSystems_MRB7
Title: Location of virtual wells used for urban (municipal and industrial use) pumpage in the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_municipal_pumpage_loc
Preview Page: pp1766_municipal_pumpage_loc
Title: Location of wells shown in "Structure, outcrop,, and subcrop of the bedrock aquifers along the western margin of the Denver Basin, Colorado." Hydrologic Atlas 742
Metadata: co_wells_ha742
Preview Page: co_wells_ha742
Title: Locations and summary of types of data available by borehole or other underground openings, Mercury Core Library and Data Center, Nye County, Nevada
Metadata: ds297_NTS_BH_4sep07
Preview Page: ds297_NTS_BH_4sep07
Title: Locations of hydraulic-head observations (HOBS) for the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_hobs
Preview Page: pp1766_hobs
Title: Locations of NASQAN benchmark stations
Metadata: benchmark
Preview Page: benchmark
Title: Locations, values, and uncertainties of hydraulic-head observations for the steady-state, prepumped period of the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_hobs_ss
Preview Page: pp1711_hobs_ss
Title: Locations, values, and uncertainties of hydraulic-head observations for the steady-state, prepumped period of the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_hobs_ss
Preview Page: sir045205_hobs_ss
Title: Locations, values, and uncertainties of hydraulic-head observations for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_hobs_sstr
Preview Page: pp1711_hobs_sstr
Title: Locations, values, and uncertainties of hydraulic-head observations for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_hobs_sstr
Preview Page: sir045205_hobs_sstr
Title: Long Term Mean Annual Water Temperature For Stream Reaches In Pacific Northwest United States
Metadata: mean_water_temp_streams
Preview Page: mean_water_temp_streams
Title: Lower Claiborne Aquifer: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_lcaq_surf
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_lcaq_surf
Title: Lower Claiborne Aquifer: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_LCAQ_extent
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_LCAQ_extent
Title: Lower Claiborne Confining Unit: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_lccu_surf
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_lccu_surf
Title: Lower Claiborne Confining Unit: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_LCCU_extent
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_LCCU_extent
Title: Lower Cretaceous aquifers
Metadata: lower_cretaceous_aquifer
Preview Page: lower_cretaceous_aquifer
Title: Lower Tertiary aquifers
Metadata: lower_tertiary_aquifers
Preview Page: lower_tertiary_aquifers
Title: Lower Wilcox Aquifer : Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_LWAQ_extent
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_LWAQ_extent
Title: Lower Wilcox Aquifer: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_lwaq_surf
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_lwaq_surf
Title: Major Clay Step features near Myrtle Bend on the Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID
Metadata: ds889_KR_SEPP_Major_Clay_Steps_Myrtle_Bend
Preview Page: ds889_KR_SEPP_Major_Clay_Steps_Myrtle_Bend
Title: Major Clay Step features near Shorty's Island on the Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID
Metadata: ds889_KR_SEPP_Major_Clay_Steps_Shortys_Island
Preview Page: ds889_KR_SEPP_Major_Clay_Steps_Shortys_Island
Title: Major geologic structure coverage including anticlines and synclines in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_geostruc
Preview Page: ofr00471_geostruc
Title: Major Land Resource Areas (MLRA)
Metadata: mlra
Preview Page: mlra
Title: Major land uses in the United States
Metadata: na70_landuse
Preview Page: na70_landuse
Title: Map of Arsenic concentrations in groundwater of the United States
Metadata: arsenic_map
Preview Page: arsenic_map
Title: Map of landfill locations, 1986
Metadata: landfill
Preview Page: landfill
Title: Mapped Wetland Features for a part of Dorman Slough near the Lower Brule Indian Reservation, 2012-13
Metadata: ds949_dorman
Preview Page: ds949_dorman
Title: Mapped Wetland Features for an Unnamed Wetland in the Lower Brule Indian Reservation
Metadata: ds949_unnamed
Preview Page: ds949_unnamed
Title: Mapped Wetland Features for Miller Pond in the Lower Brule Indian Reservation, 2012-13
Metadata: ds949_miller
Preview Page: ds949_miller
Title: Mapped Wetland Features for part of Potter Slough near the Lower Brule Indian Reservation, 2012-13
Metadata: ds949_potter
Preview Page: ds949_potter
Title: Mapped Wetland Features for the Little Bend Wetlands in the Lower Brule Indian Reservation, 2012-13
Metadata: ds949_little_bend
Preview Page: ds949_little_bend
Title: Mapped Wetland Features for Wetlands near the Community of West Brule in the Lower Brule Indian Reservation, 2012-13
Metadata: ds949_west_brule
Preview Page: ds949_west_brule
Title: Marshall aquifer
Metadata: mississippi_aquifer_of_michigan
Preview Page: mississippi_aquifer_of_michigan
Title: Maryland Ground-Water Observation Well Network, 2001
Metadata: mdnet_01
Preview Page: mdnet_01
Title: Maryland Water-Use Data, 1998
Metadata: mdwu_98
Preview Page: mdwu_98
Title: Massachusetts hydrologic unit subdivisions
Metadata: ds451_hydro_units
Preview Page: ds451_hydro_units
Title: Massachusetts Nested Subbasins
Metadata: ds451_subbasins
Preview Page: ds451_subbasins
Title: Material-property zones used in the transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_zones
Preview Page: pp1711_zones
Title: Material-property zones used in the transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_zones
Preview Page: sir045205_zones
Title: Mean Annual Precipitation in West-Central Nevada using the Precipitation-Zone Method
Metadata: jnwra_v4n2_pzm1in
Preview Page: jnwra_v4n2_pzm1in
Title: Mean annual runoff, precipitation, and evapotranspiration in the glaciated northeastern United States, 1951-80
Metadata: ofr96395_eva
Preview Page: ofr96395_eva
Title: Mean annual runoff, precipitation, and evapotranspiration in the glaciated northeastern United States, 1951-80
Metadata: ofr96395_pre
Preview Page: ofr96395_pre
Title: Mean annual runoff, precipitation, and evapotranspiration in the glaciated northeastern United States, 1951-80
Metadata: ofr96395_run
Preview Page: ofr96395_run
Title: Mean annual solar radiation in the United States Pacific Northwest (1991-2005) summarized for NHDPlus v2 catchments
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_SolarRadiation_summary
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_SolarRadiation_summary
Title: Mean annual solar radiation in the United States Pacific Northwest (1991-2005)
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_SolarRadiation_ghi_100
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_SolarRadiation_ghi_100
Title: Mean annual water-budget components for Hawaii Island, Hawaii, for predevelopment conditions, 1916-83 rainfall and 1870 land cover
Metadata: sir2015-5164_hawaii_island_wb_components_predevelopment_1916-83_rf_1870_lc
Preview Page: sir2015-5164_hawaii_island_wb_components_predevelopment_1916-83_rf_1870_lc
Title: Mean annual water-budget components for Hawaii Island, Hawaii, for recent conditions, 1916-83 rainfall and 2008 land cover
Metadata: sir2015-5164_hawaii_island_wb_components_recent_1916-83_rf_2008_lc
Preview Page: sir2015-5164_hawaii_island_wb_components_recent_1916-83_rf_2008_lc
Title: Mean annual water-budget components for the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, for average climate conditions, 1978-2007 rainfall and 2010 land cover (version 2.0)
Metadata: sir2015-5010_Oahu_WB_components_avg_climate
Preview Page: sir2015-5010_Oahu_WB_components_avg_climate
Title: Mean annual water-budget components for the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, for drought conditions, 1998-2002 rainfall and 2010 land cover (version 2.0)
Metadata: sir2015-5010_Oahu_WB_components_drought
Preview Page: sir2015-5010_Oahu_WB_components_drought
Title: Mean-annual and mean-seasonal water-budget estimates from a Soil-Water-Balance model of the Appalachian Plateaus, 1980 through 2011
Metadata: app_plats_swb_water_budget_data_release
Preview Page: app_plats_swb_water_budget_data_release
Title: Mean-annual erosion potential for Colorado and New Mexico
Metadata: ofr2014-1158_co_nm_rusle
Preview Page: ofr2014-1158_co_nm_rusle
Title: Measured and estimated monthly precipitation values for precipitation gages in the Black Hills area, South Dakota, water years 1931-98
Metadata: sd_prgages
Preview Page: sd_prgages
Title: Measured compaction for 24 extensometers in the Central Valley
Metadata: pp1766_subsidence_measured_data.xls
Preview Page: pp1766_subsidence_measured_data.xls
Title: Measured compaction for 24 extensometers in the Central Valley
Metadata: subsidence_measured_data
Preview Page: subsidence_measured_data
Title: Middle Claiborne Aquifer: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_mcaq_surf
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_mcaq_surf
Title: Middle Claiborne Aquifer: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_MCAQ_extent
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_MCAQ_extent
Title: Middle Claiborne Confining Unit : Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_MCCU_extent
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_MCCU_extent
Title: Middle Claiborne Confining Unit: Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_mccu_surf
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_mccu_surf
Title: Middle Wilcox Aquifer: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_MWAQ_extent
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_MWAQ_extent
Title: Middle Wilcox Aquifer: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_mwaq_surf
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_mwaq_surf
Title: Midway Confining Unit: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_mdwy_surf
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_mdwy_surf
Title: Midway Confining Unit: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_MDWY_extent
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_MDWY_extent
Title: Mineral resource areas of the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana and Wyoming
Metadata: yell_mineral
Preview Page: yell_mineral
Title: Minor Clay Step features near Myrtle Bend on the Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID
Metadata: ds889_KR_SEPP_Minor_Clay_Steps_Myrtle_Bend
Preview Page: ds889_KR_SEPP_Minor_Clay_Steps_Myrtle_Bend
Title: Minor Clay Step features near Shorty's Island on the Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID
Metadata: ds889_KR_SEPP_Minor_Clay_Steps_Shortys_Island
Preview Page: ds889_KR_SEPP_Minor_Clay_Steps_Shortys_Island
Title: Miocene basaltic-rock aquifers
Metadata: miocene_basaltic-rock_aquifers
Preview Page: miocene_basaltic-rock_aquifers
Title: Mississippi embayment aquifer system
Metadata: mississippi_embayment_aquifer_system
Preview Page: mississippi_embayment_aquifer_system
Title: Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer, Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee; 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_ALVM_extent
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_ALVM_extent
Title: Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer
Metadata: mississippi_river_valley_alluvial_aquifer
Preview Page: mississippi_river_valley_alluvial_aquifer
Title: Mississippian aquifers
Metadata: mississippian_aquifers
Preview Page: mississippian_aquifers
Title: Missouri River bed elevations at pipeline crossing near Decatur, Nebraska surveyed during 2011 flood on July, 12
Metadata: pp1798J_Decatur_Pipeline_20110712_csar
Preview Page: pp1798J_Decatur_Pipeline_20110712_csar
Title: Missouri River bed elevations at pipeline crossing near Decatur, Nebraska surveyed during 2011 flood on July, 16
Metadata: pp1798J_Decatur_Pipeline_20110716_csar
Preview Page: pp1798J_Decatur_Pipeline_20110716_csar
Title: Missouri River bed elevations at pipeline crossing near Union, Nebraska surveyed during 2011 flood on July, 27
Metadata: pp1798J_Union_Pipeline_20110727_csar
Preview Page: pp1798J_Union_Pipeline_20110727_csar
Title: Missouri River bed elevations at pipeline crossing near Yankton, South Dakota surveyed during 2011 flood on July, 20
Metadata: pp1798J_Yankton_Pipeline_20110720_csar
Preview Page: pp1798J_Yankton_Pipeline_20110720_csar
Title: Missouri River bed elevations near Fort Calhoun Power Plant surveyed during 2011 flood on July, 25
Metadata: pp1798J_FortCalhoun_PowerPlant_20110725_csar
Preview Page: pp1798J_FortCalhoun_PowerPlant_20110725_csar
Title: Missouri River bed elevations near Fort Calhoun Power Plant surveyed during 2011 flood on September, 15
Metadata: pp1798J_FortCalhoun_PowerPlant_20110915_csar
Preview Page: pp1798J_FortCalhoun_PowerPlant_20110915_csar
Title: Missouri River bed elevations near Nebraska City coal power plant surveyed during 2011 flood on July, 19
Metadata: pp1798J_NebCityCoal_PowerPlant_20110719_csar
Preview Page: pp1798J_NebCityCoal_PowerPlant_20110719_csar
Title: Missouri River bed elevations near Nebraska City coal power plant surveyed during 2011 flood on September, 14
Metadata: pp1798J_NebCityCoal_PowerPlant_20110914_csar
Preview Page: pp1798J_NebCityCoal_PowerPlant_20110914_csar
Title: Missouri River bed elevations near north Omaha, Nebraska coal power plant surveyed during 2011 flood on October, 14
Metadata: pp1798J_NorthOmahaCoal_PowerPlant_20111014_csar
Preview Page: pp1798J_NorthOmahaCoal_PowerPlant_20111014_csar
Title: Missouri River bed elevations near Omaha Public Power District transmission tower surveyed during 2011 flood on August, 31
Metadata: pp1798J_OPPD_TransmissionTower_20110831_csar
Preview Page: pp1798J_OPPD_TransmissionTower_20110831_csar
Title: Missouri River bed elevations near Omaha Public Power District transmission tower surveyed during 2011 flood on July, 16
Metadata: pp1798J_OPPD_TransmissionTower_20110716_csar
Preview Page: pp1798J_OPPD_TransmissionTower_20110716_csar
Title: Missouri River bed elevations near Omaha Public Power District transmission tower surveyed during 2011 flood on June, 21
Metadata: pp1798J_OPPD_TransmissionTower_20110621_csar
Preview Page: pp1798J_OPPD_TransmissionTower_20110621_csar
Title: Model data for pore network modeling of the electrical signature of solute transport in dual-domain media, U.S. Geological Survey data release:
Metadata: day-lewis2017_GRL_model_data
Preview Page: day-lewis2017_GRL_model_data
Title: Model Data Sets for 1DTempPro and VFLUX simulation experiments to Determine Groundwater Seepage in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida
Metadata: ofr2018-1151
Preview Page: ofr2018-1151
Title: Model grid and infiltration values for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_model_cells
Preview Page: pp1711_model_cells
Title: Model grid and infiltration values for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_model_cells
Preview Page: sir045205_model_cells
Title: Model-grid and hydraulic-property data arrays of the MULT package of the Central Valley Hydrologic Model
Metadata: pp1766_MULT
Preview Page: pp1766_MULT
Title: Modeled Combined Extent of All Columbia River Basalt Units (CRB_extent4xconnections)
Metadata: sir2010-5246_CRB_extent4xconnections
Preview Page: sir2010-5246_CRB_extent4xconnections
Title: Modeled temperature data developed for study of shallow mountain bedrock limits seepage-based headwater climate refugia, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey data release
Metadata: briggs2017_Limnologica_model_data
Preview Page: briggs2017_Limnologica_model_data
Title: Modeled Thickness of the Grande Ronde Basalt Geomodel Unit (grthk_f)
Metadata: sir2010-5246_grthk_f
Preview Page: sir2010-5246_grthk_f
Title: Modeled Thickness of the Overburden Geomodel Unit (obthk_f)
Metadata: sir2010-5246_obthk_f
Preview Page: sir2010-5246_obthk_f
Title: Modeled Top of the Grande Ronde Basalt Geomodel Unit (grtop_f)
Metadata: sir2010-5246_grtop_f
Preview Page: sir2010-5246_grtop_f
Title: Modeled Top of the Older Bedrock Geomodel Unit (pmtop_f)
Metadata: sir2010-5246_pmtop_f
Preview Page: sir2010-5246_pmtop_f
Title: Modeled Top of the Overburden Geomodel Unit (obtop_f)
Metadata: sir2010-5246_obtop_f
Preview Page: sir2010-5246_obtop_f
Title: Modeled Top of the Saddle Mountains Basalt Geomodel Unit (smtop_f)
Metadata: sir2010-5246_smtop_f
Preview Page: sir2010-5246_smtop_f
Title: Modeled Top of the Wanapum Basalt Geomodel Unit (wntop_f)
Metadata: sir2010-5246_wntop_f
Preview Page: sir2010-5246_wntop_f
Title: MODFLOW 2000 and MT3DMS models of potentiometric head and trichloroethene concentration at the Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant, Fridley, Minnesota
Metadata: ofr2016-1066_nirop
Preview Page: ofr2016-1066_nirop
Title: MODFLOW 2005 and MODPATH 5 model data sets used to evaluate seepage-meter efficiency in high-permeability settings
Metadata: rosenberry2020_water
Preview Page: rosenberry2020_water
Title: MODFLOW 2005 data sets for the simulation of potential increased inundation in flood-prone regions of Southeast Florida in response to climate and sea-level changes in Broward County, Florida, 2060-69
Metadata: sir2018-5125
Preview Page: sir2018-5125
Title: MODFLOW 6 and MODPATH 7 model data sets used for the update of the groundwater-flow model for the Great Miami Buried Valley Aquifer in the vicinity of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio
Metadata: sir2021-5115
Preview Page: sir2021-5115
Title: MODFLOW 6 and MODPATH 7 model data sets used to evaluate groundwater flow in the vicinity of Horsham and Warminster, Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania-Preliminary simulations for conditions in 1999, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2017
Metadata: ofr2019-1137
Preview Page: ofr2019-1137
Title: MODFLOW 6 model of two hypothetical stream-aquifer systems to demonstrate the utility of the new Water Mover Package (MVR) available only with MODFLOW 6
Metadata: morway2021_groundwater
Preview Page: morway2021_groundwater
Title: MODFLOW 6 models used to simulate the long-term average surficial groundwater system for the contiguous United States
Metadata: zell2020_wrr
Preview Page: zell2020_wrr
Title: MODFLOW and MODFLOW Conduit Flow Process data sets for simulation experiments of the Woodville Karst Plain, near Tallahassee, Florida with three different approaches and different stress periods
Metadata: sir2016-5116
Preview Page: sir2016-5116
Title: MODFLOW datasets for simulations of groundwater flow with downscaled global climate model data for the Suwannee River Basin, Florida
Metadata: ajcc2016-swain
Preview Page: ajcc2016-swain
Title: MODFLOW model used in simulation of groundwater flow and analysis of projected water use for the Rush Springs aquifer, western Oklahoma
Metadata: sir2018-5136
Preview Page: sir2018-5136
Title: MODFLOW simulator used to assess groundwater flow for the Whiting Field Naval Air Station, Milton, FL
Metadata: sir2021-5124
Preview Page: sir2021-5124
Title: MODFLOW, MT3D-USGS and VS2DH simulations used to estimate groundwater and nutrient inflow to Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon
Metadata: essaid2020_StotEn
Preview Page: essaid2020_StotEn
Title: MODFLOW-2000 and MODPATH model data sets used in scenarios of groundwater flow and pumping (1900-2500) near Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
Metadata: sir2017-5128-scen2018
Preview Page: sir2017-5128-scen2018
Title: MODFLOW-2000 and MODPATH models for simulations used to delineate contributing areas for 2017 pumping conditions to selected wells in Ingham County, Michigan: U.S. Geological Survey data release
Metadata: ofr2018_1133
Preview Page: ofr2018_1133
Title: MODFLOW-2000 and MODPATH used to evaluate groundwater flow and selected groundwater-management scenarios in the Brunswick area, Georgia, 2004-2015
Metadata: sir2019-5035
Preview Page: sir2019-5035
Title: MODFLOW-2000 and MODPATH4 used to simulate groundwater flow and contaminant transport in the Pohatcong Valley, Warren County, New Jersey
Metadata: sir2006-5269
Preview Page: sir2006-5269
Title: MODFLOW-2000 and MODPATH5 model data sets used to evaluate the effects of changes in pumping on regional groundwater-flow paths, 2005 and 2010, and areas contributing recharge to discharging wells, 1990-2010, in the vicinity of North Penn Area 7 Superfund site, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania: U.S. Geological Survey data release
Metadata: sir2017-5014
Preview Page: sir2017-5014
Title: MODFLOW-2000 data sets used in two predictive scenarios of groundwater flow and pumping (1900-2050) near Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
Metadata: sir2017-5128-scen2020
Preview Page: sir2017-5128-scen2020
Title: MODFLOW-2000 model data sets used in the simulation of Groundwater Flow and Pumping Scenarios for 1900-2050 near Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
Metadata: sir2017-5128
Preview Page: sir2017-5128
Title: MODFLOW-2000 model files used to simulate wellbore flow and evaluate aquifer properties and heterogeneity in wells at Fort Irwin National Training Center, San Bernardino County, California
Metadata: sir2019-5091
Preview Page: sir2019-5091
Title: MODFLOW-2000 model scenarios simulating proposed groundwater pumpage near Monocks Corner, South Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey data release
Metadata: sir2009-5185-scen2016
Preview Page: sir2009-5185-scen2016
Title: MODFLOW-2000 model used in the simulation of reclaimed-water injection and pumping scenarios and particle-tracking analysis near Mount Pleasant, South Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey data release
Metadata: sir2009-5185
Preview Page: sir2009-5185
Title: MODFLOW-2000 model used to evaluate alternative withdrawal strategies on groundwater flow in the unconfined Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system, the Rio Grande water-bearing zone, and the Atlantic City 800-foot sand in the Great Egg Harbor and Mullica River Basins, New Jersey
Metadata: sir2012-5187
Preview Page: sir2012-5187
Title: MODFLOW-2000 model used to evaluate potential effects of existing and proposed groundwater withdrawals on water levels and natural groundwater discharge in Snake Valley and surrounding areas, Utah and Nevada
Metadata: ofr2017-1026_usgsdatarelease
Preview Page: ofr2017-1026_usgsdatarelease
Title: MODFLOW-2000 model used to illustrate the differences in flow paths and travel times when three-dimensional kriging is used to estimate the hydraulic conductivity distribution as compared to manual determinations of hydraulic conductivity distribution
Metadata: sir2019-5088
Preview Page: sir2019-5088
Title: MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH models used to simulate hydraulic tomography pumping tests and identify a fracture network, former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, New Jersey
Metadata: tiedeman2019_groundwater
Preview Page: tiedeman2019_groundwater
Title: MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH used to simulate the hydrologic system and transport of contaminants near Joint Base Cape Cod, Western Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Metadata: sir2018-5139
Preview Page: sir2018-5139
Title: MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH6 models used to delineate areas contributing groundwater to selected surface receiving waters for long-term average hydrologic stress conditions from 1968 to 1983, Long Island, New York
Metadata: sir2016-5138
Preview Page: sir2016-5138
Title: MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH6 models used to simulate groundwater flow and nitrate transport in two tributaries to the Upper Chester River, Maryland
Metadata: zell2019_upperchester
Preview Page: zell2019_upperchester
Title: MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH6 models used to simulate groundwater flow and transport and base-flow age in two tributaries to the Upper Chester River, Maryland
Metadata: zell2018_upperchester
Preview Page: zell2018_upperchester
Title: MODFLOW-2005 and MT3DMS models used to design and evaluate a bioremediation experiment at the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, NJ
Metadata: tiedeman2017_shapiro2017_Groundwater
Preview Page: tiedeman2017_shapiro2017_Groundwater
Title: MODFLOW-2005 and PEST models used to simulate multiple-well aquifer tests and characterize hydraulic properties of volcanic rocks in Pahute Mesa, Nevada
Metadata: sir2016-5151
Preview Page: sir2016-5151
Title: MODFLOW-2005 and PEST Models used to simulate the 2016 carbonate-rock aquifer test and characterize hydraulic properties of carbonate-rock and basin-fill aquifers near Long Canyon, Goshute Valley, northeastern Nevada
Metadata: sir2021-5021
Preview Page: sir2021-5021
Title: MODFLOW-2005 and SWI2 models for assessing groundwater availability in volcanic aquifers on Kaua'i, O'ahu, and Maui, Hawai'i
Metadata: sir2020-5126
Preview Page: sir2020-5126
Title: MODFLOW-2005 data sets for simulation of Groundwater-Flow Budget for the Lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin in Southwestern Georgia and Parts of Florida and Alabama, 2008-12
Metadata: sir2017-5141
Preview Page: sir2017-5141
Title: MODFLOW-2005 files for numerical model simulations of potential changes in water levels and capture of natural discharge from groundwater withdrawals in Snake Valley and adjacent areas, Utah and Nevada
Metadata: ofr2019-1083
Preview Page: ofr2019-1083
Title: MODFLOW-2005 Groundwater Flow Model to Simulate Predevelopment Groundwater Flow in the Eastern Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates
Metadata: sir2018-5158
Preview Page: sir2018-5158
Title: MODFLOW-2005 model and supplementary data used to characterize groundwater flow and effects of pumping in the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system, Nevada and California, with special reference to Devils Hole
Metadata: pp1863
Preview Page: pp1863
Title: MODFLOW-2005 model archive for simulation of zones of groundwater contribution to wells south of the Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant in Bethpage, New York
Metadata: sir2017-5161
Preview Page: sir2017-5161
Title: MODFLOW-2005 model used to estimate paleo-recharge volumes and project future water-level changes in Ash Meadows groundwater basin, southwest Nevada, based on Devils Hole paleo-water-table record
Metadata: jackson2022_CEE
Preview Page: jackson2022_CEE
Title: MODFLOW-2005 model used to evaluate the potential effects of sea-level rise on the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system in the vicinity of Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey
Metadata: sir2017-5135
Preview Page: sir2017-5135
Title: MODFLOW-2005 model used to evaluate water-management scenarios for the Mississippi Delta
Metadata: sir2019-5116
Preview Page: sir2019-5116
Title: MODFLOW-2005 model used to Simulate the Evolution of Fluid Underpressures in the Great Plains, by Incorporation of Tectonic Uplift and Tilting
Metadata: umari2020_geofluids
Preview Page: umari2020_geofluids
Title: MODFLOW-2005 Models for Revisiting "An Exercise in Groundwater Model Calibration and Prediction"
Metadata: hunt_etal_GW
Preview Page: hunt_etal_GW
Title: MODFLOW-2005 Models used to Simulate Effects of Pumping in the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System, Nevada and California—Selected Management Scenarios Projected to 2120
Metadata: sir2020-5103
Preview Page: sir2020-5103
Title: MODFLOW-2005 with SWI2 used to evaluate the water-table response to sea-level rise and change in recharge, Sandy Hook Unit, Gateway National Recreation Area, New Jersey
Metadata: sir2020-5080
Preview Page: sir2020-5080
Title: MODFLOW-2005, MODFLOW-NWT, and SEAWAT models used to simulate variable-density groundwater flow and contaminant transport at Naval Base Kitsap, Keyport, Washington
Metadata: sir2020-5066
Preview Page: sir2020-5066
Title: MODFLOW-2005, MODPATH, and MOC3D used for groundwater flow simulation, pathlines analysis, and solute transport in the crystalline-rock aquifer in the vicinity of the Savage Municipal Water-Supply Well Superfund Site, Milford, New Hampshire
Metadata: sir2020-5137
Preview Page: sir2020-5137
Title: MODFLOW-6 model of the Big Sioux aquifer, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Metadata: sir2019-5117
Preview Page: sir2019-5117
Title: MODFLOW-LGR data sets for the Great Basin carbonate and alluvial aquifer system model version 3.0: Revisions in southwestern Utah and east central Nevada
Metadata: sir2017-5072
Preview Page: sir2017-5072
Title: MODFLOW-LGR2 groundwater-flow model used to delineate transient areas contributing recharge and zones of contribution to selected wells in southeastern Albuquerque, New Mexico
Metadata: sir2019-5052
Preview Page: sir2019-5052
Title: MODFLOW-NWT 2016 groundwater flow model for Dane County, Wisconsin
Metadata: wgnhs-2016_Dane_County
Preview Page: wgnhs-2016_Dane_County
Title: MODFLOW-NWT and GFLOW model of groundwater flow and groundwater/surface water interactions in Columbia County, Wisconsin
Metadata: wgnhs2021_leaf
Preview Page: wgnhs2021_leaf
Title: MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH groundwater flow models of steady-state conditions in coastal Connecticut and adjacent areas of New York and Rhode Island, as well as a nitrogen transport model of the Niantic River watershed
Metadata: sir2021-5116
Preview Page: sir2021-5116
Title: MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH groundwater flow models of the Farmington River Watershed (Connecticut and Massachusetts)
Metadata: barclay2020_WRR
Preview Page: barclay2020_WRR
Title: MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH models, capture zones and uncertainty analysis for the Partridge River Basin, Minnesota
Metadata: sir2021-5038
Preview Page: sir2021-5038
Title: MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH models, data from aquifer tests and temperature profilers, and groundwater flux estimates used to assess groundwater/surface-water interactions in Haskell Lake, Wisconsin
Metadata: sir2020_5024
Preview Page: sir2020_5024
Title: MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH5 models used to identify potential flow paths from San Juan Mine to hydrologic receptors, San Juan County, New Mexico
Metadata: sir2017-5155
Preview Page: sir2017-5155
Title: MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH6 model use to analyze remedial scenarios affecting plume movement through a sole-source aquifer system, southeastern Nassau County, New York
Metadata: sir2020-5090
Preview Page: sir2020-5090
Title: MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH6 models used to simulate contributing areas in hypothetical sedimentary rock aquifers under extreme recharge events
Metadata: tiedeman2022_groundwater
Preview Page: tiedeman2022_groundwater
Title: MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH6 Models Used to Simulate Groundwater Flow in the Regional Aquifer System of Long Island, New York, for Pumping and Recharge Conditions in 2005-2015 (ver. 2.0, December 2021)
Metadata: sir2020-5091
Preview Page: sir2020-5091
Title: MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH6 Used to Delineate Areas Contributing Groundwater and Travel Times to Receiving Waters in Kings, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties, New York
Metadata: sir2021-5047
Preview Page: sir2021-5047
Title: MODFLOW-NWT data sets for simulation of Effects of Surface-Water and Groundwater Inflows and Outflows on the Hydrology of the Tsala Apopka Lake Basin in Citrus County, Florida
Metadata: sir2018-5055_elk
Preview Page: sir2018-5055_elk
Title: MODFLOW-NWT datasets for simulations of groundwater and surface-water in the Great Dismal Swamp of Virginia and North Carolina
Metadata: sir2018-5056
Preview Page: sir2018-5056
Title: MODFLOW-NWT groundwater flow model and GWM-VI optimization code for the Little Plover River Basin in Wisconsin's Central Sand Plain
Metadata: wgnhs2017_littleplover
Preview Page: wgnhs2017_littleplover
Title: MODFLOW-NWT groundwater flow model used to evaluate conditions in the Northern High Plains Aquifer in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey data release
Metadata: sir2016-5153
Preview Page: sir2016-5153
Title: MODFLOW-NWT groundwater flow model used to evaluate groundwater availability with five forecast scenarios in the Northern High Plains Aquifer in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: pp1864
Preview Page: pp1864
Title: MODFLOW-NWT groundwater flow model used to evaluate groundwater flow in the Elkhorn and Loup River Basins, Central Nebraska, Phase Three: U.S. Geological Survey data release
Metadata: sir2018-5106
Preview Page: sir2018-5106
Title: MODFLOW-NWT groundwater model demonstrating groundwater model calibration with repeat microgravity measurements
Metadata: kennedy2021_groundwater
Preview Page: kennedy2021_groundwater
Title: MODFLOW-NWT groundwater model used for simulating a potential future pumping scenario and forecasting associated groundwater-level changes in the Hualapai Valley, Northwestern Arizona
Metadata: sir2021-5077
Preview Page: sir2021-5077
Title: MODFLOW-NWT groundwater model used for simulating potential future pumping scenarios and forecasting associated groundwater-level changes in the Truxton aquifer on the Hualapai Reservation and adjacent areas, Mohave County, Arizona
Metadata: sir2020-5017E
Preview Page: sir2020-5017E
Title: MODFLOW-NWT groundwater-flow models used to delineate areas contributing recharge to selected production wells in unconfined and confined glacial valley-fill aquifers in Chenango River Basin, New York
Metadata: sir2021-5083
Preview Page: sir2021-5083
Title: MODFLOW-NWT inset models from the regional Lake Michigan Basin Model in support of groundwater age calculations for glacial aquifers
Metadata: sir2018-5038
Preview Page: sir2018-5038
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model data sets for simulating effects of groundwater withdrawals on streamflows in Northwestern Chippewa County
Metadata: juckem2019_wgnhs
Preview Page: juckem2019_wgnhs
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model data sets used to evaluate changes in the hydrodynamics of Anvil Lake, Wisconsin
Metadata: anvil_lake_gw_2018
Preview Page: anvil_lake_gw_2018
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model for risk-based decision-support groundwater modeling for the lower San Antonio River Basin, Texas, USA
Metadata: foster2021_groundwater
Preview Page: foster2021_groundwater
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model of a hypothetical stream-aquifer system to assess capture map bias
Metadata: nadler2017_groundwater
Preview Page: nadler2017_groundwater
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model of groundwater flow in the Ozark Plateaus aquifer system, version 1.1
Metadata: pp1854
Preview Page: pp1854
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model of groundwater flow in the Ozark Plateaus aquifer system
Metadata: sir2018-5035
Preview Page: sir2018-5035
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model of predictive simulations of groundwater response to selected scenarios in the Williston Basin, United States and Canada
Metadata: pp1841
Preview Page: pp1841
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model of the glacial aquifer system north of Aberdeen, South Dakota, through water year 2015
Metadata: sir2018-5137
Preview Page: sir2018-5137
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model scenarios used to evaluate potential effects of proposed drainage modifications on groundwater discharge in the vicinity of Long Lake, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, near Gary, Indiana
Metadata: sir2013-5003-scen2018
Preview Page: sir2013-5003-scen2018
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used for the simulation of the Cimarron River Alluvial Aquifer in the Pawnee Nation jurisdictional area in Payne County, OK, 2016-17
Metadata: sir2021-5073
Preview Page: sir2021-5073
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used in simulation of groundwater availability in the Salt Fork Red River aquifer, southwestern Oklahoma, 1980-2015
Metadata: sir2021-5003
Preview Page: sir2021-5003
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used in simulation of groundwater flow and availability in the North Fork Red River aquifer, southwest Oklahoma, 1980-2013
Metadata: sir2017-5098
Preview Page: sir2017-5098
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used in Simulation of Groundwater Flow, and Analysis of Projected Water Use for the Washita River Alluvial Aquifer, Western Oklahoma
Metadata: sir2020-5118
Preview Page: sir2020-5118
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used in simulations of selected climate scenarios of groundwater availability in the North Fork Red River aquifer, southwestern Oklahoma
Metadata: labriola2020_hj
Preview Page: labriola2020_hj
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used to assess groundwater availability in the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system from Long Island, New York to North Carolina
Metadata: sir2016-5076_usgsdatarelease
Preview Page: sir2016-5076_usgsdatarelease
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used to assess groundwater availability in the uppermost principal aquifer systems of the Williston structural basin, United States and Canada
Metadata: sir2017-5158
Preview Page: sir2017-5158
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used to demonstrate extending the capture map concept to estimate discrete and risk-based streamflow depletion potential
Metadata: white2021_groundwater
Preview Page: white2021_groundwater
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used to develop a simple method for simulating groundwater interactions with fens to forecast development effects
Metadata: jones2019_groundwater
Preview Page: jones2019_groundwater
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate effects of complexity on head and flow calibration in the Fox-Wolf-Peshtigo watersheds, Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey data release.
Metadata: sir2017-5010
Preview Page: sir2017-5010
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate groundwater/surface-water interactions in the Bad River Watershed, Wisconsin
Metadata: sir2015-5162_usgsdatarelease
Preview Page: sir2015-5162_usgsdatarelease
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate potential effects of alterations to the hydrologic system in the vicinity of Long Lake, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, near Gary, Indiana
Metadata: sir2013-5003
Preview Page: sir2013-5003
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate the potential effect of groundwater pumpage and increased sea level on canal leakage and regional groundwater flow in Miami-Dade County, Florida
Metadata: sir2014-5162_usgsdatarelease
Preview Page: sir2014-5162_usgsdatarelease
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate and assess groundwater flow and surface-water exchanges in lakes of the Northeast Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota, 2003 through 2013
Metadata: sir2016-5139B
Preview Page: sir2016-5139B
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate groundwater levels in the Cedar River alluvial aquifer near Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Metadata: sir2021-5065
Preview Page: sir2021-5065
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate groundwater levels in the Des Moines River alluvial aquifer near Des Moines, Iowa
Metadata: ofr2021-1110
Preview Page: ofr2021-1110
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate groundwater storage changes in the Quincy Basin, Washington
Metadata: sir2018-5162
Preview Page: sir2018-5162
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate the potential effects of out-of-basin transfers for the Rush Springs aquifer in the Caddo Nation of Oklahoma Tribal jurisdictional area, western Oklahoma
Metadata: sir2022-5044
Preview Page: sir2022-5044
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate water-table and freshwater/saltwater interface response to climate-change-driven sea-level rise and changes in recharge at Fire Island National Seashore, New York
Metadata: sir2020-5117
Preview Page: sir2020-5117
Title: MODFLOW-NWT model with SWI2 used to evaluate the water-table response to sea-level rise and change in recharge, Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia
Metadata: sir2020-5104
Preview Page: sir2020-5104
Title: MODFLOW-NWT, MODPATH, and MT3DMS models used to study of hypothetical horizontal water-supply well design for New Hampshire and surrounding regions: U.S. Geological Survey data release
Metadata: groundwater_2017_Winston
Preview Page: groundwater_2017_Winston
Title: MODFLOW-One Water Hydrologic Model integrated hydrologic-flow model used to evaluate water availability in the Osage Nation
Metadata: sir2020-5141
Preview Page: sir2020-5141
Title: MODFLOW-OWHM used to characterize the flow system of the Petaluma River Watershed, Sonoma County, California
Metadata: sir2022-5009
Preview Page: sir2022-5009
Title: MODFLOW-USG model of groundwater flow in the Wood River Valley aquifer system in Blaine County, Idaho
Metadata: sir2016-5080_usgsdatarelease
Preview Page: sir2016-5080_usgsdatarelease
Title: MODFLOW-USG model used to evaluate water management issues in the Los Angeles Coastal Plain, California
Metadata: sir2021-5088
Preview Page: sir2021-5088
Title: MODFLOW2000 and MODFLOW-ASP models used to simulate the groundwater flow in the Atlantic Coastal Plain, North and South Carolina and parts of Georgia and Virginia, Predevelopment to 2004
Metadata: pp2011-1773
Preview Page: pp2011-1773
Title: MODFLOW2000 model and ZONEBUDGET computer program used to simulate the Upper Big Sandy Designated Groundwater Basin alluvial aquifer, Elbert, El Paso, and Lincoln Counties, Colorado, 2016
Metadata: sir2019-5049
Preview Page: sir2019-5049
Title: MODFLOW2000 model used to simulate the groundwater flow of the Denver Basin Aquifer System, Colorado
Metadata: pp2011-1770
Preview Page: pp2011-1770
Title: MODFLOW2000_FMP1_1 model used to simulate the groundwater flow of the Central Valley Aquifer, California
Metadata: pp2009-1766
Preview Page: pp2009-1766
Title: MODFLOW2005 and GWM-2005 used to optimize managed aquifer recharge in an Updated Version of the Three-Dimensional Numerical Groundwater Flow Model in Northern Utah Valley, Utah County, Utah
Metadata: sir2021-5010
Preview Page: sir2021-5010
Title: MODFLOW2005 groundwater-flow model used to simulate water-supply pumping scenarios near the Hyannis Ponds Wildlife Management Area, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Metadata: sir2019-5121
Preview Page: sir2019-5121
Title: MODFLOW2005 model used to simulate the effects of groundwater withdrawals from aquifers in Ocean County and vicinity, New Jersey
Metadata: sir2016-5035_usgsdatarelease
Preview Page: sir2016-5035_usgsdatarelease
Title: Modified soil adjusted vegetation index for the Death Valley regional flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: msavi92
Preview Page: msavi92
Title: Modified soil adjusted vegetation index of the Sarcobatus Flat area of the Death Valley
Metadata: msavi89
Preview Page: msavi89
Title: MODPATH particle-tracking analysis of groundwater flow and travel times to the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuary and streams within the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor watershed, New Jersey
Metadata: sir2016-5169
Preview Page: sir2016-5169
Title: MODPATH6 models used to evaluate effects of complexity on groundwater age metrics in the Fox-Wolf-Peshtigo watersheds, Wisconsin
Metadata: juckem2021_groundwater
Preview Page: juckem2021_groundwater
Title: Monthly Diversions from the Surface-Water Network of the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_div_del_flow_data
Preview Page: pp1766_div_del_flow_data
Title: Monthly inflows to the surface-water network for the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_inflow_flow_data
Preview Page: pp1766_inflow_flow_data
Title: Monthly Precipitation Input Data for the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_precip_prism2k_sample
Preview Page: pp1766_precip_prism2k_sample
Title: Monthly urban (municipal and industrial use) pumpage for the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM) by Water Balance Subregion (WBS)
Metadata: pp1766_municipal_pumpage_by_wbs
Preview Page: pp1766_municipal_pumpage_by_wbs
Title: Monthly Water-Budget Components for Roi-Namur, Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands, 2000-12
Metadata: monthly_WB_Roi-Namur_2000-12
Preview Page: monthly_WB_Roi-Namur_2000-12
Title: Multibeam Echosounding Survey in Meander Reach, Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, Idaho - Water Year 2011
Metadata: ds694_meander_reach_2011
Preview Page: ds694_meander_reach_2011
Title: Myrtle Bend Substrate Enhancement Pilot Project Extent, Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID, 2014
Metadata: ds889_KR_SEPP_SiteExtent_Myrtle_Bend
Preview Page: ds889_KR_SEPP_SiteExtent_Myrtle_Bend
Title: National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)
Metadata: nhd
Preview Page: nhd
Title: National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD01) Imperviousness Layer Tile 1, Northwest United States: IMPV01_1
Metadata: impv01_1
Preview Page: impv01_1
Title: National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD01) Imperviousness Layer Tile 2, Northeast United States: IMPV01_2
Metadata: impv01_2
Preview Page: impv01_2
Title: National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD01) Imperviousness Layer Tile 3, Southwest United States: IMPV01_3
Metadata: impv01_3
Preview Page: impv01_3
Title: National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD01) Imperviousness Layer Tile 4, Southeast United States: IMPV01_4
Metadata: impv01_4
Preview Page: impv01_4
Title: National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD01) Tile 1, Northwest United States: NLCD01_1
Metadata: nlcd01_1
Preview Page: nlcd01_1
Title: National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD01) Tile 2, Northeast United States: NLCD01_2
Metadata: nlcd01_2
Preview Page: nlcd01_2
Title: National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD01) Tile 3, Southwest United States: NLCD01_3
Metadata: nlcd01_3
Preview Page: nlcd01_3
Title: National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD01) Tile 4, Southeast United States: NLCD01_4
Metadata: nlcd01_4
Preview Page: nlcd01_4
Title: National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD01) Tree Canopy Layer Tile 1, Northwest United States: CNPY01_1
Metadata: cnpy01_1
Preview Page: cnpy01_1
Title: National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD01) Tree Canopy Layer Tile 2, Northeast United States: CNPY01_2
Metadata: cnpy01_2
Preview Page: cnpy01_2
Title: National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD01) Tree Canopy Layer Tile 3, Southwest United States: CNPY01_3
Metadata: cnpy01_3
Preview Page: cnpy01_3
Title: National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD01) Tree Canopy Layer Tile 4, Southeast United States: CNPY01_4
Metadata: cnpy01_4
Preview Page: cnpy01_4
Title: National Multi Order Hydrologic Position (MOHP - High Resolution) Predictor Data for Groundwater and Groundwater-Quality Modeling
Metadata: national_MOHP_Predictor
Preview Page: national_MOHP_Predictor
Title: National Stream Quality Accounting Network and National Monitoring Network Basin Boundary Geospatial Dataset, 2008-13
Metadata: ds641_nasqan_wbd12
Preview Page: ds641_nasqan_wbd12
Title: National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Area-Characterization Toolbox
Metadata: nawqa_tools
Preview Page: nawqa_tools
Title: National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Study-Unit Investigations in the conterminous United States 1991-2001
Metadata: nawqacyc1
Preview Page: nawqacyc1
Title: National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Study-Unit Investigations in the conterminous United States 2001-2012
Metadata: nawqacyc2
Preview Page: nawqacyc2
Title: Natural Phosphorus Sources for the Pacific Northwest
Metadata: naturalPhosphorusSources_MRB7
Preview Page: naturalPhosphorusSources_MRB7
Title: Net infiltration of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_rch_model1
Preview Page: pp1711_rch_model1
Title: Net infiltration of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_rch_model1
Preview Page: sir045205_rch_model1
Title: Nevada Department of Water Resources State Crop Inventories for Newark, Little Smoky, and Steptoe Valleys 2000, 2002, and 2005
Metadata: ds273_CropInventory
Preview Page: ds273_CropInventory
Title: New York and New England carbonate-rock aquifers
Metadata: new_york_and_new_england_carbonate-rock_aquifers
Preview Page: new_york_and_new_england_carbonate-rock_aquifers
Title: New York sandstone aquifers
Metadata: new_york_sandstone_aquifers
Preview Page: new_york_sandstone_aquifers
Title: Nine Eagles Lake Boundary (polygon) - Edge of water at lake-surface elevation, 937.0 ft above NAVD 88
Metadata: sim06_2949D_eag_bndry
Preview Page: sim06_2949D_eag_bndry
Title: Nonobservation wells used in the creation of the generalized potentiometric surface of the Arikaree aquifer, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and Bennett County, South Dakota
Metadata: sim2993nonobs_wells
Preview Page: sim2993nonobs_wells
Title: Nonroad developed land in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2001 summarized for NHDPlus v2 catchments
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LandUseDistribution_DevelopedNonRoad_summary
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LandUseDistribution_DevelopedNonRoad_summary
Title: Nonroad developed land in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2001
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LandUseDistribution_dev_nonroad
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LandUseDistribution_dev_nonroad
Title: Nonsewered population in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002 summarized for NHDPlus v2 catchments
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_SewageTreatment_NonSewered_summary
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_SewageTreatment_NonSewered_summary
Title: Nonsewered population in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_SewageTreatment_NonSewered_nonsewered
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_SewageTreatment_NonSewered_nonsewered
Title: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index for Fanno Creek, Oregon
Metadata: fannoCk_ndvi_09
Preview Page: fannoCk_ndvi_09
Title: North Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system
Metadata: northern_atlantic_coastal_plain_aquifer_system
Preview Page: northern_atlantic_coastal_plain_aquifer_system
Title: North Coast Limestone aquifer system (Puerto Rico)
Metadata: north_coast_limestone_aquifer_system
Preview Page: north_coast_limestone_aquifer_system
Title: Northern California volcanic-rock aquifers
Metadata: northern_california_volcanic-rock_aquifers
Preview Page: northern_california_volcanic-rock_aquifers
Title: Northern Rocky Mountains Intermontane Basins aquifer system
Metadata: northern_rocky_mountain_intermontane_basins_aquifer_system
Preview Page: northern_rocky_mountain_intermontane_basins_aquifer_system
Title: Nutrient generation at dairies and feedlots in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002 summarized for NHDPlus v2 catchments
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_PointSources_ConfinedCattle_CAFO_summary
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_PointSources_ConfinedCattle_CAFO_summary
Title: Nutrient generation at dairies and feedlots in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_PointSources_ConfinedCattle_CAFOs
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_PointSources_ConfinedCattle_CAFOs
Title: Nutrient Impaired 303(d) Streams for the Pacific Northwest
Metadata: nutrientImpaired303d_streams_MRB7
Preview Page: nutrientImpaired303d_streams_MRB7
Title: Nutrients generated by livestock applied to farm land, pasture land, and range land in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002 summarized for NHDPlus v2 catchments
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_summary
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_summary
Title: Observation wells used in the creation of the generalized potentiometric surface of the Arikaree aquifer, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and Bennett County, South Dakota
Metadata: sim2993_obs_wells
Preview Page: sim2993_obs_wells
Title: Observed, predicted, and misclassification error data for observations in the training datset for nitrate and arsenic concentrations in basin-fill aquifers in the Southwest Principal Aquifers study.
Metadata: ds697_SWPA_NO3_As_training
Preview Page: ds697_SWPA_NO3_As_training
Title: OFR2012-1247 Shoreline Management Tool NAVD88 v20130410 -- version for lower Wood River Valley, Oregon using NAVD88 vertical datum
Metadata: ofr2012_1247_Shoreline_Management_Tool_NAVD88_v20130410
Preview Page: ofr2012_1247_Shoreline_Management_Tool_NAVD88_v20130410
Title: OFR2012-1247 Shoreline Management Tool NGVD29 v20130410 -- version for lower Wood River Valley, Oregon using NGVD29 vertical datum
Metadata: ofr2012_1247_Shoreline_Management_Tool_NGVD29_v20130410
Preview Page: ofr2012_1247_Shoreline_Management_Tool_NGVD29_v20130410
Title: Ohio flood regions for use with Water Resources Investigations Report 03-4164
Metadata: floodregions
Preview Page: floodregions
Title: Ohio-drainage digital elevation model for use with Water Resources Investigations Report 03-4164
Metadata: elevgrd
Preview Page: elevgrd
Title: Ohio-drainage land-use/land-cover data for use with Water Resources Investigations Report 03-4164
Metadata: wrir_03-4164
Preview Page: wrir_03-4164
Title: Ohio-drainage stream centerline coverage for use with Water Resources Investigations Report 03-4164
Metadata: streamclp
Preview Page: streamclp
Title: Oil and Gas Well locations, Upper Colorado River Basin, 2007
Metadata: sir2010_5064_UCRB_ogdb
Preview Page: sir2010_5064_UCRB_ogdb
Title: Ordovician aquifers
Metadata: ordovician_aquifers
Preview Page: ordovician_aquifers
Title: Original Vector Datasets for Hawaii StreamStats
Metadata: ds680_originaldata
Preview Page: ds680_originaldata
Title: Outer boundary of major discharge areas of Death Valley regional flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: darea
Preview Page: darea
Title: Overland Flow Direction Information for the Upper Colorado River Basin in Daymet Climate Data resolution (overland_flow_direction_UCRB_daymet_resolution.txt)
Metadata: ofr_2015_1160_overland_flow_direction_daymet_resolution
Preview Page: ofr_2015_1160_overland_flow_direction_daymet_resolution
Title: Overland Flow Direction Information for the Upper Colorado River Basin in Maurer et al. (2002) Climate Data resolution (overland_flow_direction_UCRB_Maurer_resolution.asc)
Metadata: ofr_2015_1160_overland_flow_direction_maurer_resolution
Preview Page: ofr_2015_1160_overland_flow_direction_maurer_resolution
Title: Overlying surficial deposits and absent areas for Minnekahta Limestone in the Black Hills area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_mnktsurf
Preview Page: ofr00471_mnktsurf
Title: Overlying surficial deposits and absent areas for the Deadwood Formation in the Black Hills area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_ddwdsurf
Preview Page: ofr00471_ddwdsurf
Title: Overlying surficial deposits and absent areas for the Inyan Kara Formation in the Black Hills area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_inkrsurf
Preview Page: ofr00471_inkrsurf
Title: Overlying surficial deposits and absent areas for the Madison Limestone, Black Hills area, South Dakota.
Metadata: ofr00471_mdsnsurf
Preview Page: ofr00471_mdsnsurf
Title: Overlying surficial deposits and absent areas for the Minnelusa Formation in the Black Hills area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_mnlssurf
Preview Page: ofr00471_mnlssurf
Title: Ozark Plateaus aquifer system
Metadata: ozark_plateaus_aquifer_system
Preview Page: ozark_plateaus_aquifer_system
Title: Pacific Northwest basin-fill aquifers
Metadata: pacific_northwest_basin-fill_aquifers
Preview Page: pacific_northwest_basin-fill_aquifers
Title: Paleozoic aquifers
Metadata: paleozoic_aquifers
Preview Page: paleozoic_aquifers
Title: Pecos River Basin alluvial aquifer
Metadata: pecos_river_basin_alluvial_aquifer
Preview Page: pecos_river_basin_alluvial_aquifer
Title: Pennsylvanian aquifers
Metadata: pennsylvanian_aquifers
Preview Page: pennsylvanian_aquifers
Title: Percent Coarse in wells in 15 meter increments and Texture Model Percent Coarse at Lattice Points for the Central Valley from Faunt (2009)
Metadata: pp1766_well-log-texture
Preview Page: pp1766_well-log-texture
Title: Percentage of Hypothetical Well Pumpage Causing Depletions to Simulated Base Flow, Evapotranspiration, and Groundwater Storage in the Elkhorn and Loup River Basins, 2006 through 2055
Metadata: sir10-5149_FutDep
Preview Page: sir10-5149_FutDep
Title: Percentage of probability of nonpoint-source nitrate contamination of recently recharged ground water in the High Plains aquifer
Metadata: ds192_hp_npctprob
Preview Page: ds192_hp_npctprob
Title: Photographs used to verify ET units classified in the major discharge areas of Death Valley regional
Metadata: photo
Preview Page: photo
Title: Physical Habitat Characteristics on the North and South Forks of the Shenandoah River, VA in 2002-2007
Metadata: ds539_MesoHabitat
Preview Page: ds539_MesoHabitat
Title: Physical Habitat Characteristics on the North and South Forks of the Shenandoah River, VA in 2002-2007
Metadata: ds539_Shenandoah_Habitat
Preview Page: ds539_Shenandoah_Habitat
Title: Physical Habitat Characteristics on the North Fork Shenandoah River, VA in 2002-2003
Metadata: ds539_NF_ShenHabitat
Preview Page: ds539_NF_ShenHabitat
Title: Physical Habitat Characteristics on the South Fork Shenandoah River, VA in 2006-2007
Metadata: ds539_SF_ShenHabitat
Preview Page: ds539_SF_ShenHabitat
Title: Physiographic divisions of the conterminous U. S.
Metadata: physio
Preview Page: physio
Title: Physiography for the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain
Metadata: pp1680_phys
Preview Page: pp1680_phys
Title: Piedmont and Blue Ridge carbonate-rock aquifers
Metadata: piedmont_and_blue_ridge_carbonate-rock_aquifers
Preview Page: piedmont_and_blue_ridge_carbonate-rock_aquifers
Title: Piedmont_and_Blue_Ridge_crystalline-rock_aquifers
Metadata: piedmont_and_Blue_ridge_crystalline-rock_aquifers
Preview Page: piedmont_and_Blue_ridge_crystalline-rock_aquifers
Title: Point and line geologic structure information in "Structure, outcrop, and subcrop of the geologic structure information for the Arapahoe and Laramie-Fox Hills aquifers.
Metadata: co_geosymb_ha742
Preview Page: co_geosymb_ha742
Title: Point Locations of 849 Continuous Record Streamflow Gages Used to Estmate Annual and Average Values of Water-Budget Components Based on Hydrograph Separation and PRISM Precipitation in the Appalachian Plateaus Region, 1900-2011
Metadata: ds944_pmas_SW_Sites_pt
Preview Page: ds944_pmas_SW_Sites_pt
Title: Point source nutrient discharges to surface water in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002 summarized for NHDPlus v2 catchments
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_PointSources_NHD_summary
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_PointSources_NHD_summary
Title: Point source nutrient discharges to surface water in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_PointSources_NHD
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_PointSources_NHD
Title: Polygons Representing Drainage Areas Upstream from Potential Streamflow-loss Zones in Lawrence County, SD
Metadata: sd_lcsens_da
Preview Page: sd_lcsens_da
Title: Polygons Representing Sensitivity of Ground Water to Contamination in Lawrence County, SD
Metadata: sd_lcsens_pol
Preview Page: sd_lcsens_pol
Title: Postconstruction tin of land surface on the Missouri River downstream from Gavins Point Dam near River Mile 761.4
Metadata: ofr07-1056_dn_post_tin
Preview Page: ofr07-1056_dn_post_tin
Title: Postconstruction tin of land surface on the Missouri River downstream from Gavins Point Dam near River Mile 769.8
Metadata: ofr07-1056_up_post_tin
Preview Page: ofr07-1056_up_post_tin
Title: Postconstruction water velocity arrays collected at selected transects on the Missouri River downstream from Gavins Point Dam near River Mile 769.8
Metadata: ofr07-1056_up_post_vel_array.shp
Preview Page: ofr07-1056_up_post_vel_array.shp
Title: Postconstruction water velocity data collected at selected points on the Missouri River downstream from Gavins Point Dam near River Mile 769.8
Metadata: ofr07-1056_up_post_vel_pt.shp
Preview Page: ofr07-1056_up_post_vel_pt.shp
Title: Potential areas of ground-water discharge in the Basin and Range carbonate-rock aquifer system, White Pine County, Nevada, and adjacent parts of Nevada and Utah
Metadata: sir2007-5087_potgwdischarge
Preview Page: sir2007-5087_potgwdischarge
Title: Potential groundwater sampling sites for installation of a well network for long-term monitoring of agricultural chemicals in the High Plains Aquifer, Colorado
Metadata: ds472_randomsites
Preview Page: ds472_randomsites
Title: Potential range land for grazing cattle in the United States Pacific Northwest summarized for NHDPlus v2 catchments
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_Rangeland_summary
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_Rangeland_summary
Title: Potential range land for grazing cattle in the United States Pacific Northwest
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_Rangeland_rangeland
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_LivestockWasteDistribution_Rangeland_rangeland
Title: Potential structural barriers to ground-water flow, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_hfbs_geo
Preview Page: pp1711_hfbs_geo
Title: Potential structural barriers to ground-water flow, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_hfbs_geo
Preview Page: sir045205_hfbs_geo
Title: Potentiometric surface contours for the Deadwood aquifer, Black Hills area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_ddwdpcon
Preview Page: ofr00471_ddwdpcon
Title: Potentiometric surface contours for the Inyan Kara aquifer, Black Hills area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_inkrpcon
Preview Page: ofr00471_inkrpcon
Title: Potentiometric surface contours for the Madison aquifer , Black Hills area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_mdsnpcon
Preview Page: ofr00471_mdsnpcon
Title: Potentiometric surface contours for the Minnekahta aquifer, Black Hills area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_mnktpcon
Preview Page: ofr00471_mnktpcon
Title: Potentiometric surface contours for the Minnelusa aquifer, Black Hills area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_mnlspcon
Preview Page: ofr00471_mnlspcon
Title: Potentiometric water-level altitude contours of Dixie Valley, west-central Nevada
Metadata: sir2014_5152_Potentiometric
Preview Page: sir2014_5152_Potentiometric
Title: Potentiometric-surface altitude of the confined aquifer, Wood River Valley aquifer system, south-central Idaho, October 2012.
Metadata: sir2014-5151_conf2012
Preview Page: sir2014-5151_conf2012
Title: Prairie Rose Lake Boundary (polygon) - Edge of water at lake-surface elevations, 1227.9 ft above NAVD 88 for the main lake and 1229.6 ft above NAVD 88 upstream of the siltation dam
Metadata: sim06-2949E_pr_bndry
Preview Page: sim06-2949E_pr_bndry
Title: Precipitation Zones of West-Central Nevada
Metadata: jnwra_v4n2_pzb
Preview Page: jnwra_v4n2_pzb
Title: Predicted nitrate and arsenic concentrations in basin-fill aquifers of the Southwest Principal Aquifers study area
Metadata: ds698_SWPA_NO3_As_prediction
Preview Page: ds698_SWPA_NO3_As_prediction
Title: Pressure Irrigation on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice IT02
Metadata: nri92_it02
Preview Page: nri92_it02
Title: Principal aquifers of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Metadata: aquifers_pr
Preview Page: aquifers_pr
Title: Principal Aquifers of the 48 Conterminous United States, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Metadata: aquifers_us
Preview Page: aquifers_us
Title: Principal Aquifers of the 48 Conterminous United States, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Metadata: aquifrp025
Preview Page: aquifrp025
Title: Probability of Elevated Nitrate Concentrations in Groundwater in the Eagle River Watershed Valley-Fill Aquifer, Eagle County, North-Central Colorado, 2006-2007
Metadata: sir095082_no3
Preview Page: sir095082_no3
Title: Probability of Elevated Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Concentrations in Groundwater in the Eagle River Watershed Valley-Fill Aquifer, Eagle County, North-Central Colorado, 2006-2007
Metadata: sir095082_voc
Preview Page: sir095082_voc
Title: Probability of nitrate contamination of recently recharged ground waters in the conterminous United States
Metadata: gwrisk
Preview Page: gwrisk
Title: Probability of Unmixed Young Groundwater (defined using chlorofluorocarbon-11 concentrations and tritium activities) in the Eagle River Watershed Valley-Fill Aquifer, Eagle County, North-Central Colorado, 2006-2007
Metadata: sir095082_mix
Preview Page: sir095082_mix
Title: Puget-Willamette Lowland aquifer system
Metadata: puget-willamette_lowland_aquifer_system
Preview Page: puget-willamette_lowland_aquifer_system
Title: Pumpage for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_pumping
Preview Page: pp1711_pumping
Title: Pumpage for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_pumping
Preview Page: sir045205_pumping
Title: Raster dataset showing the probability of detecting atrazine/desethyl-atrazine in ground water in Colorado, hydrogeomorphic regions and atrazine use estimates included.
Metadata: atra_hyd_use
Preview Page: atra_hyd_use
Title: Raster dataset showing the probability of detecting atrazine/desethyl-atrazine in ground water in Colorado, hydrogeomorphic regions and atrazine use estimates not included.
Metadata: atra_nhyd_nus
Preview Page: atra_nhyd_nus
Title: Raster dataset showing the probability of detecting atrazine/desethyl-atrazine in ground water in Colorado, hydrogeomorphic regions included and atrazine use estimates not included.
Metadata: atra_hyd_nuse
Preview Page: atra_hyd_nuse
Title: Raster dataset showing the probability of detecting atrazine/desethyl-atrazine in ground water in Colorado, hydrogeomorphic regions not included and atrazine use estimates included.
Metadata: atra_nhyd_use
Preview Page: atra_nhyd_use
Title: Raster dataset showing the probability of elevated concentrations of nitrate in ground water in Colorado, hydrogeomorphic regions and fertilizer use estimates included.
Metadata: nit_hyd_fert
Preview Page: nit_hyd_fert
Title: Raster dataset showing the probability of elevated concentrations of nitrate in ground water in Colorado, hydrogeomorphic regions and fertilizer use estimates not included.
Metadata: nit_nhyd_nfer
Preview Page: nit_nhyd_nfer
Title: Raster dataset showing the probability of elevated concentrations of nitrate in ground water in Colorado, hydrogeomorphic regions included and fertilizer use estimates not included.
Metadata: nit_hyd_nfert
Preview Page: nit_hyd_nfert
Title: Raster dataset showing the probability of elevated concentrations of nitrate in ground water in Colorado, hydrogeomorphic regions not included and fertilizer use estimates included.
Metadata: nit_nhyd_fert
Preview Page: nit_nhyd_fert
Title: Raster-based regolith thickness of the Lost Creek Designated Ground Water Basin, Weld, Adams, and Arapahoe Counties, Colorado
Metadata: ds507_regthk
Preview Page: ds507_regthk
Title: Realtime USGS Streamflow Stations
Metadata: realstx
Preview Page: realstx
Title: Red Alder Basal Area, by Stream Reach, for the Pacific Northwest
Metadata: redAlderSources_MRB7
Preview Page: redAlderSources_MRB7
Title: Red alder trees distribution in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002 summarized for NHDPlus v2 catchments
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_RedAlder_summary
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_RedAlder_summary
Title: Reference springs in California for the regional ground-water potential map by Bedinger and Harrill (2004), Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_regpot_spr_ca
Preview Page: pp1711_regpot_spr_ca
Title: Reference springs in California for the regional ground-water potential map by Bedinger and Harrill (2004), Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_regpot_spr_ca
Preview Page: sir045205_regpot_spr_ca
Title: Reference springs in Nevada for the regional ground-water potential map by Bedinger and Harrill (2004), Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_regpot_spr_nv
Preview Page: pp1711_regpot_spr_nv
Title: Reference springs in Nevada for the regional ground-water potential map by Bedinger and Harrill (2004), Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_regpot_spr_nv
Preview Page: sir045205_regpot_spr_nv
Title: Reference wells for the regional ground-water potential map by Bedinger and Harrill (2004), Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_regpot_deepwl
Preview Page: pp1711_regpot_deepwl
Title: Reference wells for the regional ground-water potential map by Bedinger and Harrill (2004), Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_regpot_deepwl
Preview Page: sir045205_regpot_deepwl
Title: Regional potentiometric-surface contours by Bedinger and Harrill (2004), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_regpot
Preview Page: pp1711_regpot
Title: Regional potentiometric-surface contours by Bedinger and Harrill (2004), for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system study, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_regpot
Preview Page: sir045205_regpot
Title: Rio Grande aquifer system
Metadata: rio_grande_aquifer_system
Preview Page: rio_grande_aquifer_system
Title: Roswell Basin aquifer system
Metadata: roswell_basin_aquifer_system
Preview Page: roswell_basin_aquifer_system
Title: RSPARROW 2019
Metadata: rSPARROW_2019
Preview Page: rSPARROW_2019
Title: RSPARROW Modeling Tool used to Estimate Total Nitrogen Sources to Streams and Evaluate Source Reduction Management Scenarios in the Grande Basin, Brazil
Metadata: miller2020_water
Preview Page: miller2020_water
Title: Rush Springs aquifer
Metadata: rush_springs_aquifer
Preview Page: rush_springs_aquifer
Title: Saturated thickness of the High Plains Aquifer, Colorado, 2000
Metadata: ds472_sat
Preview Page: ds472_sat
Title: Saturated thickness of the Madison aquifer, Black Hills, South Dakota.
Metadata: sd_mdsnst_thk
Preview Page: sd_mdsnst_thk
Title: Saturated thickness of the Minnelusa aquifer, Black Hills, South Dakota.
Metadata: sd_mnlsst_thk
Preview Page: sd_mnlsst_thk
Title: Saturated thickness, High Plains aquifer, 2009
Metadata: sir12-5177_hp_satthk09
Preview Page: sir12-5177_hp_satthk09
Title: Saturation overland flow estimated by TOPMODEL for the conterminous United States
Metadata: satof48
Preview Page: satof48
Title: SEAWAT code used to couple MODFLOW and MT3DMS models, and supplemental data used to simulate groundwater flow and tritium transport from the HANDLEY underground nuclear test, Pahute Mesa, southern Nevada
Metadata: sir2021-5032
Preview Page: sir2021-5032
Title: SEAWAT Data Sets for Simulation of Effluent Transport in the Floridan Aquifer System at the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant, Southeastern Florida, 1997-2011: U.S. Geological Survey Data Release
Metadata: sir2017-5145
Preview Page: sir2017-5145
Title: SEAWAT Model of Flow and Chloride Transport in the "1,500-Foot", "2,400-Foot", and "2,800-Foot" Sands of the Baton Rouge Area, Louisiana
Metadata: sir2019-5102
Preview Page: sir2019-5102
Title: SEAWAT model used to evaluate the potential effects of alterations to the hydrologic system on the distribution of salinity in the Biscayne aquifer in Broward County, Florida: U.S. Geological Survey Data Release
Metadata: sir2016-5022_usgsdatarelease
Preview Page: sir2016-5022_usgsdatarelease
Title: SEAWAT model used to evaluate water management issues in the Santa Barbara and Foothill groundwater basins, California
Metadata: sir2018-5059
Preview Page: sir2018-5059
Title: SEAWAT, MODFLOW-2000, and SHARP models used to simulate future water-supply scenarios, Cape May County, New Jersey
Metadata: sir2009-5187
Preview Page: sir2009-5187
Title: SEAWAT, MODFLOW-2000, and SHARP models used to simulate potential water-allocation changes, Cape May County, New Jersey
Metadata: sir2020-5052
Preview Page: sir2020-5052
Title: Selected aquifer-test and specific-capacity data for wells in the Lost Creek Designated Ground Water Basin, Weld, Adams, and Arapahoe Counties, Colorado
Metadata: ds507_welltest_data
Preview Page: ds507_welltest_data
Title: Selected Basin Characterization Model Parameters for the Great Basin Carbonate and Alluvial Aquifer System of Nevada, Utah, and Parts of Adjacent States
Metadata: sir2010_5193_BCM
Preview Page: sir2010_5193_BCM
Title: Selected data for wells and test holes used in structure-contour maps of the Deadwood Formation in the Black Hills area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_ddwdswpt
Preview Page: ofr00471_ddwdswpt
Title: Selected data for wells and test holes used in structure-contour maps of the Inyan Kara Group in the Black Hills area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_inkrpwpt
Preview Page: ofr00471_inkrpwpt
Title: Selected Discharge Measurements at Stream-Gaging Stations on Lower Platte River near Ashland, Duncan, Leshara, Louisville, and North Bend, Nebraska, 1934-2006
Metadata: sir2008-5054_Lower_Platte_gages5
Preview Page: sir2008-5054_Lower_Platte_gages5
Title: Selected geologic data for wells and test holes in and near the Lost Creek Designated Ground Water Basin, Weld, Adams, and Arapahoe Counties, Colorado
Metadata: ds507_regolith_data
Preview Page: ds507_regolith_data
Title: Selected wells and test holes used in structure-contour maps of the Inyan Kara Group, Minnekahta Limestone, Minnelusa Formation, Madison Limestone, and Deadwood Formation in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_mdsnswpt
Preview Page: ofr00471_mdsnswpt
Title: Selected wells and test holes used in structure-contour maps of the Inyan Kara Group, Minnekahta Limestone, Minnelusa Formation, Madison Limestone, and Deadwood Formation in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_mnktswpt
Preview Page: ofr00471_mnktswpt
Title: Selected wells and test holes used in structure-contour maps of the Inyan Kara Group, Minnekahta Limestone, Minnelusa Formation, Madison Limestone, and Deadwood Formation in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_mnlsswpt
Preview Page: ofr00471_mnlsswpt
Title: Selected wells and test holes used in structure-contour of the Inyan Kara Group, Minnekahta Limestone, Minnelusa Formation, Madison Limestone, and Deadwood Formation in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_inkrswpt
Preview Page: ofr00471_inkrswpt
Title: Seymour aquifer
Metadata: seymour_aquifer
Preview Page: seymour_aquifer
Title: Shaded Relief of the Bathymetry near Shorty's Island and Myrtle Bend, 2010, Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID
Metadata: ds889_KR_SEPP_ShadedRelief_Myrtle_Bend_and_Shortys_Island
Preview Page: ds889_KR_SEPP_ShadedRelief_Myrtle_Bend_and_Shortys_Island
Title: Shorty's Island Substrate Enhancement Pilot Project Extent, Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID, 2014
Metadata: ds889_KR_SEPP_SiteExtent_Shortys_Island
Preview Page: ds889_KR_SEPP_SiteExtent_Shortys_Island
Title: Silurian Devonian aquifers
Metadata: silurian-devonian_aquifers
Preview Page: silurian-devonian_aquifers
Title: SIM2012-3213 Bathymetric Contours of Breckenridge Reservoir, Quantico, Virginia
Metadata: sim2012_3213_Breckenridge_Contours
Preview Page: sim2012_3213_Breckenridge_Contours
Title: Simulated constant-head boundary for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_chds
Preview Page: pp1711_chds
Title: Simulated constant-head boundary for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_chds
Preview Page: sir045205_chds
Title: Simulated potentiometric surface contours at end of simulation (1998) in model layer 1 of the transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_hd1_t85_tr
Preview Page: pp1711_hd1_t85_tr
Title: Simulated potentiometric surface contours at end of simulation (1998) in model layer 1 of the transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_hd1_t85_tr
Preview Page: sir045205_hd1_t85_tr
Title: Simulated potentiometric surface contours at end of simulation (1998) in model layer 16 of the transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_hd16_t85_tr
Preview Page: pp1711_hd16_t85_tr
Title: Simulated potentiometric surface contours at end of simulation (1998) in model layer 16 of the transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_hd16_t85_tr
Preview Page: sir045205_hd16_t85_tr
Title: Simulated potentiometric surface contours of prepumping conditions in layer 1 of the transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_hd1_t0_tr
Preview Page: pp1711_hd1_t0_tr
Title: Simulated potentiometric surface contours of prepumping conditions in layer 1 of the transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_hd1_t0_tr
Preview Page: sir045205_hd1_t0_tr
Title: Simulated potentiometric surface contours of prepumping conditions in layer 16 of the transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_hd16_t0_tr
Preview Page: pp1711_hd16_t0_tr
Title: Simulated potentiometric surface contours of prepumping conditions in layer 16 of the transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_hd16_t0_tr
Preview Page: sir045205_hd16_t0_tr
Title: SIR 2014-5076, Land-Cover Data for Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area and Coyote Springs, Piute-Eldorado Valley, and Mormon Mesa Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, Clark County, Nevada
Metadata: sir2014-5076
Preview Page: sir2014-5076
Title: SIR 2015-5175, Water-level altitude contours of Pahute Mesa-Oasis Valley and surrounding groundwater basins, Nevada and California, version 1.1
Metadata: sir2015_5175_WLcontours
Preview Page: sir2015_5175_WLcontours
Title: sir-06-5129_alt_top_trinidad_con
Metadata: sir-06-5129_alt_top_trinidad_con
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_alt_top_trinidad_con
Title: sir-06-5129_alt_top_vermejo_con
Metadata: sir-06-5129_alt_top_vermejo_con
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_alt_top_vermejo_con
Title: sir-06-5129_alt_water_table_con
Metadata: sir-06-5129_alt_water_table_con
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_alt_water_table_con
Title: sir-06-5129_cogcc_production_point
Metadata: sir-06-5129_cogcc_production_point
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_cogcc_production_point
Title: sir-06-5129_cogcc_wells_point
Metadata: sir-06-5129_cogcc_wells_point
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_cogcc_wells_point
Title: sir-06-5129_depth_bottom_trinidad_con
Metadata: sir-06-5129_depth_bottom_trinidad_con
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_depth_bottom_trinidad_con
Title: sir-06-5129_depth_top_raton_con
Metadata: sir-06-5129_depth_top_raton_con
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_depth_top_raton_con
Title: sir-06-5129_depth_top_trinidad_con
Metadata: sir-06-5129_depth_top_trinidad_con
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_depth_top_trinidad_con
Title: sir-06-5129_depth_top_vermejo_con
Metadata: sir-06-5129_depth_top_vermejo_con
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_depth_top_vermejo_con
Title: sir-06-5129_depth_water_table_con
Metadata: sir-06-5129_depth_water_table_con
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_depth_water_table_con
Title: sir-06-5129_formation_tops_point
Metadata: sir-06-5129_formation_tops_point
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_formation_tops_point
Title: sir-06-5129_thickness_raton_con
Metadata: sir-06-5129_thickness_raton_con
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_thickness_raton_con
Title: SIR-06-5129_thickness_trinidad_con
Metadata: sir-06-5129_thickness_trinidad_con
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_thickness_trinidad_con
Title: sir-06-5129_thickness_vermejo_con
Metadata: sir-06-5129_thickness_vermejo_con
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_thickness_vermejo_con
Title: SIR2005-5073_CBRWM_LandSegments
Metadata: sir2005-5073_CBRWM_LandSegments
Preview Page: sir2005-5073_CBRWM_LandSegments
Title: SIR2005-5073_CBRWM_watersheds
Metadata: sir2005-5073_CBRWM_watersheds
Preview Page: sir2005-5073_CBRWM_watersheds
Title: SIR2012-5282 Surficial Geology: Hydrogeology of the Susquehanna River valley-fill aquifer system and adjacent areas in eastern Broome and southeastern Chenango Counties, New York
Metadata: sir2012-5282_surficial_geology
Preview Page: sir2012-5282_surficial_geology
Title: SIR2015-5175, Pahute Mesa-Oasis Valley and surrounding groundwater basins, Nevada and California, version 1.1
Metadata: sir2015_5175_GWbasins
Preview Page: sir2015_5175_GWbasins
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshOR: Flood-Inundation Maps for the Coast Fork Willamette River from Creswell, Oregon to Goshen, Oregon
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshOR
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshOR
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_1: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 12,000 cfs at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_1
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_1
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_1b: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 12,000 cfs at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon (Area of Uncertainty)
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_1b
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_1b
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_2: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 15,000 cfs at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_2
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_2
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_2b: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 15,000 cfs at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon (Area of Uncertainty)
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_2b
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_2b
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_3: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 21,450 cfs at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_3
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_3
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_3b: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 21,450 cfs at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon (Area of Uncertainty)
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_3b
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_3b
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_4: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 27,900 cfs at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_4
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_4
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_4b: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 27,900 cfs at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon (Area of Uncertainty)
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_4b
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_4b
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_5: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 33,900 cfs at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_5
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_5
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_5b: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 33,900 cfs at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon (Area of Uncertainty)
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_5b
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_5b
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_6: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 39,900 at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_6
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_6
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_6b: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 39,900 at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon (Area of Uncertainty)
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_6b
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_6b
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_7: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 46,800 cfs at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_7
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_7
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_7b: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 46,800 cfs at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon (Area of Uncertainty)
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_7b
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_7b
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_8: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 62,300 cfs at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_8
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_8
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshor_8b: Flood Inundation Depth for a Flow of 62,300 cfs at the Gage Coast Fork Willamette River at Goshen, Oregon (Area of Uncertainty)
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_8b
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshor_8b
Title: SIR2016-5029_cfwgoshOR_breach: Flood-Inundation Maps for the Coast Fork Willamette River from Creswell, Oregon to Goshen, Oregon (Area of Uncertainty)
Metadata: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshOR_breach
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_cfwgoshOR_breach
Title: sir2016-5029_Hi_Res_Extents: Flood-Inundation Maps for the Coast Fork Willamette River from Creswell, Oregon to Goshen, Oregon
Metadata: sir2016-5029_Hi_Res_Extents
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_Hi_Res_Extents
Title: sir2016-5029_Low_Res_Extents: Flood-Inundation Maps for the Coast Fork Willamette River from Creswell, Oregon to Goshen, Oregon
Metadata: sir2016-5029_Low_Res_Extents
Preview Page: sir2016-5029_Low_Res_Extents
Title: Snake River Plain Basin-fill aquifer system
Metadata: snake_river_plain_aquifer_system
Preview Page: snake_river_plain_aquifer_system
Title: Soil phosphorus retention potential in the United States Pacific Northwest summarized for NHDPlus v2 catchments
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_Soil_P_RetentionPotential_summary
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_Soil_P_RetentionPotential_summary
Title: Soil-Water Balance model and datasets used to estimate potential groundwater recharge Brunswick, New Hanover, and Pender counties North Carolina 1980 through 2016
Metadata: swb_NC_NewBrunswick_NewHanover_Pender
Preview Page: swb_NC_NewBrunswick_NewHanover_Pender
Title: Soil-Water Balance model datasets used to estimate groundwater recharge in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, 1895-2010
Metadata: swb_Floridan_Aquifer_1895_2010
Preview Page: swb_Floridan_Aquifer_1895_2010
Title: Soil-Water Balance model datasets used to estimate groundwater recharge in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, 1995-2010
Metadata: sir2018-5030
Preview Page: sir2018-5030
Title: Soil-Water Balance model for alluvial deposits in Summerset, South Dakota
Metadata: sir2020-5097
Preview Page: sir2020-5097
Title: Soils data for the Conterminous United States Derived from the NRCS State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) Data Base. [Original title: State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) Data Base for the Conterminous United States.]
Metadata: ussoils
Preview Page: ussoils
Title: Solid sample locations for Fanno Creek, Oregon
Metadata: fannoCk_solid_samples
Preview Page: fannoCk_solid_samples
Title: South Coast aquifer (Puerto Rico)
Metadata: south_coast_aquifer_Puerto_Rico
Preview Page: south_coast_aquifer_Puerto_Rico
Title: Southeastern Coastal Plain aquifer system
Metadata: southeastern_coastal_plain_aquifer_system
Preview Page: southeastern_coastal_plain_aquifer_system
Title: Southern boundary of the glacial aquifer system in the Williston structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_southern_boundary_of_glacial_aquifer_system_in_Williston_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_southern_boundary_of_glacial_aquifer_system_in_Williston_basin
Title: Southern Nevada volcanic-rock aquifers
Metadata: southern_nevada_volcanic-rock_aquifers
Preview Page: southern_nevada_volcanic-rock_aquifers
Title: Spatial Provinces and Domains of the Central Valley for Textural Analysis
Metadata: pp1766_cvhm_texture_regions
Preview Page: pp1766_cvhm_texture_regions
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Beaver County, Utah
Metadata: ut_beaver_qw
Preview Page: ut_beaver_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Boxelder County, Utah
Metadata: ut_boxelder_qw
Preview Page: ut_boxelder_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Cache County, Utah
Metadata: ut_cache_qw
Preview Page: ut_cache_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Carbon County, Utah
Metadata: ut_carbon_qw
Preview Page: ut_carbon_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Daggett County, Utah
Metadata: ut_daggett_qw
Preview Page: ut_daggett_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Davis County, Utah
Metadata: ut_davis_qw
Preview Page: ut_davis_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Duchesne County, Utah
Metadata: ut_duchesne_qw
Preview Page: ut_duchesne_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Emery County, Utah
Metadata: ut_emery_qw
Preview Page: ut_emery_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Garfield County, Utah
Metadata: ut_garfield_qw
Preview Page: ut_garfield_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Grand County, Utah
Metadata: ut_grand_qw
Preview Page: ut_grand_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Iron County, Utah
Metadata: ut_iron_qw
Preview Page: ut_iron_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Juab County, Utah
Metadata: ut_juab_qw
Preview Page: ut_juab_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Kane County, Utah
Metadata: ut_kane_qw
Preview Page: ut_kane_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Millard County, Utah
Metadata: ut_millard_qw
Preview Page: ut_millard_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Morgan County, Utah
Metadata: ut_morgan_qw
Preview Page: ut_morgan_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Piute County, Utah
Metadata: ut_piute_qw
Preview Page: ut_piute_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Rich County, Utah
Metadata: ut_rich_qw
Preview Page: ut_rich_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Saltlake County, Utah
Metadata: ut_saltlake_qw
Preview Page: ut_saltlake_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Sanjuan County, Utah
Metadata: ut_sanjuan_qw
Preview Page: ut_sanjuan_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Sanpete County, Utah
Metadata: ut_sanpete_qw
Preview Page: ut_sanpete_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Sevier County, Utah
Metadata: ut_sevier_qw
Preview Page: ut_sevier_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Summit County, Utah
Metadata: ut_summit_qw
Preview Page: ut_summit_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Tooele County, Utah
Metadata: ut_tooele_qw
Preview Page: ut_tooele_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Uintah County, Utah
Metadata: ut_uintah_qw
Preview Page: ut_uintah_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Wasatch County, Utah
Metadata: ut_wasatch_qw
Preview Page: ut_wasatch_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Washington County, Utah
Metadata: ut_washington_qw
Preview Page: ut_washington_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Wayne County, Utah
Metadata: ut_wayne_qw
Preview Page: ut_wayne_qw
Title: Specific Water Quality Sites for Weber County, Utah
Metadata: ut_weber_qw
Preview Page: ut_weber_qw
Title: Specific yield, High Plains aquifer
Metadata: sir12-5177_hp_sp_yield
Preview Page: sir12-5177_hp_sp_yield
Title: Sprague River Oregon Bars 1940
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_bars_1940
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_bars_1940
Title: Sprague River Oregon Bars 1968
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_bars_1968
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_bars_1968
Title: Sprague River Oregon Bars 2000
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_bars_2000
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_bars_2000
Title: Sprague River Oregon Built Features 1940
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_built_features_1940
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_built_features_1940
Title: Sprague River Oregon Built Features 1968
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_built_features_1968
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_built_features_1968
Title: Sprague River Oregon Built Features 2000
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_built_features_2000
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_built_features_2000
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline 1940
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_1940
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_1940
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline 1968
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_1968
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_1968
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline 1975
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_1975
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_1975
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline 2000
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_2000
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_2000
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline 2005
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_2005
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_2005
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline circa 1870
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_circa_1870
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_circa_1870
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline North Fork 1940
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_n_fork_1940
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_n_fork_1940
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline North Fork 1968
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_n_fork_1968
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_n_fork_1968
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline North Fork 1975
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_n_fork_1975
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_n_fork_1975
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline North Fork 2000
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_n_fork_2000
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_n_fork_2000
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline North Fork 2005
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_n_fork_2005
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_n_fork_2005
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline South Fork 1940
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_s_fork_1940
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_s_fork_1940
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline South Fork 1968
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_s_fork_1968
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_s_fork_1968
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline South Fork 1975
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_s_fork_1975
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_s_fork_1975
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline South Fork 2000
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_s_fork_2000
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_s_fork_2000
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline South Fork 2005
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_s_fork_2005
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_s_fork_2005
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline Sycan 1940
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_sycan_1940
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_sycan_1940
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline Sycan 1968
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_sycan_1968
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_sycan_1968
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline Sycan 1975
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_sycan_1975
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_sycan_1975
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline Sycan 2000
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_sycan_2000
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_sycan_2000
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline Sycan 2005
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_sycan_2005
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_sycan_2005
Title: Sprague River Oregon Centerline Sycan circa 1870
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_centerline_sycan_circa1870
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_centerline_sycan_circa1870
Title: Sprague River Oregon Floodplain 1940
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_floodplain_1940
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_floodplain_1940
Title: Sprague River Oregon Floodplain 1968
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_floodplain_1968
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_floodplain_1968
Title: Sprague River Oregon Floodplain 2000
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_floodplain_2000
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_floodplain_2000
Title: Sprague River Oregon Floodplain Boundary
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_floodplain_boundary
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_floodplain_boundary
Title: Sprague River Oregon Floodplain Centerline
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_floodplain_centerline
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_floodplain_centerline
Title: Sprague River Oregon Geomorphology, with assessment of return flow potential
Metadata: kbra_opwp_sprague_river_oregon_geomorphology_return_flow
Preview Page: kbra_opwp_sprague_river_oregon_geomorphology_return_flow
Title: Sprague River Oregon Geomorphology, with assessment of subirrigation potential
Metadata: kbra_opwp_sprague_river_oregon_geomorphology_subirrigation
Preview Page: kbra_opwp_sprague_river_oregon_geomorphology_subirrigation
Title: Sprague River Oregon Geomorphology
Metadata: sprague_river_oregon_geomorphology
Preview Page: sprague_river_oregon_geomorphology
Title: Sprague River Oregon Vegetation 1940
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_vegetation_1940
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_vegetation_1940
Title: Sprague River Oregon Vegetation 1968
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_vegetation_1968
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_vegetation_1968
Title: Sprague River Oregon Vegetation 2000
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_vegetation_2000
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_vegetation_2000
Title: Sprague River Oregon Water 1940
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_water_1940
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_water_1940
Title: Sprague River Oregon Water 1968
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_water_1968
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_water_1968
Title: Sprague River Oregon Water 2000
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_water_2000
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_water_2000
Title: Sprague River Oregon Water circa 1870
Metadata: spragueriveroregon_water_circa_1870
Preview Page: spragueriveroregon_water_circa_1870
Title: Spring 1961 hydraulic head in the lower pumped zone of California's Central Valley (from Williamson and others, 1989)
Metadata: pp1766_1961_pot_surface_contours
Preview Page: pp1766_1961_pot_surface_contours
Title: Spring 1961 water table of California's Central Valley (from Williamson and others, 1989)
Metadata: pp1766_1961_wt_contours
Preview Page: pp1766_1961_wt_contours
Title: Spring point coverage for the potentiometric coverages for the Inyan Kara, Minnekahta, Minnelusa, Madison, and Deadwood Aquifers in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_spngppt
Preview Page: ofr00471_spngppt
Title: Springs used in the creation of the generalized potentiometric surface of the Arikaree aquifer, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and Bennett County, South Dakota
Metadata: sim2993_springs
Preview Page: sim2993_springs
Title: Statewide datasets for Hawaii StreamStats
Metadata: ds680_statewidelayers
Preview Page: ds680_statewidelayers
Title: Statewide Datasets for Idaho StreamStats
Metadata: ds412_statewidelayers
Preview Page: ds412_statewidelayers
Title: Stations in the USGS's National Stream Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN)
Metadata: nasqan
Preview Page: nasqan
Title: STATSGO soil characteristics for the conterminous United States
Metadata: muid
Preview Page: muid
Title: Stream Centerline for Fanno Creek, Oregon
Metadata: fannoCk_stm_cntr_ln
Preview Page: fannoCk_stm_cntr_ln
Title: Stream-gage locations where streamflow gains/losses were quantified along the Central Valley surface-water network
Metadata: pp1766_stream_loss_nady_pnts
Preview Page: pp1766_stream_loss_nady_pnts
Title: Streamflow Correlation Map Grids in and near West Virginia 1930-2011
Metadata: sir2014-5061_streamflow_correlation_grids
Preview Page: sir2014-5061_streamflow_correlation_grids
Title: Streamflow gain/loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, April to May 1980
Metadata: ofr0284_may80
Preview Page: ofr0284_may80
Title: Streamflow gain/loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, July 1975
Metadata: ofr0280_jul75
Preview Page: ofr0280_jul75
Title: Streamflow gain/loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, March 1989
Metadata: ofr0287_mar89
Preview Page: ofr0287_mar89
Title: Streamflow gain/loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, May 1975
Metadata: ofr0279_may75
Preview Page: ofr0279_may75
Title: Streamflow gain/loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, October 1975
Metadata: ofr0281_oct75
Preview Page: ofr0281_oct75
Title: Streamflow gain/loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, October 1978
Metadata: ofr0283_oct78
Preview Page: ofr0283_oct78
Title: Streamflow gain/loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, October 1980
Metadata: ofr0285_oct80
Preview Page: ofr0285_oct80
Title: Streamflow gain/loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, October 1981
Metadata: ofr0286_oct81
Preview Page: ofr0286_oct81
Title: Streamflow gain/loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, October 1998
Metadata: ofr0288_oct98
Preview Page: ofr0288_oct98
Title: Streamflow Measurements in North-central Nebraska, November 2006--Measurement Sites
Metadata: ds332
Preview Page: ds332
Title: Streamflow-gain- and streamflow-loss data for streamgages in the Central Valley Hydrologic Model
Metadata: pp1766_stream_loss_nady
Preview Page: pp1766_stream_loss_nady
Title: Structural Geology of the Mosier Creek Basin
Metadata: sir-2012-5002_structural
Preview Page: sir-2012-5002_structural
Title: Structure contours of base of Laramie-Fox Hills and Arapahoe aquifers
Metadata: co_lfhbase_ha742
Preview Page: co_lfhbase_ha742
Title: Structure contours of base of upper Arapahoe aquifer in "Structure, outcrop, and subcrop of the bedrock aquifers along the western margin of the Denver Basin, Colorado." Hydrologic Atlas 742
Metadata: co_arapbase_ha742
Preview Page: co_arapbase_ha742
Title: Structure contours of top of Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer in "Structure, outcrop, and subcrop of the bedrock aquifers along the western margin of Denver Basin, Colorado." Hydrologic Atlas 742
Metadata: co_lfhtop_ha742
Preview Page: co_lfhtop_ha742
Title: Study area boundary derived from 1:1,000,000-scale hydrographic areas and flow systems for the Great Basin carbonate and alluvial aquifer system of Nevada, Utah, and parts of adjacent states
Metadata: sir2010_5193-SAbdry
Preview Page: sir2010_5193-SAbdry
Title: Study area boundary for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_bnd_3x325
Preview Page: pp1711_bnd_3x325
Title: Study area boundary for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_bnd_3x325
Preview Page: sir045205_bnd_3x325
Title: Study area boundary for unconfined aquifer analysis, Wood River Valley, South-Central Idaho
Metadata: sir2007-5258gwbnd
Preview Page: sir2007-5258gwbnd
Title: Study-area boundary for "Structure, outcrop, and subcrop of the bedrock aquifers along the western margin of the Denver Basin, Colorado." Hydrologic Atlas 742
Metadata: co_studyarea_ha742
Preview Page: co_studyarea_ha742
Title: Subcropping Geology for the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain
Metadata: pp1680_sbcrps
Preview Page: pp1680_sbcrps
Title: Subregions of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_subreg
Preview Page: pp1711_subreg
Title: Subregions of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_subreg
Preview Page: sir045205_subreg
Title: Substrate Enhancement Project near Shorty's Island and Myrtle Creek, Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, Idaho - Water Year 2011
Metadata: ds694_substrate_enhancement_2011
Preview Page: ds694_substrate_enhancement_2011
Title: Subsurface Drains on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice 606
Metadata: nri92_cp606
Preview Page: nri92_cp606
Title: Summary of selected characteristics of large reservoirs
Metadata: reservoir
Preview Page: reservoir
Title: Summer Mean Enhanced Vegetation Index for the Diamond Valley Flow System Groundwater Discharge Area, Central Nevada, 2010
Metadata: sir2016-5055_EVI
Preview Page: sir2016-5055_EVI
Title: Superfund GIS - 1:250,000 Geology of Tennessee.
Metadata: geo250k
Preview Page: geo250k
Title: Superfund GIS - Aquifer Diffusivity in Tennessee.
Metadata: diffus
Preview Page: diffus
Title: Superfund GIS - Physiographic Provinces, Aquifer Outcrops and Recharge Rates in Tennessee
Metadata: aquiphys
Preview Page: aquiphys
Title: Superfund GIS - Regolith thickness in Tennessee
Metadata: regolith
Preview Page: regolith
Title: Superfund GIS - Soil thickness, permeability, texture, and classification in Tennessee
Metadata: statsoil
Preview Page: statsoil
Title: Surface altitude of hydrogeologic layers of the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina
Metadata: pp1773_unit_alt_grid
Preview Page: pp1773_unit_alt_grid
Title: Surface altitudes of hydrogeologic units used in the hydrogeologic framework and transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_hfm_top
Preview Page: pp1711_hfm_top
Title: Surface altitudes of hydrogeologic units used in the hydrogeologic framework and transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_hfm_top
Preview Page: sir045205_hfm_top
Title: Surface Drainage, Field Ditches on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice 607
Metadata: nri92_cp607
Preview Page: nri92_cp607
Title: Surface Drainage-Main or Lateral on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice 608
Metadata: nri92_cp608
Preview Page: nri92_cp608
Title: Surface-Water Network for the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_cvhm_sfr_network
Preview Page: pp1766_cvhm_sfr_network
Title: Surface-water sampling stations, National Water-Quality Assessment, Yellowstone River Basin, Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: sw_site_yell
Preview Page: sw_site_yell
Title: Surficial Geology for the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain.
Metadata: pp1680_srfgl
Preview Page: pp1680_srfgl
Title: Surficial Geology of the Mosier Creek Basin
Metadata: sir-2012-5002_surficial
Preview Page: sir-2012-5002_surficial
Title: Surficial geology of the Southwest Principal Aquifers (SWPA) study
Metadata: sir2008-5239_swpa_geo
Preview Page: sir2008-5239_swpa_geo
Title: Surficial geology within the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, Sioux County, North Dakota, and Corson County, South Dakota
Metadata: ds102_surf_geology
Preview Page: ds102_surf_geology
Title: Surficial Sediment Facies features near Shorty's Island on the Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID
Metadata: ds889_KR_SEPP_Surficial_Sediment_Facies_Shortys_Island
Preview Page: ds889_KR_SEPP_Surficial_Sediment_Facies_Shortys_Island
Title: Surficial Sediment Facies features near the Myrtle Bend Confluence with the Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID
Metadata: ds889_KR_SEPP_Surficial_Sediment_Facies_Myrtle_Bend
Preview Page: ds889_KR_SEPP_Surficial_Sediment_Facies_Myrtle_Bend
Title: SUTRA model simulations used to evaluate heat flow from microbial activity at a crude oil-contaminated site.
Metadata: warren2018_JCH
Preview Page: warren2018_JCH
Title: SUTRA model used to evaluate groundwater availability in central Molokai, Hawaii
Metadata: sir2019-5150
Preview Page: sir2019-5150
Title: SUTRA model used to evaluate long-term groundwater availability in the Waihe'e, 'Īao, and Waikapū aquifer systems, Maui, Hawai'i
Metadata: sir2021-5113
Preview Page: sir2021-5113
Title: SUTRA model used to evaluate the development of perennial thaw zones in boreal hillslopes
Metadata: walvoord2019_ERL
Preview Page: walvoord2019_ERL
Title: SUTRA model used to evaluate the effects of groundwater withdrawal and injection, Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park, Hawai'i
Metadata: sir2021-5004
Preview Page: sir2021-5004
Title: SUTRA model used to evaluate the freshwater flow system for a future (2080-2099) climate on Guam
Metadata: sir2019-5095
Preview Page: sir2019-5095
Title: SUTRA model used to evaluate the freshwater flow system on Roi-Namur, Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands
Metadata: sutra_freshwater_flow
Preview Page: sutra_freshwater_flow
Title: SUTRA model used to evaluate the role of uplift and erosion in the persistence of saline groundwater in the shallow subsurface
Metadata: grl2017-yager
Preview Page: grl2017-yager
Title: Temperature Normalized Enhanced Vegetation Index for Dixie Valley, Churchill County, Nevada
Metadata: pp1805_VI
Preview Page: pp1805_VI
Title: Terrace Farming on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice 600
Metadata: nri92_cp600
Preview Page: nri92_cp600
Title: Texas coastal uplands aquifer system
Metadata: texas_coastal_uplands_aquifer_system
Preview Page: texas_coastal_uplands_aquifer_system
Title: Thickness of the combined Lower Hell Creek and Fox Hills aquifers in the Powder River structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_combined_Lower_Hell_Creek_and_Fox_Hills_aquifers_in_Powder_River_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_combined_Lower_Hell_Creek_and_Fox_Hills_aquifers_in_Powder_River_basin
Title: Thickness of the Fox Hills aquifer in the Williston structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_Fox_Hills_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_Fox_Hills_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Title: Thickness of the glacial aquifer system in the Williston structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_glacial_aquifer_system_in_Williston_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_glacial_aquifer_system_in_Williston_basin
Title: Thickness of the lower Fort Union aquifer in the Powder River structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_lower_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Powder_River_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_lower_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Powder_River_basin
Title: Thickness of the lower Fort Union aquifer in the Williston structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_lower_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_lower_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Title: Thickness of the Lower Hell Creek aquifer in the Williston structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_Lower_Hell_Creek_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_Lower_Hell_Creek_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Title: Thickness of the middle Fort Union hydrogeologic unit in the Powder River structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_middle_Fort_Union_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Powder_River_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_middle_Fort_Union_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Powder_River_basin
Title: Thickness of the middle Fort Union hydrogeologic unit in the Williston structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_middle_Fort_Union_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Williston_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_middle_Fort_Union_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Williston_basin
Title: Thickness of the upper Fort Union aquifer in the Powder River structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_upper_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Powder_River_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_upper_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Powder_River_basin
Title: Thickness of the upper Fort Union aquifer in the Williston structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_upper_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_upper_Fort_Union_aquifer_in_Williston_basin
Title: Thickness of the Upper Hell Creek hydrogeologic unit in the Powder River structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_Upper_Hell_Creek_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Powder_River_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_Upper_Hell_Creek_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Powder_River_basin
Title: Thickness of the Upper Hell Creek hydrogeologic unit in the Williston structural basin
Metadata: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_Upper_Hell_Creek_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Williston_basin
Preview Page: sir2014-5047_thickness_of_Upper_Hell_Creek_hydrogeologic_unit_in_Williston_basin
Title: Thicknesses of hydrogeologic units used in the hydrogeologic framework and transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_hfm_thick
Preview Page: pp1711_hfm_thick
Title: Thicknesses of hydrogeologic units used in the hydrogeologic framework and transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_hfm_thick
Preview Page: sir045205_hfm_thick
Title: This data set represents the estimated percentage of the 1-km grid cell that is covered by or subject to the agricultural conservation practice (CPIS02), Pond, Lake or Reservoir as an Irrigation Source (PLRIS) on agricultural land by county (nri_is02)
Metadata: nri92_is02
Preview Page: nri92_is02
Title: This data set represents the estimated percentage of the 1-km grid cell that is covered by or subject to the agricultural conservation practice (CPIS03), Stream, Ditch or Canal as an Irrigation Source (SDCIS) on agricultural land by county (nri_is03)
Metadata: nri92_is03
Preview Page: nri92_is03
Title: This data set represents the estimated percentage of the 1-km grid cell that is covered by or subject to the agricultural conservation practice (CPIS04), Stream, Lagoon or Other Waste Waster (not including tailwater recovery) as an Irrigation Source (LWWIS) on agricultural land by county (nri_is04)
Metadata: nri92_is04
Preview Page: nri92_is04
Title: This data set represents the estimated percentage of the 1-km grid cell that is covered by or subject to the agricultural conservation practice (CPIS05), Combination of Irrigation Sources (CIS) on agricultural land by county (nri_is05)
Metadata: nri92_is05
Preview Page: nri92_is05
Title: This data set represents the estimated percentage of the 1-km grid cell that is covered by or subject to the agricultural conservation practice (CPIT01), Gravity Irrigation Source (GI) on agricultural land by county (nri_it01)
Metadata: nri92_it01
Preview Page: nri92_it01
Title: This geospatial data set consists of the bedrock formations of the High Plains aquifer, which underlies parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.
Metadata: ofr99-214_hpbedrock
Preview Page: ofr99-214_hpbedrock
Title: Three-dimensional hydrogeologic framework for the Great Basin carbonate and alluvial aquifer system of Nevada, Utah, and parts of adjacent states
Metadata: sir2010_5193_3D_HGF
Preview Page: sir2010_5193_3D_HGF
Title: Tillage Practices in the Conterminous United States, 1989-2004--Datasets Aggregated by Watershed; tillage_lu92e
Metadata: ds573_tillage_lu92e
Preview Page: ds573_tillage_lu92e
Title: Tillage Practices in the Conterminous United States, 1989-2004--Datasets by Aggregated Watershed; ds573_tillage_lu01
Metadata: ds573_tillage_lu01
Preview Page: ds573_tillage_lu01
Title: Timber Harvest Change in the Little North Santiam River Basin, Oregon, 1995 to 2009
Metadata: insantiam_TimberChange2009
Preview Page: insantiam_TimberChange2009
Title: Tin of average annual rainfall amounts for Ohio (in inches)
Metadata: raintin
Preview Page: raintin
Title: Top of Head Scarp and Internal Scarps for Landslide Deposits in the Little North Santiam River Basin, Oregon
Metadata: insantiam_LandslideInventory_Scarps
Preview Page: insantiam_LandslideInventory_Scarps
Title: Topographic Map image of the San Gorgonio Pass area, Riverside County, California.
Metadata: sgpwa_drg27_image
Preview Page: sgpwa_drg27_image
Title: Topographic reference points in California for the regional ground-water potential map by Bedinger and Harrill (2004), Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_regpot_wl_ca
Preview Page: pp1711_regpot_wl_ca
Title: Topographic reference points in California for the regional ground-water potential map by Bedinger and Harrill (2004), Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_regpot_wl_ca
Preview Page: sir045205_regpot_wl_ca
Title: Topographic reference points in Nevada for the regional ground-water potential map by Bedinger and Harrill (2004), Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_regpot_wl_nv
Preview Page: pp1711_regpot_wl_nv
Title: Topographic reference points in Nevada for the regional ground-water potential map by Bedinger and Harrill (2004), Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_regpot_wl_nv
Preview Page: sir045205_regpot_wl_nv
Title: Topographic Survey Data for the São Francisco River near Torrinha, Bahia, Brazil, 2014
Metadata: ds965_SFR_Topography_2014
Preview Page: ds965_SFR_Topography_2014
Title: Total atmospheric deposition of oxidized and reduced nitrogen in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_td_tn
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_td_tn
Title: Total atmospheric deposition of oxidized nitrogen in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_td_oxn
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_td_oxn
Title: Total atmospheric deposition of reduced nitrogen in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_td_rdn
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_td_rdn
Title: Traces of geologic and hydrogeologic cross sections used to develop the hydrogeologic framework model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: pp1711_geology_xsecs
Preview Page: pp1711_geology_xsecs
Title: Traces of geologic and hydrogeologic cross sections used to develop the hydrogeologic framework model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California
Metadata: sir045205_geology_xsecs
Preview Page: sir045205_geology_xsecs
Title: Transects used for pre- and postconstruction data collection at constructed emergent sandbar habitats downstream from Gavins Point Dam near River Miles 761.4 and 769.8 on the Missouri River
Metadata: ofr07-1056_all_trans.shp
Preview Page: ofr07-1056_all_trans.shp
Title: U.S. Conterminous Wall-to-Wall Anthropogenic Land Use Trends (NWALT), 1974-2012
Metadata: ds948_NWALT
Preview Page: ds948_NWALT
Title: U.S. Geological Survey Stream Gages located in the Central Valley, California
Metadata: pp1766_surface_water_gages
Preview Page: pp1766_surface_water_gages
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Active Channel 1939
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Active_Channel_1939
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Active_Channel_1939
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Active Channel 1967
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Active_Channel_1967
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Active_Channel_1967
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Active Channel 1994
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Active_Channel_1994
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Active_Channel_1994
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Active Channel 2000
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Active_Channel_2000
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Active_Channel_2000
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Active Channel 2005
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Active_Channel_2005
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Active_Channel_2005
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Active Channel 2009
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Active_Channel_2009
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Active_Channel_2009
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Aerial Photograph Data for 1939
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Photo_Data_1939
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Photo_Data_1939
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Aerial Photograph Data for 1967
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Photo_Data_1967
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Photo_Data_1967
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Coast Range PhotoMosaic 1939
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Coast_Range_PhotoMosaic_1939
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Coast_Range_PhotoMosaic_1939
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Coast Range PhotoMosaic 1967
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Coast_Range_PhotoMosaic_1967
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Coast_Range_PhotoMosaic_1967
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Days Creek PhotoMosaic 1939
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Days_Creek_PhotoMosaic_1939
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Days_Creek_PhotoMosaic_1939
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Days Creek PhotoMosaic 1967
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Days_Creek_PhotoMosaic_1967
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Days_Creek_PhotoMosaic_1967
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Garden Valley PhotoMosaic 1939
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Garden_Valley_PhotoMosaic_1939
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Garden_Valley_PhotoMosaic_1939
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Garden Valley PhotoMosaic 1967
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Garden_Valley_PhotoMosaic_1967
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Garden_Valley_PhotoMosaic_1967
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Geologic Floodplain
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Geologic_Floodplain
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Geologic_Floodplain
Title: Umpqua River Oregon North Umpqua PhotoMosaic 1939
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_North_Umpqua_PhotoMosaic_1939
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_North_Umpqua_PhotoMosaic_1939
Title: Umpqua River Oregon North Umpqua PhotoMosaic 1967
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_North_Umpqua_PhotoMosaic_1967
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_North_Umpqua_PhotoMosaic_1967
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Roseburg PhotoMosaic 1939
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Roseburg_PhotoMosaic_1939
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Roseburg_PhotoMosaic_1939
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Roseburg PhotoMosaic 1967
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Roseburg_PhotoMosaic_1967
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Roseburg_PhotoMosaic_1967
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Tidal PhotoMosaic 1939
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Tidal_PhotoMosaic_1939
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Tidal_PhotoMosaic_1939
Title: Umpqua River Oregon Tidal PhotoMosaic 1967
Metadata: umpqua_River_Oregon_Tidal_PhotoMosaic_1967
Preview Page: umpqua_River_Oregon_Tidal_PhotoMosaic_1967
Title: Upper carbonate aquifer
Metadata: upper_carbonate_aquifer
Preview Page: upper_carbonate_aquifer
Title: Upper Claiborne Aquifer: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_UCAQ_extent
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_UCAQ_extent
Title: Upper Claiborne Aquifer: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_ucaq_surf
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_ucaq_surf
Title: Upper Cretaceous aquifers
Metadata: upper_cretaceous_aquifers
Preview Page: upper_cretaceous_aquifers
Title: Upper Gar Lake Boundary (polygon) - Edge of water at lake-surface elevation, 1394.7 ft above NGVD 29
Metadata: sim06-2949F_ugar_bndry
Preview Page: sim06-2949F_ugar_bndry
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for April 28, 2006: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: l71045030_03120060428_klamath_nad83
Preview Page: l71045030_03120060428_klamath_nad83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for April 29, 2006: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_04292006_p44r31_l5_usgs_1_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_04292006_p44r31_l5_usgs_1_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for April 30, 2004: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: erosl1t_04302004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_04302004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for April 7, 2004: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_04072004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_04072004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for August 19, 2006: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_08192006_p44r31_l5_usgs_1_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_08192006_p44r31_l5_usgs_1_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for August 20, 2004: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: erosl1t_08202004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_08202004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for August 26, 2006: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: l5045030_03120060826_klamath_nad83
Preview Page: l5045030_03120060826_klamath_nad83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for August 29, 2004: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_08292004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_08292004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for August 4, 2004: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: erosl1t_08042004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_08042004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for July 10, 2006: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_07102006_p44r31_l7_usgs_1_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_07102006_p44r31_l7_usgs_1_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for July 11, 2004: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: erosl1t_07112004_p45r30_l7_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_07112004_p45r30_l7_kl_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for July 12, 2004: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_07122004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_07122004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for July 18, 2006: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_07182006_p44r31_l5_usgs_1_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_07182006_p44r31_l5_usgs_1_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for July 2, 2006: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_07022006_p44r31_l5_usgs_1_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_07022006_p44r31_l5_usgs_1_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for July 25, 2006: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: l5045030_03120060725_klamath_nad83
Preview Page: l5045030_03120060725_klamath_nad83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for July 28, 2004: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_07282004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_07282004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for July 9, 2006: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: l5045030_03120060709_klamath_nad83
Preview Page: l5045030_03120060709_klamath_nad83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for June 1, 2004: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: erosl1t_06012004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_06012004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for June 17, 2004: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: erosl1t_06172004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_06172004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for June 23, 2006: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: l5045030_03120060623_klamath_nad83
Preview Page: l5045030_03120060623_klamath_nad83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for June 24, 2006: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_06242006_p44r31_l7_usgs_1_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_06242006_p44r31_l7_usgs_1_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for June 26, 2004: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_06262004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_06262004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for May 25, 2004: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_05252004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_05252004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for May 30, 2006: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: l71045030_03120060530_klamath_nad83
Preview Page: l71045030_03120060530_klamath_nad83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for May 6, 2006: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: l5045030_03120060506_klamath_nad83
Preview Page: l5045030_03120060506_klamath_nad83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for November 8, 2004: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: erosl1t_11082004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_11082004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for October 16, 2004: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_10162004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_10162004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for October 22, 2006: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_10222006_p44r31_l5_usgs_1_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_10222006_p44r31_l5_usgs_1_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for October 29, 2006: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: l5045030_03120061029_klamath_nad83
Preview Page: l5045030_03120061029_klamath_nad83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for October 7, 2004: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: erosl1t_10072004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_10072004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for September 20, 2006: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_09202006_p44r31_l5_usgs_1_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_09202006_p44r31_l5_usgs_1_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for September 21, 2004: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: erosl1t_09212004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_09212004_p45r30_l5_kl_NAD83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for September 27, 2006: Path 45 Rows 30 and 31
Metadata: l5045030_03120060927_klamath_nad83
Preview Page: l5045030_03120060927_klamath_nad83
Title: Upper Klamath Basin Landsat Image for September 30, 2004: Path 44 Row 31
Metadata: erosl1t_09302004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Preview Page: erosl1t_09302004_p44r31_l5_usgs_NAD83
Title: USGS Groundwater Data for the Nation - National Water Information System (NWIS)
Metadata: nwis_groundwater
Preview Page: nwis_groundwater
Title: USGS Streamgage NHDPlus Version 1 Basins 2011
Metadata: streamgagebasins
Preview Page: streamgagebasins
Title: USGS Streamgages Linked to the Medium Resolution NHD
Metadata: streamgages
Preview Page: streamgages
Title: USGS Surface-Water Data for the Nation - National Water Information System (NWIS)
Metadata: nwis_surface_water
Preview Page: nwis_surface_water
Title: USGS Water Use Data for the Nation - National Water Information System (NWIS)
Metadata: nwis_water_use
Preview Page: nwis_water_use
Title: USGS Water-Quality Data for the Nation - National Water Information System (NWIS)
Metadata: nwis_water_quality
Preview Page: nwis_water_quality
Title: Valley and Ridge aquifers
Metadata: valley_and_ridge_aquifers
Preview Page: valley_and_ridge_aquifers
Title: Vicksburg-Jackson Confining Unit: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_VKBG_extent
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_VKBG_extent
Title: Vicksburg-Jackson Confining Unit: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee 2006-2008
Metadata: sir2008-5098_vkbg_surf
Preview Page: sir2008-5098_vkbg_surf
Title: Virtual wells used for pumpage for the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_virtual_well_perforations
Preview Page: pp1766_virtual_well_perforations
Title: Volcanic and sedimentary-rock aquifers
Metadata: volcanic_and_sedimentary-rock_aquifers
Preview Page: volcanic_and_sedimentary-rock_aquifers
Title: VS2DI model used to evaluate groundwater connectivity of wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region, North Dakota
Metadata: neff2017_wetlands
Preview Page: neff2017_wetlands
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for basalt and volcanic rocks (gwava-s_vrox)
Metadata: gwava-s_vrox
Preview Page: gwava-s_vrox
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for carbonate rocks (gwava-s_crox)
Metadata: gwava-s_crox
Preview Page: gwava-s_crox
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for clay sediment (gwava-s_clay)
Metadata: gwava-s_clay
Preview Page: gwava-s_clay
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for confined manure (gwava-s_conf)
Metadata: gwava-s_conf
Preview Page: gwava-s_conf
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for cropland/pasture/fallow (gwava-s_crpa)
Metadata: gwava-s_crpa
Preview Page: gwava-s_crpa
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for drainage ditch (gwava-s_ddit)
Metadata: gwava-s_ddit
Preview Page: gwava-s_ddit
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for farm fertilizer (gwava-s_ffer)
Metadata: gwava-s_ffer
Preview Page: gwava-s_ffer
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for fresh surface water withdrawal (gwava-s_swus)
Metadata: gwava-s_swus
Preview Page: gwava-s_swus
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for glacial till (gwava-s_gtil)
Metadata: gwava-s_gtil
Preview Page: gwava-s_gtil
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for histosols (gwava-s_hist)
Metadata: gwava-s_hist
Preview Page: gwava-s_hist
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for irrigation tailwater recovery (gwava-s_twre)
Metadata: gwava-s_twre
Preview Page: gwava-s_twre
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for orchards/vineyards (gwava-s_orvi)
Metadata: gwava-s_orvi
Preview Page: gwava-s_orvi
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for population density (gwava-s_popd)
Metadata: gwava-s_popd
Preview Page: gwava-s_popd
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for slope (gwava-s_slop)
Metadata: gwava-s_slop
Preview Page: gwava-s_slop
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for water input (gwava-s_wtin)
Metadata: gwava-s_wtin
Preview Page: gwava-s_wtin
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Input data set for wetlands (gwava-s_wetl)
Metadata: gwava-s_wetl
Preview Page: gwava-s_wetl
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in shallow, recently recharged ground water -- Model output data set (gwava-s_out)
Metadata: gwava-s_out
Preview Page: gwava-s_out
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in U.S. ground water used for drinking (simulation depth 50 meters) -- Input data set for confined manure (gwava-dw_conf)
Metadata: gwava-dw_conf
Preview Page: gwava-dw_conf
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in U.S. ground water used for drinking (simulation depth 50 meters) -- Input data set for drainageditch (gwava-dw_ddit)
Metadata: gwava-dw_ddit
Preview Page: gwava-dw_ddit
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in U.S. ground water used for drinking (simulation depth 50 meters) -- Input data set for Dunne overland flow (gwava-dw_dun)
Metadata: gwava-dw_dun
Preview Page: gwava-dw_dun
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in U.S. ground water used for drinking (simulation depth 50 meters) -- Input data set for farmfertilizer (gwava-dw_ffer)
Metadata: gwava-dw_ffer
Preview Page: gwava-dw_ffer
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in U.S. ground water used for drinking (simulation depth 50 meters) -- Input data set for fresh surface water withdrawal (gwava-dw_swus)
Metadata: gwava-dw_swus
Preview Page: gwava-dw_swus
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in U.S. ground water used for drinking (simulation depth 50 meters) -- Input data set for glacial till (gwava-dw_gtil)
Metadata: gwava-dw_gtil
Preview Page: gwava-dw_gtil
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in U.S. ground water used for drinking (simulation depth 50 meters) -- Input data set for Hortonian overland flow (gwava-dw_hor)
Metadata: gwava-dw_hor
Preview Page: gwava-dw_hor
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in U.S. ground water used for drinking (simulation depth 50 meters) -- Input data set for irrigation tailwater recovery (gwava-dw_twre)
Metadata: gwava-dw_twre
Preview Page: gwava-dw_twre
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in U.S. ground water used for drinking (simulation depth 50 meters) -- Input data set for orchards/vineyards (gwava-dw_orvi)
Metadata: gwava-dw_orvi
Preview Page: gwava-dw_orvi
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in U.S. ground water used for drinking (simulation depth 50 meters) -- Input data set for population density (gwava-dw_popd)
Metadata: gwava-dw_popd
Preview Page: gwava-dw_popd
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in U.S. ground water used for drinking (simulation depth 50 meters) -- Input data set for sandstone and carbonate rocks (gwava-dw_sscb)
Metadata: gwava-dw_sscb
Preview Page: gwava-dw_sscb
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in U.S. ground water used for drinking (simulation depth 50 meters) -- Input data set for semiconsolidated sand aquifers (gwava-dw_semc)
Metadata: gwava-dw_semc
Preview Page: gwava-dw_semc
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in U.S. ground water used for drinking (simulation depth 50 meters) -- Input data set for water input (gwava-dw_wtin)
Metadata: gwava-dw_wtin
Preview Page: gwava-dw_wtin
Title: Vulnerability of shallow ground water and drinking-water wells to nitrate in the United States: Model of predicted nitrate concentration in U.S. ground water used for drinking (simulation depth 50 meters) -- Model output data set (gwava-dw_out)
Metadata: gwava-dw_out
Preview Page: gwava-dw_out
Title: Water Level Altitude Contours for the Diamond Valley Flow System, Central Nevada, 2012
Metadata: sir2016-5055_WLContour
Preview Page: sir2016-5055_WLContour
Title: Water sample locations for Fanno Creek, Oregon
Metadata: fannoCk_water_samples
Preview Page: fannoCk_water_samples
Title: Water wells, with selected administrative, well construction, and hydrogeologic data, Raton Basin, Huerfano and Las Animas Counties, Colorado, 2002
Metadata: sir-06-5129_seo_wells_point
Preview Page: sir-06-5129_seo_wells_point
Title: Water-balance subregions (WBSs), soil types, and virtual crops for the five land-use time-frames used in the Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM)
Metadata: pp1766_FMP
Preview Page: pp1766_FMP
Title: Water-level change, High Plains aquifer, 1980 to 1995
Metadata: sir12-5177_hp_wlc8095
Preview Page: sir12-5177_hp_wlc8095
Title: Water-level change, High Plains aquifer, 1995 to 2000
Metadata: sir12-5177_hp_wlc9500
Preview Page: sir12-5177_hp_wlc9500
Title: Water-level change, High Plains aquifer, 2000 to 2005
Metadata: sir12-5177_hp_wlc0005
Preview Page: sir12-5177_hp_wlc0005
Title: Water-level change, High Plains aquifer, 2005 to 2009
Metadata: sir12-5177_hp_wlc0509
Preview Page: sir12-5177_hp_wlc0509
Title: Water-table altitude of Nevada
Metadata: sir2006-5100_wanv_g
Preview Page: sir2006-5100_wanv_g
Title: Water-table altitude of the unconfined aquifer, Wood River Valley aquifer system, south-central Idaho, October 2012.
Metadata: sir2014-5151_unconf2012
Preview Page: sir2014-5151_unconf2012
Title: Water-table contours for the Arikaree aquifer, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and Bennett County, South Dakota
Metadata: sim2993_water_table
Preview Page: sim2993_water_table
Title: Water-table contours of Nevada
Metadata: sir2006-5100_wanv_l
Preview Page: sir2006-5100_wanv_l
Title: Watershed Boundary Dataset; 12-Digit Watersheds Dissolved to 8-Digit Watersheds
Metadata: ds573_wbdhuc8
Preview Page: ds573_wbdhuc8
Title: Watershed Potential to Contribute Phosphorus from Geologic Materials to Receiving Streams, Conterminous United States
Metadata: pmapnatl
Preview Page: pmapnatl
Title: Watersheds for U.S Geological Survey National Stream Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN) sampling sites 1996-2000.
Metadata: nasqan2k
Preview Page: nasqan2k
Title: WATSTORE Stream Flow Basin Characteristics File
Metadata: sfbc
Preview Page: sfbc
Title: Well Log Stratigraphic Interpretations in the Columbia Plateau, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington (sir2010-5246_strat)
Metadata: sir2010-5246_strat
Preview Page: sir2010-5246_strat
Title: Well network for long-term monitoring of agricultural chemicals in the High Plains Aquifer, Colorado
Metadata: ds472_welldata
Preview Page: ds472_welldata
Title: Wells as an Irrigation Source on Agricultural Land in the Conterminous United States, 1992: National Resource Inventory Conservation Practice IS01
Metadata: nri92_is01
Preview Page: nri92_is01
Title: Wells measured for water-levels, unconfined and confined aquifers, Wood River Valley aquifer system, south-central Idaho, October 2006 and October 2012.
Metadata: sir2014-5151_wells2006-12
Preview Page: sir2014-5151_wells2006-12
Title: Wells used in the creation of potentiometric surface contours for the Inyan Kara, Minnekahta, Minnelusa, Madison, and Deadwood Aquifers in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_ddwdpwpt
Preview Page: ofr00471_ddwdpwpt
Title: Wells used in the creation of potentiometric surface contours for the Inyan Kara, Minnekahta, Minnelusa, Madison, and Deadwood Aquifers in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_mdsnpwpt
Preview Page: ofr00471_mdsnpwpt
Title: Wells used in the creation of potentiometric surface contours for the Inyan Kara, Minnekahta, Minnelusa, Madison, and Deadwood Aquifers in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_mnlspwpt
Preview Page: ofr00471_mnlspwpt
Title: Wells used in the creation of potentiometric surface maps for the Minnekahta aquifer, Black Hills area, South Dakota
Metadata: ofr00471_mnktpwpt
Preview Page: ofr00471_mnktpwpt
Title: Wet deposition of oxidized nitrogen in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_awd_oxn
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_awd_oxn
Title: Wet deposition of reduced nitrogen in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2002
Metadata: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_awd_rdn
Preview Page: sir2013-5103_PNW_SPARROW_AtmosphericDeposition_awd_rdn
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for Hunter Creek, Oregon in 1940
Metadata: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1940
Preview Page: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1940
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for Hunter Creek, Oregon in 1965
Metadata: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1965
Preview Page: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1965
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for Hunter Creek, Oregon in 2005
Metadata: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2005
Preview Page: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2005
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for Hunter Creek, Oregon in 2009
Metadata: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2009
Preview Page: ofr2011_1160_Hunter_Creek_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2009
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for the Coquille River, Oregon 1939
Metadata: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1939
Preview Page: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1939
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for the Coquille River, Oregon 1967
Metadata: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1967
Preview Page: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1967
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for the Coquille River, Oregon 2005
Metadata: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2005
Preview Page: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2005
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for the Coquille River, Oregon 2009
Metadata: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2009
Preview Page: ofr2012_1064_Coquille_River_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2009
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for the Nehalem River, Oregon in 1939
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1939
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1939
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for the Nehalem River, Oregon in 1967
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1967
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1967
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for the Nehalem River, Oregon in 2005
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2005
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2005
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for the Nehalem River, Oregon in 2009
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2009
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Nehalem_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2009
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for the Rogue River, Oregon in 1967 and 1969
Metadata: ofr2011_1280_Rogue_River_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1967_1969
Preview Page: ofr2011_1280_Rogue_River_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1967_1969
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for the Rogue River, Oregon in 2005
Metadata: ofr2011_1280_Rogue_River_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2005
Preview Page: ofr2011_1280_Rogue_River_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2005
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for the Rogue River, Oregon in 2009
Metadata: ofr2011_1280_Rogue_River_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2009
Preview Page: ofr2011_1280_Rogue_River_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2009
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for the Tillamook, Trask, Wilson, Kilchis, and Miami Rivers, Oregon in 1939
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1939
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1939
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for the Tillamook, Trask, Wilson, Kilchis, and Miami Rivers, Oregon in 1967
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1967
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_1967
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for the Tillamook, Trask, Wilson, Kilchis, and Miami Rivers, Oregon in 2005
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2005
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2005
Title: Wetted channel and bar features for the Tillamook, Trask, Wilson, Kilchis, and Miami Rivers, Oregon in 2009
Metadata: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2009
Preview Page: ofr2012_1187_Tillamook_Wetted_Channel_and_Bar_Features_2009
Title: White Sturgeon Egg-Mat Network near Shorty's Island and Myrtle Bend, 2007-2013, Koootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID
Metadata: ds889_KR_SEPP_EggMatNetwork_Myrtle_Bend_Shortys_Island
Preview Page: ds889_KR_SEPP_EggMatNetwork_Myrtle_Bend_Shortys_Island
Title: Wyoming Tertiary aquifers
Metadata: wyoming_tertiary_aquifers
Preview Page: wyoming_tertiary_aquifers
Title: Yampa River channel elevation at Deerlodge Park, CO
Metadata: sim3273_deerlodge_channel
Preview Page: sim3273_deerlodge_channel
Title: Yellowstone River Basin study unit boundary, National Water-Quality Assessment Program, scale 1:100,000, Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming
Metadata: yell_100k
Preview Page: yell_100k
Title: ZONE package of the Central Valley Hydrologic Model
Metadata: pp1766_ZONE
Preview Page: pp1766_ZONE
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