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The MODFLOW Features tab is on the Object Properties dialog box.

The MODFLOW Features tab is only visible if a MODFLOW model is active. On the left side of the tab is a list of boundary conditions, observations, or other features that can be specified with the object or objects that are being edited. When the user selects one of the list of features on the left, a pane in which the data for the feature are specified will appear on the right. The features that can appear correspond to packages or programs listed in the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box.

There is a checkbox next to each feature in the list. The checkbox can be in three states: checked, unchecked and indeterminate. If the checkbox is checked, all of the objects that are being edited define input for the feature. If the checkbox is unchecked, none of the objects that are being edited define input for the feature. If the checkbox is indeterminate, some of the objects that are being edited define input for the feature and some do not.

On most panes, the user specifies the Number of times at which the feature data are to be defined and enters either the Time or the Starting time and Ending time for each row in a table. These starting and ending times need not coincide with the starting and ending times of stress periods defined in the MODFLOW Time dialog box. If the times do not coincide with the starting and ending times of previously defined stress periods, ModelMuse will create additional stress periods as required when creating the MODFLOW input files. It is also not necessary to use the starting and ending time of the same stress period in each row of the table. If the boundary condition data will remain unchanged for several consecutive stress periods, all that is required is to enter the beginning time of the first desired stress period and the ending time of the last desired stress period. The Insert button associated with the table will insert a new row in the table above the selected row. The Delete button will delete the selected row.

In the table containing the Starting time and Ending time the remainder of the columns are filled in with formulas representing the data for the particular package. Double-clicking on a cell in the table for a Starting time or Ending time will cause a drop down list of the times defined in the MODFLOW Time dialog box to appear. Double-clicking on a cell for a formula will cause a button labeled F() to appear. Clicking this button will cause to Formula Editor to appear so that the formula can be edited. (In the case of observations, numbers not formulas must be entered so no F() button will appear with observations.)

For many time-dependant model features, the table in which the time dependant properties are specified will have two rows before the time-dependant values. They are used to specify the PEST Modifier and the Modification method. The PEST modifier is the name of a PEST parameter or a data set whose values will be assigned using PEST parameters. The modification method is either Add or Multiply. If the PEST Modifier is specified, PEST will modify the specified value for each time by either multiply by or adding the PEST modifier value. In addition, for any specific time, if the formula is a PEST parameter name or a data set that is modified by PEST, the updated parameter or data set value will be used by PEST during parameter estimation. If the formula for a specific time involves a data set modified by PEST but is not simply the name of the data set itself, only the initial value of the data set well be used during parameter estimation.

The Time Units Converter dialog box can be used to convert values specified in a unit different from that used in the model to values in the time units specified in the model. Click the Convert time units button to display the Time Units Converter dialog box.

For most packages in which parameters can be used, a series of check boxes will appear at the top of the corresponding pane with the names of the available parameters plus "no parameter" at the beginning if at least one parameter is defined. The "no parameter" check box can be unchecked to turn off the definition of a boundary that does not use parameters. When defining boundary conditions using parameters, the appropriate check boxes should be checked to activate the parameter with the current object. When this is done, new columns will appear in the table that define the data for the parameter. In addition, each row of the table of boundary condition data will be used to help define separate instances of the parameter so that the multipliers used with the parameters can vary with time. To select multiple cells, the user holds down the Shift or Ctrl keys on the key board while clicking on a cell in the table. Holding down the Shift key while clicking causes a range of cells to be selected. Holding down the Ctrl key toggles the selection of the cells in which the user clicked. When multiple cells are selected, the user can copy the data in those cells to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl-C on the keyboard. It can then be pasted in a spreadsheet program or otherwise manipulated outside of ModelMuse. Data on the clipboard can be pasted into the tables by double clicking on the upper left hand cell of the block of cells that is to receive data and then pressing Ctrl-V on the keyboard.

Above each table is an edit box that becomes enabled when two or more cells in the table are selected. The edit box can be used to edit the values of all the selected cells simultaneously.

The ETS, EVT, RCH, RES, and SFR boundary conditions and the boundaries in the HFB package can only be defined using objects drawn on the top view of the model. In addition to that restriction, the SFR boundary condition can only be defined using point or polyline objects and the HFB boundaries can only be defined with polyline or polygon objects

CHD: Time-Variant Specified Head package

CHOB: Specified-Head Flow Observation package

CSUB: Skeletal Storage, Compaction, and Susidence Package Pane

DRN: Drain package

DROB: Drain Observation package

DRT: Drain Return package

ETS: Evapotranspiration Segments package

EVT: Evapotranspiration package

Flows in FHB: Flow and Head Boundary package

Heads in FHB: Flow and Head Boundary package

GHB: General Head Boundary package

GBOB: General-Head-Boundary Observation package

HFB: Horizontal Flow Barrier Package Pane

HYD: HYDMOD Package Pane

HOB: Head Observation Package Pane

LAK: Lake package

LAK: Lake Package for MODFLOW 6 Pane

MAW: Multi-Aquifer Well Package Pane

MNW1: Multi-Node Well package (Version 1)

MNW2: Multi-Node Well package (Version 2)

MVR: Water Mover Package Pane

OBS: Observation Utility Pane

RCH: Recharge package

RES: Reservoir package

RIP: Riparian Evapotranspiration package

RIV: River package

RVOB: River Observation package

SFR: Stream-Flow Routing package

SFR: MODFLOW-6 Streamflow Routing Package Pane

STR: Stream package

STOB: Stream Observation package

GAGE: for SFR Stream-Flow Routing package

SWI2: Seawater Intrusion Package

UZF: Unsaturated-Zone Flow package

UZF6: Unsaturated-Zone Flow Package for MODFLOW 6

WEL: Well package

CNC: GWT Constant Concentration Package

SRC: GWT Mass Source Loading Package

CFP: Conduit Flow Process

CFP: Boundary Conditions or Fixed Heads

CRCH: Conduit Recharge

Reaches in SWR: Surface-Water Routing Process

Rain in SWR: Surface-Water Routing Process

Evaporation in SWR: Surface-Water Routing Process

Lateral Inflow in SWR: Surface-Water Routing Process

Stage in SWR: Surface-Water Routing Process

Direct Runoff in SWR: Surface-Water Routing Process

Water Balance Subregion ID in FMP: Farm Process

Water Balance Subregion ID in FMP: Farm Process V4

Farms Wells in FMP: Farm Process

Land Use ID in FMP: Farm Process

Precip. in FMP: Farm Process

Ref. Evap. in FMP: Farm Process

Efficiency in FMP: Farm Process V4

Efficiency Improvement in FMP: Farm Process V4

Bare Runoff Fraction in FMP: Farm Process V4

Added Demand Runoff Split in WATER_BALANCE_SUBREGION

Precip in Climate: Farm Process V4 Climate Options

Ref. Evap in Climate: Farm Process V4 Climate Options

Potential Evaporation Bare in Climate: Farm Process V4 Climate Options

Direct Recharge in Climate: Farm Process V4 Climate Options

Precipitation Potential Consumption in Climate: Farm Process V4 Climate Options

Land Use ID in LAND_USE: Farm Process V4 Land Use Options

Land Use Area Fraction in LAND_USE: Farm Process V4 Land Use Options

Bare Precipitation Consumption Fraction in FMP: Farm Process V4

Crop Coefficient in LAND_USE: Farm Process V4 Land Use Options

Consumptive Use in LAND_USE: Farm Process V4 Land Use Options

Irrigation in LAND_USE: Farm Process V4 Land Use Options

Root Depth in LAND_USE: Farm Process V4 Land Use Options

Transpiration Fraction in LAND_USE: Farm Process V4 Land Use Options

Evaporation Irrigation Fraction in LAND_USE

Frac Excess Precip in SW in LAND_USE: Farm Process V4 Land Use Options

Frac Excess Irrig in SW in LAND_USE: Farm Process V4 Land Use Options

Added Demand in LAND_USE: Farm Process V4 Land Use Options

Crop has Salinity Demand in SALINITY_FLUSH_IRRIGATION


SSM: Sink & Source Mixing package

Concentration Observations: TOB: Transport Observation package

Flux Observations: TOB: Transport Observation package

Recharge conc in UZT: Unsaturated-Zone Transport Package (MT3D-USGS) Pane

Sat ET conc in UZT: Unsaturated-Zone Transport Package (MT3D-USGS) Pane

Unsat ET conc in UZT: Unsaturated-Zone Transport Package (MT3D-USGS) Pane

UZF sink conc in SSM: Sink and Source Mixing Package Pane

LKT: Lake Transport Package Pane

SFT: Stream Flow Transport Package Pane