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MODFLOW Packages and Programs Dialog Box

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The MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box is used to specify non-spatial input required by the various MODFLOW packages, MODPATH, ZONEBUDGET, and MT3DMS. To display the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box, select Model|MODFLOW Packages and Programs... The "Parameters" used by the various packages, the choice of solver used to solve the equations in MODFLOW, and the convergence criterion in the Lake package are among the items specified in the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box.

The left side of the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box has a tree control that shows the MODFLOW packages supported by ModelMuse. Next to the name of each package is either a radio button or a checkbox. A package will be included in the MODFLOW model if its checkbox or radio button is checked. The data for each package will be shown in the pane on the right side of the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box when its name is selected.

In many cases, the full name of a package will be too long to be fully displayed in the tree control. However, when a mouse is held over the portion of the name that is visible, the full name will be displayed in a small popup window. In addition, the width of the tree control can be changed by clicking on the area just to the right of the tree control and dragging it so that the width of the tree becomes larger or by resizing the entire dialog box.

For most packages, MODFLOW will accept comments at the beginning of the input file and will then print them in the output file. Even for those package that do not have this capability, such as the Lake package, ModelMuse provides a space to write such comments. Such comments can be useful for documenting why particular values in the input were selected.

The Gage package is not activated in the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box. Instead, if any gages are defined in the SFR or LAK packages, the Gage package will be activated.

For more information about particular package, see the links below.

Flow Packages

BCF6: Block-Centered Flow package

LPF: Layer Property Flow package

HUF2: Hydrogeologic Unit Flow package

UPW: Upstream Weighting package

NPF: Node Property Flow package

STO: Storage package

TVK: Time-Varying Hydraulic Conductivity package

TVS: Time-Varying Storage package

BUY: Buoyancy package

VSC: Viscosity package

GNC: Ghost-Node Correction package

HFB: Horizontal Flow Barrier package

UZF: Unsaturated-Zone Flow package

SWI2: Seawater Intrusion package

Boundary Conditions

Specified Head

CHD: Time-Variant Specified Head package

FHB: Flow and Head Boundary package

Specified Flux

RCH: Recharge package

WEL: Well package

FHB: Flow and Head Boundary package

Head Dependant Flux

DRN: Drain package

DRT: Drain Return package

ETS: Evapotranspiration Segments package

EVT: Evapotranspiration package

GHB: General Head Boundary package

LAK: Lake package

LAK: Lake package for MODFLOW 6

MAW: Multi-Aquifer Well package

MNW1: Multi-Node Well package (Version 1) Pane

MNW2: Multinode Well 2

MVR: Water Mover package

RES: Reservoir package

RIP: Riparian Evapotranspiration package

RIV: River package

SFR: Stream-Flow Routing package

SFR: MODFLOW-6 Streamflow Routing package

STR: Stream package

UZF6: Unsaturated-Zone Flow package for MODFLOW 6


PCG: Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient package

PCGN: Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Solver with Improved Nonlinear Control

GMG: Geometric Multigrid Solver

SIP: Strongly Implicit Procedure package

DE4: Direct Solver package

NWT: Newton Solver package

IMS: Iterative Model Solution package


SUB: Subsidence and Aquifer-System Compaction package

SWT: Subsidence and Aquifer-System Compaction Package for Water-Table Aquifers

CSUB: Skeletal Storage, Compaction, and Subsidence Package Pane


HOB: Head Observations package

CHOB: Specified-Head Flow Observation package

DROB: Drain Observation package

GBOB: General-Head-Boundary Observation package

RVOB: River Observation package

STOB: Stream Observation package

OBS: Observation Utility package


HYD: HYDMOD package

Conduit Flow Process

CFP: Conduit Flow Process

Surface-Water Routing Process

SWR: Surface-Water Routing Process

Farm Process Pane (for MODFLOW-OWHM Version 1)

FMP: Farm Process

Farm Process (for MODFLOW-OWHM Version 2)

Post Processors



Groundwater Transport

Chem Species (MT3D and GWT)

GWT: Groundwater Transport

GWT:Groundwater Transport Process

ADV: GWT Advection Package

DSP: GWT Dispersion Package

SSM: GWT Source and Sink Mixing Package

CNC: GWT Constant Concentration Package

SRC: GWT Mass Source Loading Package

MST: Mobile Storage and Transfer Package

IST: Immobile Storage and Trasfer Package

IMS: Iterative Model Solution Package


BTN: Basic Transport package

ADV: Advection package

DSP: Dispersion package

SSM: Sink & Source Mixing package

RCT: Chemical Reactions package

GCG: Generalized Conjugate Gradient package

TOB: Transport Observation package

CTS: Contaminant Treatment Systems package

LKT: Lake Transport package

SFT: Stream Flow Transport Package

UZT: Unsaturated-Zone Transport package