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Navigation: Main Menu and Buttons > Object > Object Properties Dialog Box > MODFLOW Features Tab

Flux Observations: TOB: Transport Observation Package Pane

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The Flux Observations: TOB: Transport Observation Package pane is on the MODFLOW Features tab of the Object Properties dialog box.

This tab is used to associate an object with a flux observation in MT3DMS. The flux observations are defined in the Manage Flow Observations dialog box. To associate an object with a flux observation, the user checks the check box for the appropriate observation in the table. The user may also specify a Factor which determines how much of the flux to include in the observation. If no Factor is specified, it will be set to 1 meaning that all the flux will be included in the flux observation.

See the Manage Flow Observations dialog box for a more extensive discussion of Factor.

Clicking the Add or remove flux observations button will display the Manage Flow Observations dialog box.