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Formula Editor Dialog Box

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The Formula Editor dialog box is used to edit formulas. It can be displayed by clicking a button next to a formula in the Data Sets dialog box the Object Properties dialog box (p. 49), or the Import Shapefile dialog box. The Formula Editor dialog box has five main parts (fig. 27):

Formula Editor with each part labeled

Figure 27. Formula Editor.

1.the formula diagram which helps in understanding complicated formulas,

2.the formula text box where the formula is composed,

3.the buttons in the lower left where numbers and operators can be selected,

4.the list of data sets, global variables, and functions on the right where data sets and functions can be selected (Data Sets is replaced by Attributes when the Formula Editor is used to edit the Import criterion in the Import Shapefile dialog box), and

5.the Function Help, and other buttons at the bottom of the dialog box.

The relative size of the formula text box and the list of data sets and functions can be adjusted by clicking on the boundary between them and dragging with the mouse button held down.