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ModelMuse Help

The menu items under Object are listed in table 9. The commands under this menu are used for selecting, creating, editing, showing or hiding objects.

Table 9. Object Menu

Menu Item


Select Objects button Select Objects

Click or drag to select objects. See Selecting Objects. Double click to edit objects. See the Object Properties dialog box.

Select Vertices button Select Vertices

Click or drag to select individual vertices. See Selecting Objects.

Select With Lasso button Select With Lasso

Drag to select objects. See Selecting Objects.

Create Point Object button Create|Point

Create a point object. See Points and theObject Properties dialog box.

Create Line Object button Create|Polyline

Create a polyline object. See Polylines and the Object Properties dialog box.

Create Polygon Object button Create|Polygon

Create a polygon object. See Polygons and theObject Properties dialog box.

Create Straight-Line Object button Create|Straight Line

Create a polyline object whose segments are parallel to the grid. See Straight-Lines and the Object Properties dialog box.

Create Rectangle Object button Create|Rectangle

Create a rectangular polygon object. See Rectangles and the Object Properties dialog box.

Edit|Edit Selected Object(s) Properties

Edit the properties of the selected objects. See the Object Properties dialog box.

Edit|Select Objects for Editing or Deletion...

Select objects for editing or deletion. See the Select Objects for Editing or Deletion dialog box

Add Point Sections button Edit|Add Point Sections

Add new point sections to an existing object. See Editing Objects.

Add Polyline Sections button Edit|Add Polyline Sections

Add new polyline sections to an existing object. See Editing Objects.

Add Polygon Sections button Edit|Add Polygon Sections

Add new polygon sections to an existing object. See Editing Objects.

Insert Vertex button Edit|Insert Vertex

Insert a new vertex into the selected object by clicking the location on the object where a new vertex is desired. See Editing Objects.

Delete Segment button Edit|Delete Segment

Delete a segment from an object by clicking on it. See Editing Objects.

Edit|Rearrange Objects...

Change the order of the objects. See the Rearrange Objects dialog box.

Edit|Scale, Rotate, or Move Objects...

Change the size of, rotate, or move the selected objects. See Scale, Rotate, and Move Objects dialog box.

Edit|Merge Objects

When two or more objects are selected and some of the selected objects have end points at the same location, the objects are merged into a single object by adding the vertices of one object to the other. The objects to be merged may have no more than a single section each. The merged object will have all the properties of only one of the objects. The properties of the other object are ignored.

Edit|Reverse Selected Objects

Reverse the order of the vertices in the selected objects. An example of where this would be useful is if an object used to define a stream in the MODFLOW SFR package was drawn in the wrong direction.

EditVertexValuesButton Edit|Vertex Values

Associated numerical values with individual vertices. See Vertex Values dialog box.

Edit|Invert Selected Vertices

In the selected objects, make the selected vertices unselected and vice versa.

Edit|Split Selected Objects

If the selected objects have multiple part, each part is converted to a separate object.

Edit|Make Selected Vertices a Separate Object

If some of the vertices of an object are selected, Object|Edit|Make Selected Vertices a Separate Object will remove those vertices from the selected object and make them a new object.

Edit|Split Object at Selected Vertices

If some of the vertices of an object are selected, Object|Edit|Split Object at Selected Vertices will break the object into two separate objects. The break will occur at the selected vertices and each object will share the selected vertices.

Edit|Lock Selected Objects

Lock the positions of the selected objects so they can not be moved accidentally.

Edit|Unock Selected Objects

Unlock the positions of the selected objects so they can be moved.

Edit|Simplify Selected Objects

Remove some of the vertices from an object while modifying its overall shape only slightly. See the Criteria for Simplifying Objects dialog box.

Edit|Anonymize Selected Point Objects

Move the vericies of point or multipoint objects to cell centers or nodes. See Anonymize Selected Point Objects.

Search For Object...

Search for objects based on the data sets or boundary conditions they affect. See the Search for Objects dialog box.

Show or Hide Objects button Show or Hide Objects...

Show or hide objects based on the data sets or boundary conditions they affect or individually. See Show or Hide Objects dialog box.

Show All Objects

Make all the objects in the model visible.

Hide All Objects

Make all the objects in the model invisible.

Select Objects by Name...

Select objects based on their names. See Select Objects by Name dialog box.