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The SFR: Stream-Flow Routing package pane is on the MODFLOW Features tab of the Object Properties dialog box. It is used to define stream segments in the Streamflow Routing package and stream gages in the GAGE package.

Segments must be defined with point or polyline objects. The first vertex in the object defining the stream is at the upstream end of the stream. You can reverse the order of the vertices in an object using "Object|Edit|Reverse Selected Objects."

The Stream-Flow Routing package has many options for specifying the channel geometry and also a variety of other inputs. Because the data are relatively complicated, it has been divided among several tabs. Only those tabs that are relevant to the stream or streams being edited will be displayed.

Basic tab

Time tab

Network tab

Flows tab

Segment tab

Channel tab

Equation tab

Flow Table tab

Unsaturated tab

External Flow File tab

Gage tab

Calibration tab

If the UZF package is being used, any objects used to define streams in the SFR package would typically also be used to specify the Discharge_Routing data set.