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GAGE: for SFR Stream-Flow Routing Package Pane

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The GAGE: for SFR Stream-Flow Routing Package pane is on the MODFLOW Features tab of the Object Properties dialog box. This pane is only visible if the SFR package is selected.

If any of the checkboxes on the pane is checked, a gage of the specified type will be defined for every SFR reach that is in the same cell as the object. For each gage that is defined, a separate output file will be created containing data for that gage in every time step. The files will have the extension .sfrg[i].

This pane is typically used with point objects to define a gage in the middle of a stream segment. Gages for the SFR package can also be defined on the Gage tab on the SFR: Stream-Flow Routing Package pane.

If PEST is active and the object has only a single vertex, the Calibration tab will be present. It allows you to define calibration observations for PEST.

Two types of observations can be defined: Direct Observations on the top and Comparison Observations on the bottom. Direct observations come directly from an output file whereas with Comparison Observations, the observation value is the difference between two direct observation values.

Direct Observations

Observation Name (OBSNME) is the name of the direct or comparison observation.

Observation type is the type of data to be extracted from the output file for direct observations.

Observation Group (OBGNME} is the name of the observation group to which the observation is assigned. Observation group names are specified in the Pest Properties dialog box. Observation group names can be be assigned later in the Pest Properties dialog box if a suitable observation group has not yet been defined.

Observation Time is the time at which the observation was made.

Observation Value (OBSVAL) is the measured value to which the simulated value should be compared.

Observation Weight (WEIGHT) is the weight assigned to the observation.

Comment is an optional comment about the observation.

Comparison Observations

Observation Name (OBSNME) is the name of the comparison observation.

Observation Group (OBGNME) is the name of the PEST observation group to which the observation is assigned. Observation group names are specified in the Pest Properties dialog box. Observation group names can be be assigned later in the Pest Properties dialog box if a suitable observation group has not yet been defined.

First Observation (OBSNME1) is the name of the first observation that will be compared.

Second Observation (OBSNME2) is the name of the second observation that will be compared.

Observation Value (OBSVAL) (OBSVAL1 - OBSVAL2) is the observed difference in value between the first and second observations. It is computed as value of the first observation minus the value of the second observation.

Observation Weight (WEIGHT) is the weight assigned to the comparison observation.

Comment is an optional comment about the observation.