The Lateral Inflow in SWR: Surface-Water Routing Process pane is on the MODFLOW Features tab of the Object Properties dialog box.
Starting time and Ending time are explained in the help for the MODFLOW Features tab.
SWR Lateral inflow (QLATFLOW, QLATFLOW2D): QLATFLOW is the lateral flow (in units of cubic length per time) entering or leaving the reach. Point inflows and distributed lateral flows must be combined in QLATFLOW. The value can be any number. If lateral inflow is specified by cell, lateral flow data are applied to individual reaches by scaling model grid cell value by the ratio of the length of the reach to the total length of reaches in the model grid cell.
Lateral inflow interpretation can only be specified if the lateral inflow is specified by reach.
In many cases, if a polyline or polygon is used to specify a group of reaches, it may be advantageous to specify the lateral inflow rate as a rate per unit length or rate per unit area and then multiply by ObjectIntersectLength or ObjectIntersectArea. Doing so makes it possible to modify the grid without reentering information. If the Lateral inflow interpretation is set to Calculated, those functions will be included automatically.
Sometimes it may be desirable to specify the total lateral inflow for an object. One way to do this would be to use a formula of the form (Total Rate)/ObjectArea*ObjectIntersectArea or (Total Rate)/ObjectLength*ObjectIntersectLength. If the Lateral inflow interpretation is set to Total, those functions will be included automatically.