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Crop Coefficient in LAND_USE: Farm Process V4 Land Use Options Pane

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This pane is on the MODFLOW Features tab of the Object Properties dialog box.

CROP_COEFFICIENT (Kc) is multiplied by the ETref to get Consumptive Use (CU) -- input requires that REFERENCE_ET (ETref) to be specified

CONSUMPTIVE_USE  (CF) specifies directly the CU

Potential Consumptive Use CU = CF + Kc*ETref

If CROP_COEFFICIENT is not specified, it is set to zero.

If CU = 0.0, then no consumption is possible and the crop is treated as if it is scraped clean earth, and all precipitation either becomes runoff or deep percolation.

If the ZERO_CONSUMPTIVE_USE_BECOMES_BARE_SOIL option is specified, then groundwater evaporation will occur with a potential rate set to (in order of priority):

1.If POTENTIAL_EVAPORATION_BARE is provided, it is used as the potential evaporation of groundwater underneath the bare soil

2.If REFERENCE_ET is provided, it is used as the potential evaporation of groundwater underneath the bare soil

3.There is no groundwater evaporation