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MNW1: Multi-Node Well Package (Version 1) Pane

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The MNW1: Multi-Node Well package (version 1) pane is on the MODFLOW Features tab of the Object Properties dialog box. Each object in which the MNW1 package is active defines one multi-node well.

The user has the option of define a site label (MNWSite) for each multinode well. The site label is used in labeling output from MNW1.

For each time period, the user defines some or all of the following.

Starting time and Ending time are explained in the help for the MODFLOW Features tab.

Desired pumping rate per cell (Qdes): If there are no limitations on pumping, Qdes will be the pumping rate. However, the pumping rate can be reduced if the water level goes below Hlim for a pumping well (Qdes < 0) or above Hlim for an injection well (Qdes > 0). .

Water quality (QWval): QWval is the measure of some water quality value such as chloride concentration that is transported with the water in the well.

Conductance method (Rw): There are two ways to specify the conductance between the well and cell. Either you can specify the conductance directly or you can specify a well radius and either a skin factor or B coefficient depending on your choice of LOSSTYPE. For horizontal multinode wells, you would generally specify the conductance directly.

Well radius (Rw): The well radius is use in calculating the conductance between the well and the cell.

Conductance (Rw): This is the conductance between the well and the cell if the conductance is to be specified directly.

Skin factor or coefficient B (Skin): The skin factor is used in calculating coefficient B if LOSSTYPE is set to SKIN. If LOSSTYPE is set to LINEAR or NONLINEAR, this is coefficient B in the equation to calculate the conductance.

Water level limit type (DD): The limiting water level is the either the lowest or highest allowed water level in the cell containing the well depending on whether the well is a pumping well (Qdes < 0) or an injection well (Qdes > 0). The limiting water level can be defined in one of two ways: as and absolute value or as a drawdown from some reference value. DD determines which choice will be used.

Limiting water level (Hlim): The pumping rate will be limited if using the desired pumping rate would cause the head in the cell to go beyond this water level (or drawdown).

Reference elevation (Href): Href is used in calculating drawdown in the well.

Water quality group (Iwgrp): Flow-rate averaged water-quality values are reported for each group of wells with the same lqwgrp and Qwval entries that are not negative.

Nonlinear loss coefficient (Cp:C): If LOSSTYPE is set to NONLINEAR, this is coefficient C in the equation to calculate the conductance.

Pumping limit type (QCUT, Q-%CUT): If the well pumping rate is limited via Hlim, you can specify the pumping rates needed to either keep the well pumping (Qfrcmn) or to reactivate it (Qfrcmx). These can be specified either as absolute values or percentages of the desired pumping rates.

Minimum active pumping rate (Qfrcmn): This is the minimum pumping rate needed to keep a well active. It may be specified either as an absolute value (QCUT) or a percentage (Q-%CUT).

Reactivation pumping rate (Qfrcmx): This is the pumping rate that is required to reactivate a well once it has been deactivated. It should be greater than Qfrcmn. It may be specified either as an absolute value (QCUT) or a percentage (Q-%CUT).