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ModelMuse Help

The items under Model are used to set options specific to a particular model (Table 13).

Table 13. Model Menu

Menu Item


Edit Geo Reference

Display the Geo Reference dialog box used to provide metadata about the model.

MODFLOW Packages and Programs...

Specify non-spatial input required by the various MODFLOW packages and MODPATH in the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box.

MODFLOW Layer Groups...

Edit the layer structure of the MODFLOW model in the MODFLOW Layer Groups dialog box.

MODFLOW Hydrogeologic Units...

Edit the hydrogeologic units in the MODFLOW Hydrogeologic Units dialog box. This dialog box is only used in models in which the Hydrogeologic Unit Flow (HUF2) package is active.


Edit the stress periods in the MODFLOW model in the MODFLOW Time dialog box

MODFLOW Output Control...

Control what data are printed or saved in output files and when it is saved in the MODFLOW model in the MODFLOW Output Control dialog box.

MODFLOW Options...

Edit the model description, the model units, rewetting, and other options in the

MODFLOW Options dialog box.

MODFLOW Program Locations...

Specify where MODFLOW is installed in the MODFLOW Program Locations dialog box.

Link Streams...

Display the Link Streams dialog box is used to change the Outflow segment of SFR or STR segments to the number of the nearest stream or lake to the downstream end of the segment being edited. (STR streams can not be linked to lakes.)

Manage Parameters...

Display the Manage Parameters dialog box which is used to create, delete, or change the name, type or value of MODFLOW and PEST parameters. (This can also be done in the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box.)

Manage Head Observations...


Manage Flow Observations...

Display the Manage Flow Observations dialog box to create, edit or delete observations of flow in the CHOB, DROB, GBOB, or RVOB packages.


The Link MODFLOW NAME File dialog box is used to specify input files for MODFLOW that are generated outside of ModelMuse.

Observation Type

The Observation and Prediction items under Model|Observation Type specify the type of observations that will be exported to the various observation files or which can be imported from or exported to ModelMate. Typically, Observation Type is set to Observation when calibrating a model and to Prediction when the model is being used to make predictions.

Child Models

Display the Child Models dialog box which is used to define the properties of child models in MODFLOW-LGR models.

SWR Dialog Boxes|Reach Geometry...

Display the SWR Reach Geometry dialog box which is used to define the geometry of reaches. The same geometry can be used in multiple reaches.

SWR Dialog Boxes|Structures...

Display the SWR Structures dialog box which is used to define structures that control flow between reaches.

SWR Dialog Boxes|Tab Files...

Display the SWR Tab Files dialog box which is used to select external files that contain certain types of input for the SWR package.

SWR Dialog Boxes|Observations...

Display the SWR Observations dialog box which is used to define observations in the SWR package. This dialog box can only be displayed if Save observations in the SWR package has been set to SAVE_SWROBSERVATIONS or SAVE_SWROBSERVATIONS_ALL

Farm Process|Farm Land Uses...

Display the FarmLand Use Properties dialog box which is used to specify such crop factors as rooting depth and factors that control consumptive use.

Farm Process|Farm Soils...

Display the Farm Soil Properties dialog box which is used to specify properties of the soil that affect evapotranspiration

Farm Process|Farm Climate...

Display the Farm Climate dialog box which is used to specify a time series of climate data.

Farm Process|Farm Allotment...

Display the Farm Allotment dialog box which is used to specify an surface-water allotment height.

Farm Process|Water Balance Subregions...

Display the Water Balance Subregions dialog box which is used to specify properties of the water balance subregions (formerly called farms).

Riparean ET Plant Groups

Display the Riparian ET Plant Groups dialog box which is used to define the transpiration curves of riparian plant groups.

Contaminant Treatment Systems

Display the Contaminant Treatment Systems dialog box  to edit the input for the CTS package in MT3D-USGS.

PHAST Title and Units...

Display the PHAST Title and Units dialog box.

PHAST Grid Options...

Display the PHAST Grid Options dialog box.

PHAST Chemistry Options...

Display the PHAST Chemistry Options dialog box.

PHAST Solution Method...

Display the PHAST Solution Method dialog box.

PHAST Steady Flow...

Display the PHAST Steady Flow dialog box.

PHAST Time Control...

Display the PHAST Time Control dialog box.

PHAST Free Surface...

Display the PHAST Free Surface dialog box.

PHAST Print Initial...

Display the PHAST Print Initial Conditions dialog box.

PHAST Print Frequency...

Display the PHAST Print Frequency dialog box.

PHAST Program Location...

Display the PHAST Program Location dialog box.

SUTRA Options...

Display the SUTRA Options dialog box.

SUTRA Layer Groups...

Display the SUTRA Layer Groups dialog box.

SUTRA Time Controls...

Display the SUTRA Time Controls dialog box.

SUTRA Output Control...

Display the SUTRA Output Control dialog box.

SUTRA Program Location...

Display the SUTRA Program Location dialog box.

Manage SUTRA Boundary Observations

Display the Manage SUTRA Boundary Observations dialog box

WellFootprint Properties...

Display the WellFootprint Properties dialog box.

WellFootprint Program Location...

Display the WellFootprint Program Location dialog box.

Edit Comparison Observations

Display the Comparison Observations dialog box.

Pest Properties

Display the PEST Properties dialog box.