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SWR Observations Dialog Box

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The SWR Observations dialog box is used to specify reaches for which certain calculated values will be saved to text or binary files. It can only be displayed if Save observations in the SWR: Surface-Water Routing Process pane of the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box has been set to SAVE_SWROBSERVATIONS or SAVE_SWROBSERVATIONS_ALL.

The SWR Observations dialog box is displayed by selecting Model|SWR Dialog Boxes|Observations...

Observation Name (COBSNAME): COBSNAME defines the name of the observation.

Observation Type (COBSTYPE): COBSTYPE specifies the data type the selected observation data item represents.

COBSTYPE = STAGE, the observation data item represents reach stage.

COBSTYPE = DEPTH, the observation data item represents reach water depth.

COBSTYPE = RBOTTOM, the observation data item represents reach bottom elevation.

COBSTYPE = FLOW, the observation data item represents reach flow to an adjacent reach.

COBSTYPE = STRUCTURE, the observation data item represents structure flow from one reach to an adjacent reach.

COBSTYPE = BASEFLOW, the the observation data item represents reach baseflow for a specified layer or all connected layers.

Observation Reach (IOBSLOC): IOBSLOC defines the reach number of the observation.

Connected Reach for Observation (IOBSLOC2): IOBSLOC2 defines the connected reach number for the observation. This variable is specified only if COBSTYPE is FLOW.

Structure (IOBSLOC2): IOBSLOC2 specifies the structure for the observation. This variable is specified only if COBSTYPE is STRUCTURE.

Observation Layer (IOBSLAY): IOBSLAY defines the layer number for the observation. This variable is specified only if COBSTYPE is BASEFLOW. IOBSLAY must be in the range of 0 to number of layers; an IOBSLAY value of 0 indicates the total BASEFLOW for all connected layers is desired.

After running MODFLOW, the observation data can be plotted along the length of the stream in the SWR Observations pane of the Data Visualization dialog box.