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MODFLOW Name File Dialog Box

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The MODFLOW Name File dialog box is used to specify input files for MODFLOW that are generated outside of ModelMuse. The MODFLOW Name File dialog box is displayed by selecting Model|MODFLOW Name File...

In general, the format in the name file should be:

Ftype Nunit Fname [Option]

Comments can be included by including a "#" character as the first character in a line,

The user is responsible for ensuring that any unit numbers (Nunit) specified in this dialog box do not conflict with unit numbers used by ModelMuse. Unit numbers 70-95 are available for the user. If those are insufficient, the user may wish to use other unit numbers. One way to check which unit numbers are available would be to export the model without including the extra input files and then check the name file to see what unit numbers are used in it.

If the user wishes to reuse an existing input file generated by ModelMuse rather than exporting it again, the user can copy the line for that file from a previous version of the model and paste it into the MODFLOW Name File dialog box. If the existing file is in a different directory, it should either be copied into the new directory for the model or the path for the file name should be included in the name file. the path can be either absolute or relative.

File names can not include the space character.

See documentation of the Name file for more details on the format of the Name file.

The input files for any packages that are listed in the MODFLOW Name File dialog box will not be generated by ModelMuse regardless of whether or not the package is selected. In addition if any of the flow or solver packages in the standard version of MODFLOW are listed, ModelMuse will not generate another flow or solver package. For instance, if the BCF6 package is included, neither the LPF or HUF2 package input files will be generated. Some versions of MODFLOW may have flow or solver packages that are not in the standard version of MODFLOW. If one of these is included in the MODFLOW Name File dialog box, the two check boxes below the list of lines in the name file can be used to indicate that fact. ModelMuse will not generate a flow or solver package input file if the corresponding checkbox is checked.

If the input file for a particular package is not generated by MODFLOW, the output file(s) for that package will not be written to the name file either. The use must supply those lines in the MODFLOW Name File dialog box for those output files to be generated. For example, in the HOB input file, data set 1 includes the variable IUHOBSV. IUHOBSV is defined as "File unit for saving observation data in a file. Specify 0 for no observation output file. The file for this unit must be included as type 'DATA' in the Name File." Thus you would need to add a line like

DATA <IUHOBSV> <file name>

to the Name file where <IUHOBSV> is the same number for IUHOBSV used in the HOB file and <file name> is the name of the output file.

Some of the most common output files and their related input files are displayed below. For a list of extensions handled by ModelMuse, click the Show file types button to display the File Types dialog box.

Input file

Extension Used by ModelMuse

Output file

Extension Used by ModelMuse

Output Control


Formatted Head File


Output Control


Binary Head File


Output Control


Formatted Drawdown File


Output Control


Binary Drawdown File


Head Observation Input File


Head Observation Output File


Observations of Flow at Specified Heads input file


Observations of Flow at Specified Heads output file


Observations of Flow at General Head Boundaries input file


Observations of Flow at General Head Boundaries output file


Observations of Flow at Rivers input file


Observations of Flow at Rivers output file


Observations of Flow at Drains input file


Observations of Flow at Drains output file


Observations of Flow at Streams input file


Observations of Flow at Streams output file


Well package in MODFLOW-NWT


List of dewaterered wells


Lake and Gage packages

.lak, .gag

Lake gage output files


Streamflow Routing (SFR) package


Flow in stream


Streamflow Routing (SFR) and Lake packages

.sfr, .gag

Stream gage file


Hydrogeologic Unit Flow


HUF formatted head file


Hydrogeologic Unit Flow


HUF binary head file


Hydrogeologic Unit Flow


HUF flow head file


HYDMOD Package


HYDMOD binary output file
