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SUTRA Output Control Dialog Box

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The SUTRA Output Controls dialog box is used to what output is generated for a SUTRA model and at what times that output is generated. The SUTRA Output Controls dialog box is displayed by selecting Model|SUTRA Output Control...

The left side of the SUTRA Output Controls dialog box is a list with three items: Listing File, Nod and Ele Files, and Obs and Boundary Condition Files. When one of these is selected, the main dialog box will change to show the controls related to the selected item.

Listing File

NPRINT is the main output cycle for transient simulation. Output is produced in the “.lst” file on time steps numbered N│NPRINT│(where N is a positive integer).

If the NPRINT checkbox is checked, there will be output on the first time step of transient models. (For steady-state models there is always output for the first time step.)

The other listed options for the listing file are self-explanatory.

Nod and Ele Files

NCOLPR and LCOLPR control the frequency of printing data to the .nod and .ele files respectively in the same way the NPRINT controls printing to the lst file. ModelMuse always sets NCOLPR and LCOLPR to the same value. SUTRA can print nodal data for both the initial (0) and first time step of transient model. If the NCOLPR checkbox is checked, both will be printed. Otherwise only the nodal data for the initial time step is printed.

The other options for .nod and .ele files control what items will be printed to those files.

Obs and Boundary Condition Files

NOBLIN is the maximum number of observations output to a single line in a “.obs” file. If the total number of observations exceeds NOBLIN, line wrapping will be used to limit the number of observations per line to NOBLIN. Has no effect on output to “.obc” files.

NBCFPR, NBCSPR, NBCPPR, NBCUPR, NBGPPR, NBGUPR, and NLAKPR control the output cycle boundary conditions for transient simulations. They control, the control output for fluid sources, solute or energy sources, specified pressures, specified concentrations or temperatures, generalized flow boundaries, generalized transport boundaries, or lakes  respectively. Output will be produced on even multiples of NBCFPR, NBCSPR, NBCPPR, NBCUPR, NBGPPR, NBGUPR, and NLAKPR.

If CINACT is checked, all sources and boundary conditions, including inactive ones will be listed. Otherwise only active sources and boundary conditions will be listed.