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Water Balance Subregions Dialog Box

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The Farms dialog box is used to specify properties of the farms. The dialog box is displayed by selecting Model|Farm Process|Water Balance Subregions (Farms)...

On the left is a list of water balance subregions identified by the Farm ID (FID) and an optional WBS name. The main part of the dialog box contains tabs each of which are used to define properties of a farm. Farms can be edited individually by selecting a single farm from the list on the left. Multiple farms can be edited by selecting more than one farm from the list on the left. If PEST is active, PEST parameters can be used define many of the land use properties

This dialog box has several tabs that are used to define the properties of farms. Only those tabs that can be used in the current model will be visible.

MODFLOW-OWHM version 1

Name tab

Crop Efficiencies tab

Costs tab

Non-Routed Delivery tab

Diversion Location tab

Return Flow Location tab

Water Rights tab

GW Allocation tab


Name tab

Irrigation Efficiencies tab

Efficiency Improvement tab

Deficiency Scenario tab

Water Source tab

Bare Runoff Fractions tab

Added Demand Runoff Split tab

Added Crop Demand Flux tab

Added Crop Demand Rate tab

Non-Routed Delivery tab

Diversion Locations tab

Return Flow Choice tab

Return Flow Locations tab.

SW Allotment tab

GW Allotment tab

Water Supply Concentration tab

Irrigation Uniformity tab