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PHAST Print Frequency Dialog Box

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The PHAST Print Frequency dialog box is used to specify the simulation times at which PHAST will generate output. To display the PHAST Print Frequency dialog box, select Model|PHAST Print Frequency…

The main part of the dialog box is occupied by a table listing the items that can be printed, the files to which they are printed, and the frequency with which they are printed. The Add, Insert, and Delete buttons are used to add, insert, or delete columns in the table. The Add button adds a pair of columns for time and time units at the end of the table. The Insert button inserts a similar pair of columns before the selected column. The Delete button deletes the selected pair of columns. When a column is added to the table, the values in the new column will be the same as in the preceding column. When a column is inserted into the table, the values in the new column will be the same as in the column before which it was inserted.

To enter a frequency, the user selects one of the choices for units from the drop down list of units for each type of output at each time. One of the choices for units is default. If that choice is selected, the units on the PHAST Title and Units dialog box (p. 59) will be used. If the units are set to end, the data will be saved at the end of the simulation period and no numeric value can be entered for time. If a numeric value is required, it is entered in the edit box before the units.

At the bottom of the dialog box is the Save final heads checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, heads will be saved to the file *.head.dat at the end of the simulation. The file *.head.dat is an ASCII file that can be used for initial head conditions in subsequent simulations. Initial heads can be imported into ModelMuse from the file using the File|Import|Distributed Data by Zone… menu item.

The items specified in each row of the table are as follows.

Time represents the simulation time at which the remaining items in the column take effect. No units are specified for time. It is not required that a time match the times specified in other parts of the model. All the specified times in all parts of the model will be combined properly when preparing the PHAST input file.

Flow rates in boundary condition cells determines the frequency with which flow rates in boundary conditions cells are save to the *.O.bcf file. By default, they are not saved.

Components determines the frequency with which total chemical element (component) data for each cell are written to the *.O.comps file.

Conductance determines the frequency with which static fluid and transient solute dispersive conductances for each cell face are written to the *.O.kd file.

Flow balance determines the frequency with which flow-balance information is written to the *.O.bal file.

Force chemistry print determines the frequency with which detailed chemical descriptions of the composition of the solution and all reactants for each cell are written to the *.O.chem file. Warning: this file could exceed file-size limits of the operating system because a long description of the chemistry in each cell is written for each selected time step. Writing this information may be useful for debugging, for small problems, or if the Print_Chemistry data set is used to limit the set of cells for which data are written. Data written to the file *.O.chem also can be limited by the options of the PRINT data block of the chemistry data file.

HDF chemistry determines the frequency with which chemistry data are written to the *.h5 file. Chemistry data to be written to the file *.h5 are defined in the SELECTED_OUTPUT and USER_PUNCH data blocks of the chemistry data file. The *.h5 file is used by Model Viewer (Hsieh and Winston, 2002) when displaying data from PHAST models.

HDF heads determines the frequency with which heads are written to the *.h5 file. The *.h5 file is used by Model Viewer when displaying data from PHAST models.

HDF velocities determines the frequency with which X, Y, and Z velocities are written to the *.h5 file. The *.h5 file is used by Model Viewer when displaying data from PHAST models.

Heads determines the frequency with which potentiometric heads are written to the *.O.head file.

Progress statistics determines the frequency with which solver statistics, including solution-method information, number of iterations, and maximum changes in head and component concentrations (due to transport) are written to the *.log file and to the screen.

Restart determines how frequently a restart file is created. See also Start time in the PHAST Time Control dialog box.

Velocities determines the frequency with which interstitial velocities at cell boundaries and interpolated velocities at nodes are written to the *.O.vel file.

Wells determines the frequency with which transient well information, including fluid and solute flow rates, cumulative fluid and solute flow amounts, and solute concentrations, are written to the *.O.wel file. Data are written in the order of the well sequence numbers.

XYZ chemistry determines the frequency with which selected chemical data are written to the *.xyz.chem file. The SELECTED_OUTPUT and USER_PUNCH data blocks of the chemistry data file are used to select data that are written to the file Cells for which results are to be written can be restricted with the Print_XYZ_Chemistry data set.

XYZ components determines the frequency with which component (chemical element) concentrations are written to the *.xyz.comps file.

XYZ heads determines the frequency with which heads are written to the *.xyz.head file.

XYZ velocities determines the frequency with which interpolated velocities at cell nodes are written to the *.xyz.vel file.

XYZ wells determines the frequency with which a time-series of concentrations for each well are written to the *.xyz.wel.

Boundary conditions determines whether heads, component concentrations, fluxes, and other boundary-condition information are written to the *.O.probdef file. The *.O.probdef file can be used to document the boundary conditions in a way that is easier for humans to read than are the model input files.

If End of period default is checked, printing will occur at the end of each simulation period for all print frequency options that are not equal to zero. Otherwise, printing will occur only at the interval specified for each print frequency option.

See also: PHAST Print Initial Conditions dialog box.