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SUTRA Options Dialog Box

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The SUTRA Options dialog box is used to specify non-spatial input required by SUTRA. To display the SUTRA Options dialog box, select Model|SUTRA Options...

The left side of the SUTRA Options dialog box has a list of the major groups of SUTRA options edited in the SUTRA Options dialog box. The data for each option group will be shown in the pane on the right side of the SUTRA Options dialog box when its name is selected.

The full name of an option group may be too long to be fully displayed in the tree control. However, when a mouse is held over the portion of the name that is visible, the full name will be displayed in a small popup window. In addition, the width of the list can be changed by clicking on the area just to the right of the tree control and dragging it so that the width of the list becomes larger.

The panes displayed in the SUTRA Options dialog box are



Initial Conditions,

Numerical Controls,


Fluid Properties,

Solid Matrix, Adsorption,

Regionwise Properties Panes,


Lakes Pane, and

Lake-Boundary Interaction

Anisotropy Pane