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SWR Tab Files Dialog Box

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The SWR Tab Files dialog box is used to define tabular data that can vary more frequently than every MODFLOW time step.

The SWR Tab Files dialog box is displayed by selecting Model|SWR Dialog Boxes|Tab Files...

The structure of tabfiles is described in SWR1 Time Series Utility Subroutine SSWR_RDTABDATA. Note that the times in tab files always define zero as the beginning of the first time step. If you use a different starting time, you will need to make sure that the times you specify in the tab file are referenced to a starting time of zero. For example, if your first stress period goes from time = -1 to time = 0, the correct time for the beginning of the first stress period in the tab file would be 0 not -1.

ITAB: ITAB specifies the number of a tabular data item. It is assigned automatically.

Type of data (CTABTYPE): CTABTYPE— a string value that specifies the data type the selected tabular data item represents.

CTABTYPE = RAIN, the tabular data item represents rainfall data.

CTABTYPE = EVAP, the tabular data item represents evaporation data.

CTABTYPE = LATFLOW, the tabular data item represents lateral flow data.

CTABTYPE = STAGE, the tabular data item represents stage data for constant stage reaches.

CTABTYPE = STRUCTURE, the tabular data item represents structure data. Structure data can be either structure operation criteria, specified discharge, or gate opening data for operable structures and is defined in the SWR Structures dialog box.

CTABTYPE = TIME, the tabular data item represents SWR1 time-step length data. CTABTYPE = TIME should only be specified once overrides SWR1 time step data (RTINI, RTMIN, RTMAX, RTMULT, and NTMULT) specified in the SWR: Surface-Water Routing Process pane of the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box.

File Name (ITABUNIT): This is the name of the file containing the tabular data.

File Type (ITABUNIT): This specifies whether the file containing the tabular data is a text file or a binary file.

Interpolation (CINTP): CINTP specifies the interpolation applied to the selected tabular data item.

CINTP = NONE, the tabular data value closest to but greater than or equal to the end of the current SWR1 time step is used to define the data value for the current SWR1 time step.

CINTP = AVERAGE, the temporally weighted average of all tabular data values from the end of the previous SWR1 time step to the end of the current SWR1 time step is used to define the data value for the current SWR1 time step.

CINTP = INTERPOLATE, the two tabular data values closest to the end of the current SWR1 time step are used to interpolate the data value for the the current SWR1 time step.

Specification Method (ITABRCH): You can specify which reaches will use a tab file using several different methods.

1.Objects: You select one or more objects that define reaches and all the reaches defined by all those objects will use the tabular data from the file.

2.Vextex Value: If you define a vertex value with the key "TabFile," the value associated with that key can be used to identify the reaches that will be used with the tabular data file. See Vertex Values dialog box for more information.

3.Reach Numbers: Specify a list of reach numbers to use with the tab tabular data file. Reach numbers are normally assigned automatically but that process can be overriden using vertex values. See Vertex Values dialog box for more information.

Object Names, Vertex Value, or Reach Numbers (ITABRCH): The data to be entered here depend on the Specification Method.

1.Objects: The data must be a comma-separated list of objects. The SWR Objects dialog box can be used to select the objects. It is displayed by clicking the Edit button for a cell in the table.

2.Vextex Value: The data must be a vertex value associated with the key "TabFile."

3.Reach Numbers: The data must be a list of reach numbers. The list can be edited with the SWR Reach Numbers dialog box. It is displayed by clicking the Edit button for a cell in the table.