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Link Streams Dialog Box

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The Link Streams dialog box is used to change the Outflow segment of SFR or STR segments to the number of the nearest stream or lake to the downstream end of the segment being edited. (STR segments can not be linked to lakes.) It can also be used to designate connected reaches in the SWR package. The Link Streams dialog box is displayed by selecting Model|Link Streams...

To change the Outflow segments or the connected reaches, the user sets the controls on the dialog box to the desired values and click the Apply button. The Outflow segments can be displayed by selecting Data|Data Visualization|Color Grid... and then selecting Boundary Conditions|MODFLOW Streamflow Routing|MODFLOW SFR Outflow Segment or Boundary Conditions|MODFLOW Streamflow Routing|MODFLOW STR Outflow Segment. Another way to display them is with the SFR Stream Links pane, the STR Stream Links pane or the SWR Reach Connections of the Data Visualization dialog box. It can be helpful to display the outflow segments or reach connections in one of these way while changing them to make sure that they are changed in the desired way. If the change is not what is desired, the user can select Edit|Undo to reverse the change.

Stream type is used to select whether SFR or STR streams will be linked.

What to change determines whether all segments (including segments that are not visible) will have their Outflow segment or connected reaches changed or whether only selected segments will have their Outflow segment or connected reaches changed.

Link tolerance determines the maximum distance between the downstream end of a segment from the upstream end of another segment or from a lake before the Outflow segment of the segment will be changed. For connected reaches there can be connections at either end. For example if the distance from the downstream end of one segment to the upstream end of the nearest other segment was 1000 and the tolerance was set to 500, the Outflow segment would not be changed. If the tolerance was set to 2000, it would be changed.

If Keep existing linkages is checked, only those Outflow segments that are zero will be changed and existing connected reaches will not be changed.