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Farm Land Use Properties Dialog Box

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The Farm Land Use Properties dialog box is used to specify the properties of the crops. The spatial distribution of the crops is specified using objects. The Farm Crop Properties dialog box is displayed by selecting Model|Farm Process|Farm Land Uses...

The Farm Land Use Properties dialog box contains a tree control on the left. The first item in the tree is linked to Land Uses Pane which is where the names of the crops are set. Once one or more crops have been defined, additional items will appear in the tree control. Each item has the name of one of the crops and has subitems that are used to define crop properties that can vary with time. The properties that appear will vary depending on the choices made in the FMP: Farm Process Pane or any of the FMP: Farm Process (for MODFLOW OWHM Version 2) pane of the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box. For many, but not all, properties PEST parameters can be used for defining the properties. The panes that can be linked to each crop are the following.

oLand Uses Pane


oRooting Depth

oConsumptive Use Factors

oInefficiency-Losses to Surface Water

oCrop Price Function

oConsumptive Use Flux or Crop Coefficient (CU)


oLand Use Area Fraction

oCrop Coefficient

oConsumptive Use


oRoot Depth

oRoot Pressure

oGroundwater Root Interaction

oTranspiration Fraction

oSW Loss Fraction Precipitation

oPond Depth

oAdded Demand

oZero CU Becomes Bare Soil

oEvap Irr Frac Sum One Correction

oCrop has Salinity Demand

oSalinity Tolerance

oMaximum Leaching Requirement

oCrop Leaching Requirement

oSalinity of Applied Water