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ModelMuse Help

The menu items under File are listed in table 3. The commands under this menu have to do with opening, saving, importing, or exporting files. Many of the choices under File|Import refer to features of data sets and objects that are described under Data Sets dialog box and Object Properties dialog box.

Table 3. File Menu

Menu Item


New|New MODFLOW Model button New|New MODFLOW Model

Creates a new MODFLOW model.

New|New PHAST Model

Creates a new PHAST model.

New|New SUTRA Model

Creates a new SUTRA version 3.0 model.

New|New WellFootprint Project

Creates a new Well Footprint project.

Open button Open

Opens an existing model. See ModelMuse Files.

Save button Save

Saves the current model to disk using the current file name. The user may be prompted to create an archive file. See ModelMuse Files.

Save As

Saves the current model to disk using a new file name. If the Create archive check box is checked, an archive of the model will be created containing the files listed in the Files to Archive dialog box. If the Save data set values checkbox is checked, any data sets whose values are up-to-date will have those data set values stored in compressed form in the ModelMuse file. Saving the data set values makes the file larger and slower to save. However, sometimes it makes exporting the input files for the model faster when the file has been reopened. See ModelMuse Files.

Import and display model results button Import|Model Results...

Import, head, drawdown, flows, or Well Footprint data from a MODFLOW, SUTRA, or Well Footprint model into ModelMuse and optionally color the grid using one of the imported data sets. For MODFLOW models, see Select Model Results to Import dialog box. For SUTRA models, see Import SUTRA Model Results dialog box. For Footprint projects, see Import Footprint Results dialog box.


Import shapes from a Shapefile into ModelMuse. See Import Shapefile dialog box.

Import|DXF File...

Import a DXF file. See Import DXF File dialog box.

Import|Surfer Grid File...

Import binary or ASCII grid files generated by Surfer(TM). See Import Surfer Grid File dialog box

Import|Multiple Surfer Grid Files...

Import multiple binary or ASCII grid files generated by Surfer(TM) simultaneously. See Import Multiple Surfer Grid Files dialog box

Import|Sample DEM Data...

Import a sample from a digital elevation model. See Sample Digital Elevation Model dialog box.


Import point data into ModelMuse. See Import Points dialog box..

Import|Distributed Data by Zone...

Import a PHAST zone into ModelMuse. See Import Distributed Data by Zone dialog box.

Import|Gridded Data.../Import|Mesh Data...

Import data at locations specified by column, row, and layer numbers or at specific node or element numbers. See Import Gridded/Mesh Data dialog box.

Import|Gridded Data Files...

Import data from multiple files of gridded data. See Import Gridded Data Files dialog box.

Import|ASCII Raster File(s)

Import one or more ASCII raster files generated by Arc GIS. See Import ASCII Raster File dialog box

Import|T-PROGS Binary Grid File...

Import a binary grid file generated by T-PROG. See Import T-PROGS File dialog box.


Import a background image into ModelMuse. See Import/Edit Image dialog box.

Import|MODFLOW-2005 or -NWT Model...

Import an existing MODFLOW-2005 or MODFLOW-NWT model into ModelMuse. See Import MODFLOW-2005 or -NWT Model dialog box.

Import|MODFLOW 6 Model...

Import an existing MODFLOW 6 model into ModelMuse. See Import MODFLOW 6 Model dialog box.

Import|ModelMate Values

Import parameter values and either observation or prediction values depending on the current Observation Type.

Import|SUTRA Mesh

Import a quadrilateral mesh generated by Argus ONE ( or Gmsh ( See Importing SUTRA Meshes. See also: Export|SUTRA 2D Mesh.

Import|SUTRA Files

Import data from some SUTRA files for visualization. Data from data sets 14B, 15B and the initial conditions file can be imported if data in those data sets has been modified by PEST.

Import|MODFLOW 6 Feature

Import MODFLOW 6 features for visualization. See the Import MODFLOW 6 Feature dialog box.

Import|SUTRA Features

Import SUTRA features for visualization. See the Import SUTRA Feature dialog box.

RunButton Export|PHAST Input File

Creates the transport data file for PHAST and optionally executes PHAST. See also: Batch File Additions dialog box.

RunButton Export|MODFLOW-2005 Input Files

Creates the input files for MODFLOW-2005 and optionally executes MODFLOW-2005. See also: Batch File Additions dialog box. If the "Export MODPATH input" check box is checked and MODPATH is selected, the input for MODPATH will also be created. If the "Create new composite budget file" check box is checked, MODPATH will create a new composite budget file when it is run. If the "Export ZONEBUDGET input" check box is checked and ZONEBUDGET is selected, the input for ZONEBUDGET will also be created.

The project description can also be edited here. See the Description Tab of the MODFLOW Options dialog box.

RunButtonExport_MODFLOW 6 Input Files

Creates the input files for MODFLOW 6 and optionally executes MODFLOW 6. See Export|MODFLOW-2005 Input Files for more details..

RunButton Export|MODFLOW-LGR Input Files

Creates the input files for MODFLOW-LGR version 1 or version 2 and optionally executes MODFLOW-LGR. See also: Batch File Additions dialog box. A combobox at the bottom of the Save dialog box allows the user to select between exporting the input files for a combined model or for just the parent or just one of the child models. The project description for the parent model can also be edited here. See the Description Tab of the MODFLOW Options dialog box.

RunButton Export|MODFLOW-NWT Input Files

Creates the input files for MODFLOW-NWT and optionally executes MODFLOW-NWT. See Export|MODFLOW-2005 Input Files for more details.

RunButton Export|MODFLOW-OWHM Input Files

Creates the input files for MODFLOW-OWHM (One Water Hydrologic Model) and optionally executes MODFLOW-OWHM. See Export|MODFLOW-2005 Input Files for more details.

RunButton Export|MODFLOW-CFP Input Files

Creates the input files for MODFLOW-CFP (Conduit Flow Process) and optionally executes MODFLOW-CFP. See Export|MODFLOW-2005 Input Files for more details.

RunButton Export|SUTRA Input Files

Creates the input files for SUTRA and optionally executes SUTRA.

Export|MODPATH Input Files

Creates the input files for MODPATH version 5, 6, or 7 and optionally executes MODPATH. The user may also choose whether or not to force MODPATH to create a new composite budget file. The composite budget file will always be created if it does not exist or if it is older than the corresponding MODFLOW budget file. If the model has one or more child models, the user must select either the parent model or a child model for which MODPATH will be run.

Export|ZONEBUDGET Input Files

Creates the input files for ZONEBUDGET version 3 or MODPATH for MODFLOW 6 and optionally executes ZONEBUDGET.

Export|MT3D Input Files

Creates the input files for MT3DMS version 5.3 or MT3D-USGS and optionally executes MT3DMS or MT3D-USGS.

Export|Pest|Pest Control File

Export the PEST control file and optionally run either PEST or PESTCHEK. See also Working with PEST.

Export|Pest|Calculate Number of Superparameters

Display the SUPCALC Options dialog box to calculate the number of superparameters that can be used with SVDAPREP. See also: Using SVD Assist.

Export|Pest|Modify PEST Control File with SVDAPREP

Display the SVDAPREP Input dialog box to run SVDAPREP and optionally run PEST. See also: Using SVD Assist.

Export|PEST|Replace Parameters in PEST Control File

Replace the parameter values in in PEST control file with values from a .bpa or .par file generated by PEST. See also: Using SVD Assist.

Export WellFootprint Input Files

Creates the input file for Well Footprint and optionally executes Well Footprint.

Export|Shapefile|Grid/Mesh Data to Shapefile...

Export a Shapefile of gridded or meshed data. See Export Grid/Mesh Data to Shapefile dialog box. Shapefiles exported from ModelMuse do not contain information about the projection used for the model. You may need to supply the projection to use the Shapefile correctly.

Export|Shapefile|Objects to Shapefile...

Export the geometry of objects and data set formulas to a Shapefile. See Export Objects to Shapefile dialog box.

Export|Shapefile|Contours to Shapefile

Export the contours currently displayed data set on the top view of the model to a Shapefile. If the data set for the contours has multiple layers, the contours can be exported to a separate Shapefile for each layer or to a single Shapefile. The layer number will be included as an attribute in the Shapefiles if contours for multiple layers are exported. You must contour data on the top view of the model to use this command. Shapefiles exported from ModelMuse do not contain information about the projection used for the model. You may need to supply the projection to use the Shapefile correctly. See Layers to Export dialog box.

Export|Shapefile|Pathlines to Shapefile

Pathlines from MODPATH are exported to a 3D Shapefile. Each pathline is exported as a separate shape. If the model has one or more child models, you must select the model that has the pathlines you want to export. Shapefiles exported from ModelMuse do not contain information about the projection used for the model. You may need to supply the projection to use the Shapefile correctly.

Export|Shapefile|Endpoints at Starting Locations to Shapefile

Endpoints from MODPATH are exported to a 3D Shapefile. Each particle will be exported as a separate shape plotted at its starting location. If the model has one or more child models, you must select the model that has the endpoints you want to export. Shapefiles exported from ModelMuse do not contain information about the projection used for the model. You may need to supply the projection to use the Shapefile correctly.

Export|Shapefile|Endpoints at Ending Locations to Shapefile

Endpoints from MODPATH are exported to a 3D Shapefile. Each particle will be exported as a separate shape plotted at its ending location. If the model has one or more child models, you must select the model that has the endpoints you want to export. Shapefiles exported from ModelMuse do not contain information about the projection used for the model. You may need to supply the projection to use the Shapefile correctly.

Export|Shapefile|Time Series to Shapefile

Times series from MODPATH are exported to a 3D Shapefile. All the particles at each time point will be part of the same shape. If the model has one or more child models, you must select the model that has the time series you want to export. Shapefiles exported from ModelMuse do not contain information about the projection used for the model. You may need to supply the projection to use the Shapefile correctly.

Export|Shapefile|Head Observations to Shapefile

If the user has imported head observation results, those results can be exported to a Shapefile. For each observation, a point object will be created with the observed value, the simulated value, the simulation time and the minimum and maximum layers included in the observation. Shapefiles exported from ModelMuse do not contain information about the projection used for the model. You may need to supply the projection to use the Shapefile correctly.

Export|Shapefile|Model Outline or Grid Lines

Exports either the model outline or grid lines to a Shapefile. See Export Model Outline or Grid Lines dialog box. Shapefiles exported from ModelMuse do not contain information about the projection used for the model. You may need to supply the projection to use the Shapefile correctly.

Export|Data Set to CSV

Export data set values along with the locations of those values to a comma-separated value file.

ExportImageButton Export|Image...

Export an image of the top, front, or side view of the model as an Enhanced Windows Metafile, Windows bitmap, Portable Network Graphics (PNG) or Joint Photographic Export Group (JPEG) image. See Export Image dialog box.

Export|Export or Update ModelMate File

Export parameter values and either observation or prediction values depending on the current Observation Type. If the selected ModelMate .mtc file already exists, ModelMate will update the parameter and either observation or prediction values in the file. If it does not already exist, it will be created. The user can choose to have ModelMate open the file by checking the Open with ModelMate checkbox at the bottom of the Save dialog box.

Export|SUTRA 2D Mesh

Export a 2D SUTRA mesh in a format compatible with Argus ONE®. The first line contains the number of elements and the number of nodes. This is followed by lines defining the node positions. Each such line starts with "N" followed by the node number and the X and Y coordinates of the node. These are followed by lines defining the elements. Each line starts with "E" followed by the element number and then the numbers of the four nodes in the element. See also: Import|SUTRA Mesh.

Files to Archive...

Shows the names of files that should be saved in an archive of the model. See Files to Archive dialog box.


The names of the most recently opened files are displayed. Selecting one of them will open that file.


Closes ModelMuse.