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Export Model Outline or Grid Lines Dialog Box

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The Export Model Outline or Grid Lines dialog box is used to export the outline of the model to a Shapefile or to export the grid lines to a Shapefile. The Export Model Outline or Grid Lines dialog box is displayed by selecting File|Export|Shapefile|Model Outline or Grid Lines...

For models with a grid, the user has a choice of exporting the outline of the grid, the outline of the active layers, the outline of the active cells in the grid, the outlines of both the active and inactive cells in the grid, all the grid lines in the grid or the grid lines in the active area of the grid. For the purposes of exporting the outline of the model, if any cell in a vertical column of cells is active, that cell will be considered active when exporting the model outline. For MODFLOW-LGR models, the outlines of either the parent or any of the child models may be exported. The outline will be from the top view of the model except for 2D SUTRA profile models in which the outline will be a profile view of the model. For outlines of the model area, the area of each shape will be included as an attribute of the shape. For active and inactive cells, the active or inactive status will be included as an attribute of the shapes. For grid lines, the row and column numbers will be included as attributes of the shapes. When exporting grid lines, just some of the grid lines can be exported by setting Grid line frequency to export to a value greater than 1. When the Grid line frequency to export is set to a value greater than one, only the grid lines whose numbers can be equally divided by the specified frequency plus the first and last grid line will be exported.

Note that for MODFLOW, the number of row grid lines is one greater than the number of rows and the number of column grid lines is one greater than the number of columns. The row grid lines are numbered from 0 to the number of rows and the column grid lines are numbered from 0 to the number of columns. Thus row 1 is between row grid lines 0 and 1 and column 1 is between column grid lines 0 and 1.