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ModelMuse Help

ModelMuse has four types of files:

1.ModelMuse (or GoPhast) text files with the extension .gpt,

2.ModelMuse (or GoPhast) binary files with the extension .gpb,

3.ModelMuse (or GoPhast) xml files with the extension .xml, and

4.ModelMuse compressed files with the extension mmZLib.

By default, ModelMuse will save its data in ModelMuse text (.gpt) files. ModelMuse binary (.gpb) files tend to be smaller than ModelMuse text files or ModelMuse xml files and it may be possible to open and save them slightly more quickly. However, it would be difficult for an external program to be able to modify them correctly without an intimate knowledge of how the files are structured. ModelMuse text files and ModelMuse xml files are more readily examined and modified by external programs. ModelMuse compressed files are compressed using the ZLib compression scheme ( They can be much smaller than any of the other file types but opening or saving them may be slightly slower.

When saving a ModelMuse file, ModelMuse will check if a file with the same name already exists. If it does, it will change the extension of that file to .bak before saving the new ModelMuse file.

ModelMuse can also create archive files. The archive file will be a .zip file containing the ModelMuse file, the most recent input and output files from the model, files that were imported by the user, files specifically selected to be archived in the Files to Archive dialog box, and the modeling program itself. The name of the archive will either be the name of the model followed by the date and the extension .zip or a name that was selected when saving an archive in the Files to Archive dialog box. Such archives can be helpful if the user wishes to go back to a previous version of the model. However, because the date is part of the archive name, a new archive will be created on each day on which the user saves the archive. From time to time, the user may wish to delete unneeded archives.