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Import DXF File Dialog Box

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The Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) (Autodesk, Inc., accessed July 21, 2005) is a commonly used file format for Computer Aided Design (CAD) programs. The Import DXF File dialog box is used to import DXF files into ModelMuse as a series of objects on the top view of the model. The dialog box is displayed by selecting File|Import|DXF File... The DXF file is then read, and the Import DXF File dialog box is displayed.

Objects in DXF files can contain a Z coordinate. The value of this coordinate is assigned to a data set. The data set can be either a new or an existing one; however, the orientation of the data set must be "2-D Top.” The user can determine whether the objects that are imported will set the values of enclosed or intersected cells or set values by interpolation. If the data are being used with a new data set, the user can choose an interpolation method for the new data set. (See Interpolation Methods.)  The names of the imported objects will be based on the name of the file from which the objects are imported. The Select Objects by Name dialog box can be used to select all these objects at a later time.

Objects in DXF files may cross themselves. Such objects are invalid in ModelMuse so such objects are skipped when importing into ModelMuse.