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SVDAPREP Input Dialog Box

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The SVDAPREP Input dialog box is used to modify a PEST control file to employ SVD-assisted inversion. It is displayed by selecting File|Export|PEST|Modify PEST Control File with SVDAPREP. If the OK button is pressed, ModelMuse will create a batch file to run SVDAPREP named RunSvdaPrep.bat.

PEST control file name This is the name of the PEST control file that will be modified by SVDAPREP. ModelMuse will export a new PEST control file with this name.

For computation of super parameters use: X is the Jacobian matrix pertaining to base parameters (normally represented as J in the PEST User Manual), with any regularization removed from this matrix. Q is the observation weight matrix. If implemented, LSQR is applied to Q1/2J. Option 1 is best unless there are more than about 2500 base parameters. In this case choose option 3 or option 4 as singular value decomposition becomes very slow when parameter numbers start to rise.

Number of super-parameters Use as many as computing resources permit. The SUPCALC utility described in the PEST User Manual part II attempts to calculate the optimal dimensions of the solution space for a particular inverse problem.

Run SVDAPREP If this check box is checked, the RunSvdaPrep.bat will be started after the batch file is created.

Run PEST after SVDAPREP If this check box is checked, the RunSvdaPrep.bat batch file will contain a line to start PEST after SVDAPREP has modified the PEST control file.

See also: Using SVD Assist.