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Import MODFLOW 6 Model Dialog Box

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The Import MODFLOW 6 Model dialog box is used to import existing MODFLOW 6 models. The user specifies the simulation file for flow in the first edit box (labeled MODFLOW 6 Simulation Name File for flow). It can be accessed from the Start-Up dialog box or by selecting File|Import|MODFLOW 6 Model.

If a .usgs model reference file is available, its name can be specified in the edit box labeled usgs.model.reference file (Optional). This file includes the coordinates of the upper left corner of the model and the model rotation among other things. This information can be used to geolocate models that use a structured grid if geolocation information is absent from the .dis file.

If there are separate simulations for solute transport, their simulation name files can be entered the table labeled MODFLOW 6 Simulation Name Files for transport (optional). If groundwater flow and transport are included in the same simulation, this table should be left empty.

For some package types, MODFLOW allows more than one copy of a package to be included in a model. For such packages, the package name is included in the name of any objects related to the package.


The imported model may differ from the original model in some respects. It is advisable to compare the results of the imported and original model. If there are substantial differences, there may have been problem in importing the model.

ModelMuse can not import model types other than flow models or solute transport models. Thus, it can not import energy transport models or particle tracking models.

ModelMuse can not import models that use DISU grids.

If a simulation includes more than one flow model, only one of the flow models can be imported.

ModelMuse can not import exchanges among multiple flow models or among multiple solute transport models.

If the model contains more than one boundary package of the same type, all of the boundaries will be included in a single package. If the options of these packages are different, this may affect the model results.

When importing the lake package, it may happen that cells outside the model area will be identified as part of a lake if the lake is close to the edge of the model. If this occurs, the model can be fixed by selecting the erroneous vertices of the lake object and deleting them.

All connections to any individual well in the Multiaquifer Well package must be vertically aligned.

The model input must be consistent with the MODFLOW input instructions.

ModelMuse does not import flow-ja-face observations.

The order of boundary conditions in the imported model may be different from the original model. For example stream reaches may be numbered differently.

The imported model may specify more information in the Iterative Model Solution file than the original model.

ModelMuse does not attempt to import the Output Control file.

The Ghost Node Correction package is only imported for DISV models. If this is a problem, specify the original GNC file in the Model|MODFLOW Name File dialog box.

The values imported for the Ghost Node Correction may differ from those in the original model. If this is a problem, replace the imported Ghost Node Correction file with the original file or specify the original GNC file in the Model|MODFLOW Name File dialog box.

In some cases, the encoding of a text input file may be a problem. In such cases, it may be possible to solve the problem by copying the contents of the file to another text file and then using the new file in the model in place of the old one.

When importing the Source and Sink Mixing package, boundary packages omitted from the Source and Sink Mixing package will still be included in the imported model. In addition, the Recharge and Evapotranspiration packages will always be specified as AUXMIXED in the imported model regardless of how they are specified in the original model.

When importing models that contain Time-Array Series files, the Time-array series are converted to time-series. This may cause the ModelMuse to require a long time to export the model. It may also slow down MODFLOW.

ModelMuse may run out of memory when importing very large models.