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Import ASCII Raster File Dialog Box

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The Import ASCII Raster File dialog box imports or samples a ASCII raster file in the format described in The dialog box is displayed by selecting File|Import|ASCII Raster File(s)...

The points from each file that is imported will set the values of either a new data set or an existing 2D top data set. The points can set values of either the intersected cells or elements or be interpolated to all the cells or elements. The user can choose to import all the points in the file or to filter the points. If the points are more closely spaced than the grid spacing, filtering is recommended. When filtering the points, the user can choose to import the lowest value in a cell or element, the highest value in a cell or element, the mean average value in a cell or element, or the value of the point closest to the center of a cell or element.

If multiple files are selected, they will be listed in a table in which a separate data set can be associated with each file. If only a single file is selected, the data set into which the data are to be imported is selected in a combo box. If multiple files have been selected, they can only be imported if they all have data at the same locations. The order of the files in the table of multiple files can be changed by clicking on the gray cells to the left of the file name and dragging the row to a new position.

The user can elect to convert the length units of the X and Y coordinates from any of the commonly used length units to other units. By default, this option is not selected. This option is only useful when the only difference in the projection used in the Shapefile is consistent with the data in ModelMuse except for the length units. Converting the length unit does not result in the conversion of any imported value.