The Import Gridded Data Files dialog box, is used to import data from multiple files containing real number data. For each file, a new 2D top data set will be created whose name is based on the file name. For models with grids, such as MODFLOW and PHAST, ModelMuse will read data from the file beginning at column 1, row 1 in row major order. For MODFLOW models, this means the data is laid out in the same way as the grid. For PHAST models, this means that the rows are laid out in the opposite order of the way the grid appears because in PHAST the row numbering is from the bottom to top instead of top to bottom. (Cells in MODFLOW; Elements in PHAST.)
For MODFLOW 6 DISV models, the data will be applied at cell centers. For SUTRA models, the data will be applied are node locations or element centers.
To open the Import Gridded Data Files dialog box, select File|Import|Gridded Data Files...
In MODFLOW-LGR models, the user can select which grid to use when importing the data.