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Import T-PROGS File Dialog Box

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The Import T-PROGS File dialog box is used to import binary grid files generated by T-PROGS (Carle, 1999). The dialog box is displayed by selecting File|Import|T-PROGS Binary Grid File... The data will be imported as a series of new data sets whose names will be based on the name of the binary grid file. There will be one 2D data set for each layer in the binary grid file and a 3D data set representing all the layers.

"The purpose of T-PROGS is to enable implementation of a transition probability/Markov approach to geostatistical simulation of categorical variables" (Carle, 1999).

The file itself must be selected in the dialog box labeled T-PROGS file name.

The Type of data can be either real numbers or integers. Real numbers are assumed to be single precision (4 byte) values. Integers are also assumed to be 4 byte values.

File type. The binary format will depend on how the version of T-PROGS that generated the binary grid file was compiled. It can be compiled to generate either an unformatted file or a true binary file. (Generating the true binary file might require some changes to the source code.) The precise format of an "unformatted" file depends on the compiler that was used to compile the T-PROGS program. ModelMuse can read unformatted files generated by a version of T-PROGS compiled with Intel Visual Fortran. With Intel Visual Fortran, the beginning of the file is occupied by a 4-byte marker before the beginning of any data and the end of the file has a 4-byte end-of-file marker. There is also an 8-byte end-or-record marker between each record. ModelMuse skips each of these markers when reading an unformatted binary grid file. If an unformatted files generated by another compiler has markers of the same length as those generated by Intel Visual Fortran, ModelMuse may be able to read them. With a true binary file, none of these markers is present.

With PHAST models, the data set can be evaluated either at the nodes or at the elements.

The binary grid file does not contain information about where the data it contains is located or the spacing between data set values so you need to provide that information. Thus, you need to specify the location of the first data point (X-Origin, Y-Origin, Z-Origin), the spacings between data points in the X, Y, and Z directions (Delta X, Delta Y, Delta Z), and the Angle of the grid in degrees counter clockwise.

The default values for X-Origin and Y-Origin in MODFLOW models are the coordinates of the center of the cell in the first column and last row. In PHAST models, they are the coordinates of the node in the first column and row. (In both cases, this is the lower left corner.)

The default value for Z-Origin is the lowest elevation in the grid.

The default values for Delta X, Delta Y, Delta Z are all 1. These should be changed to the correct values for your binary grid file.

The default value for the Angle is the angle of your model grid.

If desired, you can make the object that is imported visible but by default it is hidden.

When you click OK, ModelMuse will read the binary grid file and create one 2D data set for each layer in the binary grid file and a 3D data set for all the data in the binary grid file. The values for the 2D data sets will be set by interpolating between data points using the Nearest Point interpolation method. The values for the 3D data set will be set with a formula that locates the 2D data set whose elevation in the binary grid file is closest to the appropriate elevation for the model. With MODFLOW this elevation is elevation of the center of the cell. With PHAST this elevation will be either the elevation of the center of the element or the elevation of the node depending on whether the data set is evaluated at elements or nodes.