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Select Model Results to Import Dialog Box

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The Select Results to Import dialog box is used to import, head, drawdown, flows, or other results from a MODFLOW model into ModelMuse and optionally color or contour the grid using one of the imported data sets. The dialog box is displayed by selecting File|Import|Model Results... or clicking the Import and display model results button Import and display model results button.

The user will first be prompted to select the file containing the model results. Once the file is selected, the data sets contained in it are displayed in the Select Results to Import dialog box. The user selects a data set by checking the checkbox next to it. If desired, one of the data sets can be used to color the grid or contour the grid after it is imported by selecting the desired Display choice it in the Color or contour grid combo box. The imported data sets will be classified under "Optional|Model Results."

In addition to the list of data sets that can be selected, if a file contains more than one type of data in it and at least data for two separate times in it, lists of these data types and times will be shown next to the list data sets. Checking or unchecking one of data types or times with cause all the data sets of that type or that time to be checked or unchecked in the list of all the data sets.