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Navigation: Main Menu and Buttons > Model > MODFLOW Dialog Boxes > Farm Land Use Properties Dialog Box > MODFLOW-OWHM Version 2

Zero CU Becomes Bare Soil Pane

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This pane is on the Farm Land Use Properties dialog box.

Given that:




If the Potential Consumptive Use is CU = CF + Kc*ETref = 0,

then the crop is assumed to be scraped clean earth with no evapotranspiration (CU = 0).

This occurs when CF and Kc are set to zero indicating there is no potential consumption.

If it is desired to convert CU = 0 to Fallow/Bare soil, then it is necessary to specify the keyword ZERO_CONSUMPTIVE_USE_BECOMES_BARE_SOIL. With this keyword, if CF and Kc are set to zero, then CU = REFERENCE_ET_TO_BARE * ETref or CU = POTENTIAL_EVAPORATION_BARE and only groundwater evaporation is allowed.