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Farm Process (for MODFLOW OWHM Version 2)

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This group of panes is on the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box. It contains the following panes.

FMP: Farm Process V4

SOIL: Farm Process V4 Soil Options

CLIMATE: Farm Process V4 Climate Options

SURFACE_WATER: Farm Process V4 Surface Water Options

SUPPLY_WELL: Farm Process V4 Supply Well Options

ALLOTMENTS: Farm Process V4 Allotment Options

LAND_USE: Farm Process V4 Land Use Options

SALINITY_FLUSH_IRRIGATION: Farm Process V4 Salinity Flush Irrigation Options

Each pane allows the user to specify options for the corresponding block of the Farm Process version 4 input file in MODFLOW-OWHM version 2. The FMP: Farm Process V4 also is used to specify options for the OUTPUT and OPTIONS blocks of the Farm Process input file.

Many of the data in the Farm Process in MODFLOW-OWHM version 2 can be specified as either lists or arrays and can be either static or transient. Some of the data have key words that must be specified. The data may also have scale factors applied or be specified in an external file generated outside of ModelMuse. The data may also have an associated externally generated SFAC file that modifies the data before it is used by MODFLOW-OWHM. These various choices are presented in a table on each Farm Process pane except the SUPPLY_WELL pane. The tables are all similar.

The first column has the description of the input data.

The "Frequency" or "Use" column is used to activate a particular option and to specify whether it is inactive, static, or transient.

The "Array or List" column is used to specify whether a particular option is specified as an array or as a list. The cells in this column are only active if the user has a choice about whether the data will be specified in an array or a list. If the user chooses "Array", a corresponding data set will be created for static data. The values of the data sets can be specified in the Data Sets dialog box or by using Objects in the Object Properties dialog box. Transient array data are specified as MODFLOW Features in the Object Properties dialog box. If the user chooses "List", the data are specified in one of the Farm Process dialog boxes such as the Water Balance Subregions dialog box. For static list data the first item specified for a particular item will be used regardless of the number of time periods specified for that item.

The "Key Word" column, if present, is used to specify key words for data that require a key word to be selected.

The "Unit conversion scale factor" column, can be used to specify scale factors for data for which scale factors can be used. Scale factors are optional.

The "Externally generated file" column can be used to specify an input file for the data. The user is responsible for creating the file. Externally generated files are optional.

The "Externally generated SFAC file" column can be used to specify an SFAC file to be used with the data. The user is responsible for creating the file. SFAC files are optional.

For more information about scale factors and SFAC files, see the MODFLOW-OWHM version 2 documentation (Boyce and others, 2020).