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Navigation: Main Menu and Buttons > Model > MODFLOW Dialog Boxes > Farm Land Use Properties Dialog Box > MODFLOW-OWHM Version 1

Inefficiency-Losses to Surface Water Pane

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This pane is on the Farm Land Use Properties dialog box.

The Inefficiency-Losses to Surface Water pane is present if Fraction of inefficiency losses (IIESWFL) is set to Specified (1 or 2). It is used for specifying how the following two things vary with time for a crop.

FIESWP Fraction of in-efficient losses to surface-water related to precipitation (0 ≤ FIESWP ≤ 1)

FIESWI Fraction of in-efficient losses to surface-water related to irrigation (0 ≤ FIESWI ≤ 1)

Both are fractions between 0 and 1.