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Groundwater Root Interaction Pane

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This pane is on the Farm Land Use Properties dialog box.

The GROUNDWATER_ROOT_INTERACTION determines if there is groundwater uptake to meet crop demand and if the Potential Consumptive Use is reduced due to anoxia and soil stresses. In the Farm process it is specified as an integer with the following values.

0 = No Transpiration  ==> Zeros out any T requirement

1 = No Groundwater Interaction  ==> No Root-Groundwater Uptake, No  Anoxia or Stress Reduction, Full CU must be met through surface sources (Precip or Irrigation)

2 = Has Anoxia/Soil Stress Loss, NO Root-Groundwater Uptake ==> CU Reduced from any anoxia and soil stress, but CU may only be satisfied with surface sources

3 = Has Root-Groundwater Uptake, NO Anoxia/Soil Stress Loss ==> Anoxia and Soil Stress losses are either added to Root-Groundwater Uptake or surface consumption requirement  (i.e. if there is root-groundwater uptake, then the amount lost through anoxia is consumed as root-groundwater uptake. However if there is no root-groundwater uptake then the anoxia is added to the surface sources consumption (Precip or Irrigation)

4 = Has Root-Groundwater Uptake and Soil Stress Loss, NO Anoxia Loss             ==> Anoxia losses are either added to Root-Groundwater Uptake or surface consumption requirement  (i.e. if there is root-groundwater uptake, then the amount lost through anoxia is consumed as root-groundwater uptake. However if there is no root-groundwater uptake then the anoxia is added to the surface sources consumption (Precip or Irrigation)

5 = Full Interaction ==> HAS Anoxia/Soil Stress Reduction, HAS Root-Groundwater Uptake  (DEFAULT)

In ModelMuse, this is simplified into a series of check boxes that allow only the supported combination of options to be selected.