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Diversion Locations

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This tab is on the Water Balance Subregions dialog box.

Diversion Locations is used to specify SEMI_ROUTED_DELIVERY in the Farm Process SURFACE_WATER block and optionally SEMI_ROUTED_DELIVERY_LOWER_LIMIT and SEMI_ROUTED_DELIVERY_UPPER_LIMIT.

Each Water Balance Subregion can have multiple diversion locations. Unlike most other properties of Water Balance Subregion, the diversion locations of  Water Balance Subregion must be edited individually. The Number of diversion locations is specified for the selected Water Balance Subregion. For each diversion, the user identifies the object that defines the SFR stream from which the diversion occurs. To specify the reach within the SFR stream from which the diversion occurs, the user species a vertex of the object in the cell where the diversion takes place. (It is possible to display the vertex numbers of an object. See the Comments/Captions Tab of the Object Properties Dialog Box.)

Fraction indicates an initial fraction of the irrigation demand that is supplied by the semi-routed delivery. If the semi-routed delivery can not supply that amount of water, then the deficit demand is shifted to other defined semi-routed delivery. If Fraction is specified as -1, water is removed from the semi-routed delivery in the order they are specified.

By default the SEMI_ROUTED_DELIVERY removes all the water available from the specified SFR Segment/Reach. Both a Lower and Upper limit can be imposed for each delivery location. The lower limit, SEMI_ROUTED_DELIVERY_LOWER_LIMIT, is similar to a flood-control type of diversion in SFR (IPRIOR = -3). Only flow that is greater then the lower limit is available to the WBS. The upper limit, SEMI_ROUTED_DELIVERY_UPPER_LIMIT, is the maximum flow that a WBS can remove. Only flow that is beneath this limit is available to the WBS. If both the lower and upper limits are applied then the available water is their difference.

Note that the ALLOTMENT block imposes an additional limit on the total surface water supply to each WBS.

