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Navigation: Main Menu and Buttons > Model > MODFLOW Dialog Boxes > Water Balance Subregions Dialog Box > MODFLOW-OWM Version 1

Non-Routed Delivery

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This tab is on the Water Balance Subregions dialog box.

Farms are allowed to have an unlimited number of non-routed deliveries. The number of non-routed deliveries is specified by changing the Number of delivery types at the bottom of the tab. For each non-routed delivery, the modeler must specify the volume to be delivered (NRDV), its priority rank (NRDR) and what to do if the amount available exceeds the amount required (NRDU). In MODFLOW-OWHM version 1, the column for NRDU, can also be used to specify that this is to be withdrawn from a "virtual well field." If this option is selected, the user must specify a "virtual well number" which must be a non-zero integer. The Farm process requires that the virtual well number be a negative number so if a positive number is specified by the modeler, it will be converted to a negative number. The "virtual well field" option is not available in MODFLOW-OWHM version 2.