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Navigation: Main Menu and Buttons > Model > MODFLOW Dialog Boxes > Water Balance Subregions Dialog Box > MODFLOW-OWM Version 2

Added Crop Demand Flux

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This tab is on the Water Balance Subregions dialog box.

Added Crop Demand specifies an additional demand for each Water Balance Subregion (WBS) that is applied to each crop.

Additional demand is demand added to the land use in addition to its consumptive use value (additional irrigation requirement).

The crop must have an IRRIGATION flag >0 or the added demand cannot be applied.

Added Crop Demand only applies to irrigated crops and the additional demanded water only becomes surface runoff or deep percolation

ADDED_CROP_DEMAND FLUX is specified as length per time.

The added demand is summed with other crop related added demands (for example, Added Crop Demand Rate and CROP Block ADDED_DEMAND).