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Diversion Location

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This tab is on the Water Balance Subregions dialog box.

The Diversion Location tab is where the modeler specifies the SFR segment and reach from which water can be diverted to supply water to the farm.

The Location method at the bottom of the tab is used to identify which of three methods will be used to specify the segment and reach. The same method is used for both diversion locations are return flow locations. The three methods are Object, Location, and Cell.

With the Object method, you select the Option or object name in the table to identify the segment and choose whether to use the first, last or a middle vertex of the object to identify the reach. If you select a middle vertex, you must also specify the vertex number. The diversion or return flow reach will be the cell that contains the vertex. There is also an option to prorate the diversion or return flow for all the segments in the farm.

With the Location method, you select, X and Y coordinates. The cell that contains those coordinates will identify the segment and reach for the diversion or return flow. This method should not be used if there is more than one reach in a cell.

With the Cell method, you select, row and column numbers. The selected will identify the segment and reach for the diversion or return flow. This method should not be used if there is more than one reach in a cell.