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Navigation: Main Menu and Buttons > Model > MODFLOW Dialog Boxes > Water Balance Subregions Dialog Box > MODFLOW-OWM Version 1


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This tab is on the Water Balance Subregions dialog box.

The Name tab is used to specify the name of the water balance subregion and its ID.


The ID uniquely identifies a water balance subregion. It must be a positive integer. Each water balance subregion must have a unique ID. In MODFLOW-OWHM version 1, if prior appropriation is used, the ID also sets the water rights priority of the farm with farms with lower farm IDs having higher priorities over farms with higher farm IDs.

WBS Name

The farm name is optional. It is used to help the user identify a particular farm in the list of farms on the Water Balance Subregions dialog box.

In MODFLOW-OWHM version 2, MNW_PUMP_SPREAD  determines how desired (demanded) pumpage is initially assigned to MNW2 nodes. It should have no effect on the final/converged solution, but it may improve convergence speed and thus reduce simulation time.

The following are the three methods by which the pumpage can be spread initially:

By node conductance (0) spreads pumpage based on each nodes conductance (Default when not specified)

Evenly among nodes (1) spreads pumpage based on the node count (average rate per node)

Assign to top node (2) assigns the total pumpage to the upper most node (original FMP3 method)