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Navigation: Main Menu and Buttons > Model > MODFLOW Dialog Boxes > Water Balance Subregions Dialog Box > MODFLOW-OWM Version 2

Added Demand Runoff Split

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This tab is on the Water Balance Subregions dialog box.

If a Water Balance Subregion has specified an added irrigation demand, then ADDED_DEMAND_RUNOFF_SPLIT defines the split between becoming surface runoff or deep percolation. This fraction is only is a split for the additional demanded water. It does not apply to losses that originate from irrigation required to meet a land use ET which is defined in the Land_Use Block with the SURFACEWATER_LOSS_FRACTION_IRRIGATION keyword.

ADDED_DEMAND_RUNOFF_SPLIT must be between 0.0 and 1.0; If not specified then it defaults to 0.1, that is "ADDED_DEMAND_RUNOFF_SPLIT CONSTANT 0.1"

Additional demand (Added Demand) is defined with the keyword ADDED_CROP_DEMAND FLUX, ADDED_CROP_DEMAND RATE and LAND_USE block keyword ADDED_DEMAND.

The added demand runoff split is specified for each irrigation type. Irrigation types are specified in the Farm Irrigation Types dialog box.