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SUPPLY_WELL: Farm Process V4 Supply Well Options

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The SUPPLY_WELL: Farm Process V4 Supply Well Options pane is used to activate the supply well options in the Farm Process in MODFLOW-OWHM version 2 and specify options for it. It is in the Farm Process group on the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box.

The following keywords result in an output file that contains information about the SUPPLY_WELLs. For a detailed description of the data printed see the the files in doc\Output_Header_Defintion of the MODFLOW-OWHM release.

PRINT BYWELL: Summarize Supply Well output for each active well

PRINT ByWBS: Summarize Supply Well output by water balance subregion

PRINT ByMNW: Summarize Supply Well output for or MNW2-Linked Wells

PRINT LIST: Echo supply well results to LIST file (not recommended)

PRINT SMOOTHING: If smoothing is enabled, then output smooth effect to file

PRINT BYWBS_BYLAYER: Summarize by WBS the pumping in and out of each model layer from FMP, MNW2, and WEL Packages

MNW_PUMP_SPREAD: MNW_PUMP_SPREAD applies to only FMP-MNW2 linked wells. It determines to which MNW nodes the desired (demanded) pumpage should be assigned. It should have no effect on the final/converged solution, but it may improve convergence speed and thus reduce simulation time.
The following are the methods by which the pumpage can initially be spread:

0 BY_COND: spreads pumpage based on each nodes conductance (Default when not specified)

1 BY_COUNT: spreads pumpage based on the node count (average rate per node)

2 BY_TOP:- assigns the total pumpage to the upper most node (original FMP3 method)

Assign separately in each WBS: assigns one of the previous values to each water balance subregion as specified in the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box.