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The CLIMATE: Farm Process V4 Climate Options pane is used to activate the climate options in the Farm Process in MODFLOW-OWHM version 2 and specify options for it. It is in the Farm Process group on the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box.

The climate data is all specified on a cell-by-cell (array) basis so the Farm Climate dialog box is not used with MODFLOW-OWHM version 2.

Reference ET to Bare: If POTENTIAL_EVAPORATION_BARE is not specified, then Fallow/Bare soil automatically uses 0.5*ETref to obtain a potential evaporation rate for bare soil.

Precipitation: Precipitation that falls on the model domain (L/T). Only the precipitation that falls within a cell defined with a nonzero WBS (FARM) ID is simulated, any zero WBS ID cells have precipitation set to zero. If static, the Precipitation data set is used. If transient, it is specified as a MODFLOW Feature in the Object Properties dialog box. If static, the Precipitation data set is used. If transient, it is specified as a MODFLOW Feature in the Object Properties dialog box.

Reference ET: Reference ET (L/T) If not specified, then REFERENCE_ET is set to 0.0. This is required there are fallow/bare soil cells, Crop Coefficients (Kc) specified, or Crops specified as FRACTIONS (multiple crops per model cell). If static, the Reference_ET data set is used. If transient, it is specified as a MODFLOW Feature in the Object Properties dialog box.

Potential ET rate of bare soil: POTENTIAL_EVAPORATION_BARE is an Optional keywords that define how Bare Soil Potential Evaporation is calculated. Potential evaporation rate of groundwater under Fallow and Bare Soil. If not specified then REFERENCE_ET is used in its place. If REFERENCE_ET is not specified then it is set to 0.0. If static, the Potential_Evap_bare data set is used. If transient, it is specified as a MODFLOW Feature in the Object Properties dialog box.

Direct recharge beneath roots: DIRECT_RECHARGE Specify recharge that is sent directly to the bottom of the root zone. The recharge is not consumed by crops and is treated as deep percolation. The deep percolation is then passed to either UZF or the water table.

The keyword FLUX indicates that the input is in model units of length per unit time (L/T)

The keyword RATE indicates that the input is in volumetric rate (L3/T)

This feature mimics both the RCH package Infiltration and UZF Recharge.

If static, the Direct_Recharge data set is used. If transient, it is specified as a MODFLOW Feature in the Object Properties dialog box.

Precipitation potential consumption: PRECIPITATION_POTENTIAL_CONSUMPTION is an optional keyword that specifies by the model grid potential consumption of precipitation. This limits how much precipitation can be consumed as evaporation and transpiration based on the quantity of rainfall and is analogous to specifying an effective precipitation, which represents the quantity of rainfall that is not runoff nor deep percolation. This is a spatial based input equivalent to the SOIL block's keyword EFFECTIVE_PRECIPITATION_TABLE

BY_LENGTH indicates the array specifies the effective precipitation (L/T) as an upper limit of consumption.

BY_FRACTION indicates the array is a 0 to 1 fraction of the precipitation that is available for consumption. That is the the fraction times precipitation is the effective precipitation.

Precipitation that is not available for consumption becomes either runoff or deep percolation.

Precipitation that is available for consumption, but is not consumed as ET becomes either runoff or deep percolation.

If static, the Precip_Pot_Consumption data set is used. If transient, it is specified as a MODFLOW Feature in the Object Properties dialog box.