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Anonymize Selected Point Objects

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The purpose of Edit|Object|Anonymize Selected Point Objects is to move point objects away from their current locations to either node locations of cell centers. One reason to do this would be to disguise the precise location of some features such as public water supply wells.

Edit|Object|Anonymize Selected Point Objects only works for point objects on the top view of the model. It works somewhat differently depending on the model selection.

For MODFLOW models that do not use local grid refinement, point objects or multipoint objects evaluated at blocks will have their vertices moved to the centers of the cells that contain them. This applies to both structured grids and discretization wtih vertices in MODFLOW 6.

For MODFLOW models that employ local grid refinement., point or multipoint objects objects evaluated at blocks are moved to the centers of the cells that contain them. However, if an object applies to both the parent model and the child model, the grid that will be used will be the child model grid if the point is inside the child model grid, Otherwise, it will be the parent model grid.

For SUTRA and PHAST models, point objects or multipoint objects evaluated at nodes are moved to the node locations of the cells that contain them.

Note that more than one vertex can be moved to the same location. For example, if two wells are in the same cell, they will both be moved to the same location and it might not be obvious that there are two wells in the same cell.

The row and column offsets of head observations in MODFLOW are determined form the precise location of the head observation within the cell. Therefore if Anonymize Selected Point Objects is used on objects that define head observations, the row and column offsets in the HOB input file will be changed.