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Vertex Values Dialog Box

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The Vertex Values dialog box is used to associate values with individual vertices of an objects. Those values can then be used via the a variety of functions. In SUTRA models, a key named "Mesh Element Size" can be used to assign a different element size in objects used to define the mesh. The dialog box is displayed by first selecting Object|Edit|Vertex Values or clicking the Edit vertex values button EditVertexValuesButton and then double-clicking on a vertex of a selected object. If no objects are selected on the view of the model with which the user is working, the user can double-click on a vertex of any object to display the Vertex Values dialog box.

The dialog box has a table with two columns, Key, and Value. Key is used to identify values used by the function and Value is the numerical value used by the function. Function that use vertex values include the InterpoloatedVertexValue and the VertexValue functions. To add additional keys, click the Add button. It is also possible to select a block of cells from a spreadsheet and paste them into the table. The number of rows in the table will increase to accommodate the new data. It is OK to have values associated with only some of the keys at a particular vertex. If no value is associated with a key at a particular vertex, the InterpoloatedVertexValue and VertexValue functions will not try to use a value for that vertex.

Two special Keys are used with the Surface-Water Routing Process: "Reach" and "TabFile." If Reach is used as a key, and the object defines one or more reaches in the Surface-Water Routing Process, the reach number of the reach containing the vertex with the "Reach" Key will be the value associated with the key. Similarly, if you want to associate a Tab File in the Surface-Water Routing Process with one or more reaches, one way to do that is to use "TabFile" as the key and then use that value in the SWR Tab Files dialog box to indicate the reaches that should be associated with a particular Tab File.

If the key "Reach" is used and the SWR process is being used, a third column will contain a button. Clicking this button will open the SWR Structures dialog box and add a new structure in it for that reach.

Vertices that have values associated with them are drawn as diamonds instead of squares.

See also: The Vertex Values tab of the Object Properties dialog box.

Functions that use Vertex Values:










See also: Object_VertexValue