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Show or Hide Objects Dialog Box

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The purpose of the Show or Hide Objects dialog box is to allow the user to change which objects (points, lines, and polygons) are visible in the main Working Area. It can also be used to select and edit objects. The Show or Hide Objects dialog box is displayed by selecting Object|Show or Hide Objects… or by clicking on the Show or hide objects button Show or Hide Objects button. The user can continue to work with the model while this dialog box is visible. The names of the objects are displayed on the terminal branches of a tree control. If an object is selected, it's name is displayed in a bold font. Any collapsed branch that contains a selected object is also shown in a bold font. Before the name of each object is a checkbox. The checkbox will be checked if the object is visible and unchecked if the object is hidden. The user can check or uncheck a checkbox next to an object’s name to show or hide that object.

Hiding objects does not deactivate them; it just makes the Working Area less cluttered. A typical reason to show some objects but not others would be to display only the objects that affect a particular data set. For example, to display only the objects that affect the Kx data set, the user would uncheck the checkbox next to All Objects to hide all the objects and then check the checkbox for Kx under Data Sets to show all the objects that directly affect Kx.

In addition to a checkbox, the main branches of the tree also have a plus or minus sign. The symbol will be a plus if the branch is open to display its subbranches or a minus if the branch is closed so that its sub branches are hidden. If the user clicks on this symbol, the branch will switch between the opened and closed state.

The checkboxes before the main branches will either be checked, unchecked or grayed. A checkbox will be checked if all the branches beneath it are checked. It will be unchecked if all the branches beneath it are unchecked. It will be grayed if some of the branches beneath it are checked and others are unchecked. If the user checks or unchecks the checkbox for one of the main branches, it will show or hide respectively all of the objects for the branches beneath it. If all of the objects beneath it are already visible, they all will be hidden. If any of the objects beneath it are hidden, they all will be made visible.

In three-dimensional SUTRA models, there will be an extra icon between the check box an the object name for objects on the front view of the model. The object will be a line indicating the angle of the cross section associated with the object. The line will be red if the angle of the cross section matches the angle associated with the object. Otherwise it will be gray. Clicking on the icon will cause the cross section to be rotated to match the angle of the object.

The main branches are labeled

All Objects,

Set Grid Cell Size,

Data Sets,

PHAST Boundary Conditions (PHAST models only)

MODFLOW Features (MODFLOW models only), and

Unused Objects.

All the objects are listed under All Objects. All the objects used to set the size of the grid cells or elements are listed under Set Grid Cell Size or Set Grid Element Size. In addition, the value the user has specified for the cell size will be displayed in parentheses after the name of the object. All the data sets are listed under Data Sets. Beneath each data set in Data Sets are listed all the objects that directly set the values of the data set. The method used to assign values to the data set and the formula used for each data set will be displayed in parentheses after the name of the object. All the boundary conditions, observations, and other similar features are listed under either PHAST Boundary Conditions or MODFLOW Features. Beneath each boundary condition, observation or other feature type are listed all the objects that directly set the values of that boundary condition, observation or feature type. Any objects that are not used to set the size of grid cells, or to set the value of one or more data sets, boundary conditions, observations, or other feature type are listed under Unused Objects.

The user can select or edit objects by right-clicking on the name of the object and selecting Select, Add to selection, Deselect, or Edit from the popup menu. The user can also edit an object by double-clicking on its name. When the user selects Select, the object will become selected in the main ModelMuse window and all other objects will be deselected. If the user selects Add to selection, the object will become selected but only objects that are not on the same view as the object will become deselected. If the user select Deselect, the object will become deselected. If the user selects Edit or double-clicks on an object’s name, the Object Properties dialog box will be displayed so the user can edit the object. To edit multiple objects simultaneously, the user can click the Edit selected objects button.

To move to an object, the user can select Go to from the popup menu. This will also make the object visible if it has been hidden.

The user can use the names of objects to show or select objects. To do this, specify whether you wish to Show or Select objects in the Choice box. If you specify Select, you must also specify whether the objects to be selected are on the Top, Front, or Side views of the model. Then enter part of the name of the object in the Search Term edit box and click the Show or Select buttons.

See also: Select Objects by Name dialog box and Search for Objects dialog box.