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Data Set Values Dialog Box

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The Data Set Values dialog box is used to displays all the values of the data set. The Data Set Values dialog box is displayed by selecting "Data|Display Data Set Values."

The data set to display is selected in the combo box at the bottom of the dialog box. If Local Grid Refinement is being used, the user must also select either the parent model or one of the child models for which values will be displayed. Values for each layer are displayed in a table when the layer number is selected in a list on the left. for MODFLOW 6 DISV models, the cell number is treated like a column number.

Multiple cells in the table may be selected by using the Ctrl or Shift keys on the keyboard while selecting cells. The data in the selected cells may than be copied to the clipboard using Ctrl-C.

All the data in a single table can be copied to the clipboard in a single step by clicking the Copy button. If the Copy row and column captions checkbox is checked, the captions will be included in the data copied to the clipboard. The data will be in a form that can be easily pasted into a spreadsheet program.

All the data in a data set can also be saved to a text file by clicking the Save button. The name of the data set will be saved on the first line of the file. The second line will list the number of layers, rows, and columns in that order. The rest of the file will consist of data values. Each line will contain data from one row of the data set from column 1 to the last column. The rows in each layer are listed from the first to the last row. The layers are listed from the first to the last layer.

If the values for a data set take a long time to calculate but are not likely to change, it may be advantageous to copy the data set values from the Data Set Values dialog box and then import them using the Import Gridded Data dialog box. The imported data can then by used to set the data set values instead of whatever method was used before.