This keyword data block is used to make copies of any of the numbered reactants, which include equilibrium-phase assemblages, exchange assemblages, gas phases, kinetic reactions, mix definitions, reactions, reaction-pressure definitions, reaction-temperature definitions, solid-solution assemblages, solutions, or surface assemblages. These reactants are usually defined by the EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES, EXCHANGE, GAS_PHASE, KINETICS, MIX, REACTION, REACTION_PRESSURE, REACTION_TEMPERATURE, SOLID_SOLUTIONS, SOLUTION, and SURFACE data blocks, but may be defined or modified with the SAVE, _RAW , or _MODIFY (see See Appendix A. Keyword Data Blocks for Programmers) data blocks.
Line 0: COPY equilibrium_phases 2 3-5
Line 0a: COPY exchange 1 11
Line 0b: COPY gas_phase 1 11
Line 0c: COPY kinetics 2 3-5
Line 0d: COPY mix 1 11
Line 0e: COPY reaction 1 11
Line 0f: COPY reaction_pressure 25 15
Line 0g: COPY reaction_temperature 2 3-5
Line 0h: COPY solid_solution 1 11
Line 0i: COPY solution 1 11
Line 0j: COPY surface 1 11
Line 0k: COPY cell 1 21
Line 0: COPY reactant source_number destination_number_range
COPY is the keyword for the data block.
reactant --The word “ cell ”, or one of the 10 reactants that can be identified by an integer-- equilibrium_phases , exchange , gas_phase , kinetics , mix , reaction , reaction_pressure , reaction_temperature , solid_solution , solution , or surface.
source_number --An integer designating the reactant to be copied. If reactant is cell , all reactants identified by source_number will be copied.
destination_number_range --A single number or a range of numbers designated by an integer followed by a hyphen, followed by an integer, with no intervening spaces. A copy of the source reactant will be made for each of the numbers in the range. If reactant is cell , all reactants identified by source_number will be copied for each of the numbers in the range.
The COPY operations are done after all reaction, advection, and transport calculations for a simulation, but before the DUMP and DELETE operations. If the reactant numbered source_number does not exist, the copy request is ignored. The source_number reactant will be copied so that after the copy operation, reactants will exist with each of the numbers designated by destination_number_range . If cell is designated for reactant , then for each reactant numbered source_number , a new copy will be generated for each number in the range given by destination_number_range . Unlike DELETE and DUMP, only a single number range is allowed for COPY . If a reactant with a specified number exists before the copy operation, that reactant will be overwritten.