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This keyword data block is used to delete reactants. Any reactant that is identified by an integer can be deleted, which includes reactants defined by EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES, EXCHANGE, GAS_PHASE, KINETICS, MIX, REACTION, REACTION_PRESSURE, REACTION_TEMPERATURE, SOLID_SOLUTIONS, SOLUTION, and SURFACE data blocks.

Example data block
Line 0: DELETE
Line 1:	-equilibrium_phases		
Line 2:	-exchange			2 4
Line 3:				3 5
Line 4:	-gas_phase			2-4 5
Line 5:	-kinetics			3-5 2
Line 6:	-mix			2 3
Line 6a:	-mix			4 5
Line 7:	-reaction      			2-3 4 5
Line 8:	-reaction_pressure			2 3 4-5
Line 9:	-reaction_temperature 
Line 3a:				2 3 4 5
Line 10:	-solid_solution
Line 3b:				5 4 3 2
Line 11:	-solution 			2 3 4 5
Line 12:	-surface
Line 3c:				2-3 4-5
Line 3d:				5
Line 13:	-cells			2-5
Line 14:	-all

Line 0: DELETE

DELETE is the keyword for the data block. No other data are input on the keyword line.

Line 1: -equilibrium_phases list_of_ranges

-equilibrium_phases --Identifier indicates that equilibrium-phase assemblages will be deleted. Optionally, -e [ quilibrium_phases ]; note that the hyphen is necessary to distinguish the identifier from the keyword EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES.

list_of_ranges --List of number ranges. The number ranges may be a single integer or a range defined by an integer, a hyphen, and an integer, without intervening spaces. Equilibrium-phase assemblages identified by any of the numbers in the list will be deleted. If list_of_ranges is empty, all equilibrium-phase-assemblage definitions will be deleted.

Line 2: -exchange list_of_ranges

-exchange --Identifier indicates that exchange assemblages will be deleted. Optionally, -ex [ change ]; note that the hyphen is necessary to distinguish the identifier from the keyword EXCHANGE.

list_of_ranges --List of number ranges. The number ranges may be a single integer or a range defined by an integer, a hyphen, and an integer, without intervening spaces. Exchange assemblages identified by any of the numbers in the list will be deleted. If list_of_ranges is empty, all exchange-assemblage definitions will be deleted.

Line 3: list_of_ranges

list_of_ranges --List of number ranges. The number ranges may be a single integer or a range defined by an integer, a hyphen, and an integer, without intervening spaces. Line 3 can be used to begin a list of ranges or to continue a list of ranges.

Line 4: -gas_phase list_of_ranges

-gas_phase --Identifier indicates that gas phases will be deleted. Optionally, -g [ as_phase ]; note that the hyphen is necessary to distinguish the identifier from the keyword GAS_PHASE.

list_of_ranges --List of number ranges. The number ranges may be a single integer or a range defined by an integer, a hyphen, and an integer, without intervening spaces. Gas phases identified by any of the numbers in the list will be deleted. If list_of_ranges is empty, all gas-phase definitions will be deleted.

Line 5: -kinetics list_of_ranges

-kinetics --Identifier indicates that kinetic reactants will be deleted. Optionally, -k [ inetics ]; note that the hyphen is necessary to distinguish the identifier from the keyword KINETICS.

list_of_ranges --List of number ranges. The number ranges may be a single integer or a range defined by an integer, a hyphen, and an integer, without intervening spaces. Kinetics reactants identified by any of the numbers in the list will be deleted. If list_of_ranges is empty, all kinetic-reaction definitions will be deleted.

Line 6: -mix list_of_ranges

-mix --Identifier indicates that solution mix definitions will be deleted. Optionally, -m [ ix ]; note that the hyphen is necessary to distinguish the identifier from the keyword MIX.

list_of_ranges --List of number ranges. The number ranges may be a single integer or a range defined by an integer, a hyphen, and an integer, without intervening spaces. Mix definitions identified by any of the numbers in the list will be deleted. If list_of_ranges is empty, all mix definitions will be deleted.

Line 7: -reaction list_of_ranges

-reaction --Identifier indicates that reactions will be deleted. Optionally, -r [ eaction ]; note that the hyphen is necessary to distinguish the identifier from the keyword REACTION.

list_of_ranges --List of number ranges. The number ranges may be a single integer or a range defined by an integer, a hyphen, and an integer, without intervening spaces. Reactions identified by any of the numbers in the list will be deleted. If list_of_ranges is empty, all reaction definitions will be deleted.

Line 8: -reaction_pressure list_of_ranges

-reaction_pressure --Identifier indicates that reaction-pressure definitions will be deleted. Optionally, -reaction_p [ ressure ], pressure , or -pr [ essure ]; note that the hyphen is necessary to distinguish the identifier from the keyword REACTION_PRESSURE.

list_of_ranges --List of number ranges. The number ranges may be a single integer or a range defined by an integer, a hyphen, and an integer, without intervening spaces. Reaction-pressure definitions identified by any of the numbers in the list will be deleted. If list_of_ranges is empty, all reaction-pressure definitions will be deleted.

Line 9: -reaction_temperature list_of_ranges

-reaction_temperature --Identifier indicates that reaction-temperature definitions will be deleted. Optionally, -reaction_ [ temperature ], temperature , or -t [ emperature ]; note that the hyphen is necessary to distinguish the identifier from the keyword REACTION_TEMPERATURE.

list_of_ranges --List of number ranges. The number ranges may be a single integer or a range defined by an integer, a hyphen, and an integer, without intervening spaces. Reaction-temperature definitions identified by any of the numbers in the list will be deleted. If list_of_ranges is empty, all reaction-temperature definitions will be deleted.

Line 10: -solid_solution list_of_ranges

-solid_solution --Identifier indicates that solid-solution assemblages will be deleted. Optionally, -soli [ d_solutions ]; note that the hyphen is necessary to distinguish the identifier from the keyword SOLID_SOLUTIONS.

list_of_ranges --List of number ranges. The number ranges may be a single integer or a range defined by an integer, a hyphen, and an integer, without intervening spaces. Solid-solution assemblages identified by any of the numbers in the list will be deleted. If list_of_ranges is empty, all solid-solution assemblage definitions will be deleted.

Line 11: -solution list_of_ranges

-solution --Identifier indicates that solutions will be deleted. Optionally, -s [ olution ]; note that the hyphen is necessary to distinguish the identifier from the keyword SOLUTION.

list_of_ranges --List of number ranges. The number ranges may be a single integer or a range defined by an integer, a hyphen, and an integer, without intervening spaces. Solutions identified by any of the numbers in the list will be deleted. If list_of_ranges is empty, all solution definitions will be deleted.

Line 12: -surface list_of_ranges

-surface --Identifier indicates that surface assemblages will be deleted. Optionally, -su [ rfaces ]; note that the hyphen is necessary to distinguish the identifier from the keyword SURFACE.

list_of_ranges --List of number ranges. The number ranges may be a single integer or a range defined by an integer, a hyphen, and an integer, without intervening spaces. Surface assemblages identified by any of the numbers in the list will be deleted. If list_of_ranges is empty, all surface-assemblage definitions will be deleted.

Line 13: -cells list_of_ranges

-cells --Identifier indicates that all reactants identified by a specified number will be deleted, including equilibrium-phase assemblages, exchanger assemblages, gas phases, kinetic reactants, mix definitions, reaction definitions, reaction-temperature definitions, solid-solution assemblages, solutions, and surface assemblages. Optionally, -c [ ells ].

list_of_ranges --List of number ranges. The number ranges may be a single integer or a range defined by an integer, a hyphen, and an integer, without intervening spaces. Reactants of any type that are identified by any of the numbers in the list will be deleted. If list_of_ranges is empty, all numbered reactants of all types will be deleted (same as - all ) .

Line 14: -all

-all --All numbered reactants of all types will be deleted.


The DELETE data block allows reactants to be deleted. All definitions in the example at the beginning of this section, except the first, delete reactants numbered 2 through 5. The first definition, -equilibrium_phases with no list_of_ranges, causes all equilibrium-phase-assemblage definitions to be deleted. The DELETE operations follow the COPY and DUMP operations and are the last operations of a simulation.

Usually, it is not necessary to use the DELETE data block in PHREEQC simulations because new definitions of reactants automatically overwrite old definitions and all reactants are deleted at the end of a run. The DELETE data block may be useful to remove reactants from cells between advection or transport calculations, to conserve memory during a run, or for reinitializing IPhreeqc modules (Charlton and Parkhurst, 2011).

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